Cranberry is a great color for something a little rosier than MLBB. It's not too cool toned or too bright either. You can wear it under just about anything. I'd say that it might turn a bit orange for really pale NW people, but if you're NC, it's a natural color with a little extra pizazz that will give definition without altering the color of your lipstick too much. It's not flashy or the sort of thing like CYY or Heroine where you're using it to make a crisp line for a strong lipstick color; it's just the sort of lip pencil you want when you need your lipstick to stay looking perfect all day while you drink and eat It's not announced when it'll be back yet, but maybe with the summer collection?
Thank you, I'm NW13, but I have dark, warmish hair, eyes, and eyebrows, so I sometimes find NC stuff better. Having been a student for a very long time (just finished my PhD), I'm hoping to get a proper job this year, so this sounds like Cranberry could be useful.

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uk schedules