MAC Pro Product Price / Cost Questions


Well-known member
Julia Vanhorn: you wouldnt have to drive to South Beach for the pro store. Theres one in Orlando you can go to too
hth....though itll probably still be very far for u


Well-known member
How much are e/s pro pans?

I thought that they were the same as pots from the counter, but someone said they were $10.


Well-known member
Do they sell sample jars at the pro stores?

Do the pro stores sell the sample jars with the black lids? How much do they cost? What sizes do they sell? TIA!


Well-known member
I've ordered them through the PRO website, and they were $3.50 each, so I'm guessing the counters have them, too. However, they're expensive and you can get much cheaper ones from wholesalers on Ebay or by doing a yahoo search.



I've never had to pay for a sample jar from MAC. When I'm buying anything, I just ask if they have any and I've always been able to get a few when I need them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mrstucker
I've ordered them through the PRO website, and they were $3.50 each, so I'm guessing the counters have them, too. However, they're expensive and you can get much cheaper ones from wholesalers on Ebay or by doing a yahoo search.


I go to the pro store often and never heard of buying the ones with the black top and paying that much for it. the jars that I have seen that the pro store has are $1.5 each and are stackables [clear with mac printed on the side] they also sell the pigment jars I believe for $3 or $3.50 each, they also have the jars [like with the lose blot powder] for sale as well, in two different sizes. I dont know the prices for those off hand though.


Well-known member
Are you talking about those that have MAC on the lid?


Or do you mean the empty pigment jars?

You should get those little black MAC jars for free or when you ask for a sample of something!


Well-known member
There are also the small stackable jars. Speaking of which, I need to order more! I love those little things!


Well-known member
one time i asked for a sample of golden lemon pigment, and the stupid girl just flicked the tiniest little bit into some white close top plastic thing. i mean it, it was the smallest amount you could possible imagine. it wasnt even enough to put on one eye. what a bitch. even after i bought like 60 dollars worth of stuff from her.
i've never asked for a sample again.


Well-known member
empty containers from mac pro

hey all. i've searched for threads relating to this but i can't find any, even though i know they are out there somewhere! i've been looking for about 20 minutes and i can't find what i'm looking for. anyway.

i want to order some empty containers from mac pro. i was wondering if anyone can tell me the prices of the following:
pigment sample jars (.25 oz?)
loose powder jars (like the ones the loose blot powder comes in)

and does anyone know the mac pro number off the top of their head?


p.s. mods, move this if necessary...i wasn't sure where to put it.



Well-known member
mac pro numbers:
looked these all up last night are
NY 212.505.3563
TX 214.360.0990
FL (orlando) 407.363.5124
FL 305.604.9040
LV 702.369.8770
LA 310.271.9137
SF 415.771.6113

I donno if thats all of them or not.. I think I'm mising one in CA but donno anyways hope that helps


Well-known member
do I need a pro membership

Do I have to have a pro membership to order these empty containers from MAC?


Well-known member
YAY!! Thanks so much!
I want to get some for mixing my own custom pigments!!!
(I have been interested in mixing some be eyshadows with pigments too. fun fun fun!)


Well-known member
How much is MAC's pro invisible set powder (CDN$)? Thanks!

... I think I overpaid, in all my eBay excitement.. *sigh*... without even knowing retail price, I went and upped my bid. Please someone tell me it's quite an expensive pro item, or really hard to get, or..


Well-known member
Invisible set powder is a Pro Product so you can only get it by visiting a Pro store or by mail order. It's not rare though. It costs the same as regular set powders which is currently $20, CA$24 for a pot.