MAC, prom & my husband.


Well-known member
hahahah my poor boyfriend. he is with me during pretty much all my makeup purchases. lol, he's picking up on things really quick.
his mom and aunt were apparently quizzing him the other day and they were like, "what's Heatherette?"
his response:
"it's a new collection from mac with things like lolipop loving and stuff" (or something along those lines is what he said)



Well-known member
My husband has one response- "looks nice!" with a sweet honest smile. I'm never sure if he actually looked at my makeup or not, but it's good of him to try! He does like to poke through my stuff once in a while, and he thinks the colors look cool- and he put my blush on for me once, and applied it perfectly!


Well-known member
That's too funny!

My bf always tries to say something nice or helpful. He either says something like "it's pretty" and look hopeful because he's worried he'll say the wrong thing. If I ask him to say more he'll say something that I'm not even wearing. Like he's say "I like the blue part" when I'm not even wearing blue. Weeeird. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
Once in a while my man will come to the counter with me and he will look at the colors and comment sometimes.I think it's soooo cute!!When the chromeglasses came out he was like,I like this one,it's hot!Or sometimes he will sit on one of the stools.So funny!!

lol my husband has sat on one of the stools too. i told him to get off unless he wants his makeup done haha

sometimes when i'm too caught up online and he wants attention, i'll give it to him but when i do he'll sarcastically say, "no no.. go on playing with your fafis and heatherettes and whatever" lol.


Well-known member
the same thing happened to me only it happened to me twice saturdays in a row. i hate prom time especially when i need to make a trip to the mac store. they're so incredibly busy that it makes my head hurt.


Well-known member
LOL this post is too funny and cute!

My boyfriend is the same, he kind of mocks me when I'm at MAC. He'll say something that makes NO SENSE like, "You know, I'm really oily around my O-zone area. Like when you highlight your lip, it makes your cheeks pop." Or I'll ask him if something looks nice and he says, "No, it's ugly. It'll look better on me." HAHAHAHAHAH! I'm like "Shut the F*** up! You're so stupid!" hahahaha

I love him! hahahaha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by patty0411
LOL this post is too funny and cute!

My boyfriend is the same, he kind of mocks me when I'm at MAC. He'll say something that makes NO SENSE like, "You know, I'm really oily around my O-zone area. Like when you highlight your lip, it makes your cheeks pop." Or I'll ask him if something looks nice and he says, "No, it's ugly. It'll look better on me." HAHAHAHAHAH! I'm like "Shut the F*** up! You're so stupid!" hahahaha

I love him! hahahaha

sooo funny!


Well-known member
Hahaha, my bf comments my makeup without me asking (positive though).

Like once I had just bought a new blush and he was like "Wow, that blush really brightens your face, you look tanned. it's really pretty!"
So cute.

he also helped me pick out an e/s and he was like "well, if you apply it sheer it will look really pretty with your coloring"

Hahaha, I'm a makeup freak and his brothers girlfriend is an MA so it's probably our fault...


Well-known member
I just hit four years with mine, and spent an extra long time putting my own spin on a smoky green and gold look by Christine at Temptalia. At dinner, out of nowhere, he told me I had "very sexypants makeups"! Whatta guy, eh? ;D

I love that he supports and encourages my love of makeup... maybe it's cos it gets me to leave him alone while he's playing his silly video games, haha ;D


Well-known member
Just wait till evening time to go into MAC in the spring, That way all the little girlies will be getting their pictures taken and will have already cleared the MU counters.

I love how men react to girl things. My Man is getting a little jealous of my new found MU sites . He says whenever i I try to spend time with you you're on Make Up alley ... And when I joined here he was like oh no another one

Miss Rose

awww thats so adorable! Everytime i do my makeup my bf sits by me and just "studies" the application lol. Believe it or not he spritzes Studio Fix everyday after shaving now hahaha
-its a turn on dont you think?lol


Well-known member
When we were going out recently, I asked my husband what eyeshadow I should wear. I know he doesn't really care and didn't expect much of an answer but he gave it a tiny bit of thought and replied "Pink metal!". It turned out to be Pink Opal he was trying to describe, so I guess that was a reasonable attempt.

He also pointed out some mascara reviews in a television listings magazine he was flicking through last weekend and declared, "No MAC! You won't like that". His usual comment as soon as he sees any make-up these days is, "You're NOT buying that!" no matter what it is ...
My boyfriend always ask "why do you need 50 eyeshadows that are the same color?" which of course they aren't they are all different shades of blue, purple and green ect... you get my point.


Well-known member
My boyfriend is so cute... the other day, I was telling him about how much I liked the Finery lipstick packaging... then I said, "But the bright pink packaging is better."
He goes, "oh, the Heatherette stuff you have at home?" LOL.

And then he knew how excited I was about the Fafi collection... I wanted to go to MAC but didn't wanna drive an hour+ to get there. He was like, "let's go babe... I'll take you to go see your Foofoo."

He is toooooo cute!


Well-known member
haha my bf always looks at me when I get home with makeup and says " do you really need another pigment? He never complains when I wear it though


Well-known member
awwww!! haha!! it's amazing how much interest men actually take in what we do to get prettified. lol.

my own fiance normally comments on my looks on his own and he likes all of them. i get like a "sexy" or "looking pretty" or even "cute". lol. when i do my makeup in front of him he'll sit and watch me and even offers to do something. The last time it was lip gloss. haha!!
him -"lemme do it!! lemme do it!!"
me - "but you're gonna get it all over my face!!" (meaning around my lips)
him - "No im not...GIMME!!"
me - "fine here...."
he didn't do a half bad job of staying in my lip area.

he doesn't like it when i use lipglosses before i come to see him because he ends up with sparkly lips. lol. other then that he has no issue with what i do.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_mallory
My Boyfriend Uses Fix+ Too!

lol so does mine! he'll do it either after I do, after the shower, or after he shaves. he'll grab it from me and be like, "I want to feel refreshed too!" haha

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