MAC Pro Product Price / Cost Questions


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ExquisiteImages
They are also sold at all MAC Freestanding stores.

are they really sold at freestanding stores too?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by noahlowryfan
are they really sold at freestanding stores too?

Yes, really.


Well-known member
Pro Prices ??

Hi i was wondering how much the pro pans and the palettes are?
i need some asap and i gotta make sure i aint paying more than
i really need to. I have yet to send in my macpro application. /=
soon, but until then ...


Well-known member
Re: Pro Prices ??

Pro Pans are $10.50
Pro Palettes - 15 slot are $12.00
Pro Palettes - 4 slot are $3.50

You don't have to be a pro member to get them.


Well-known member
MAC Pro help - UK prices

Hey everyone

Right ive decided to get some items from MAC pro for my birthday and was wondering if anyone could help me on prices (UK) for general items like the pallets and eyeshadow refills, also i am wanting VAE which they have, does anyone think they will still have it on friday when i phone? As i have been looking on the MAC UK website and they dont have it yet it is in store and i really really want it lol.

Thanks for any help

Nessy xx


Well-known member
MAC Pro store


I live in the Toronto area and would like to know if we have a mac pro store.
If we do, how much are the eye shadows? Is the eye shadow the same price as a mac store.

thank you


Well-known member
Re: MAC Pro store

Are the prices the same as a regular mac store? For example, the eyeshadows etc. Sorry , I am new to this.

thank you


Well-known member
Re: MAC Pro store

Yes all the prices are the same. The store is located at 363 Queen St. East not far from City TV.


prices on mac pro - cost of lipsticks and shadows

I couldn't find a pricelist for mac pro anywhwre so I was hoping someone here could help me? I'm specially interested in the the lipsticks and the refil eyeshadow pans.


Well-known member
Re: prices om mac pro?

Hi Synthetic where are you located?

MACpro's prices are basically the same as MAC, pre tax, so it's depending on the tax too. The pricelist is for members only/MACpro holders though.

In Canada the refill eyeshadow pans are sold in the freestanding stores though, so I am assuming that's also the case in the US. HTH


Well-known member
Re: prices om mac pro?

Why would the pricelist be only for members if it's basically the same? Shouldn't there be a retail price before the members get their discounts?


Re: prices om mac pro?

I see! I live in sweden so we don't hade mac pro. But a friend om mine is going to new york so I'm giving her a shoppinglist

Edit: But the refill pans must be cheaper than a regular eyeshadow? I have absolutely no idea how much tey cost so I don't know how much money to give her.


Well-known member
Re: prices om mac pro?

Well if I remember correctly the pro pans in the US are $10 and regular pots $14.50 (post increase)

In the UK they are £7.50 and £10 respectively.

The prices you can only see if you are a Pro member and logged into the website. It's not necessarily true that the "pricelist" itself is restricted to members cos if u went to a Pro store you could see the prices of and buy any Pro products you wanted. In any case, prices are the same as regular stores and counters. The only prices you may not know of are those product lines which are exclusively Pro (e.g paintsticks)