MAC, prom & my husband.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by imperfectbeauty

he doesn't like it when i use lipglosses before i come to see him because he ends up with sparkly lips. lol. other then that he has no issue with what i do.

haha, my husband hates lipgloss, especially the sparkly ones cuz they get on his lips and mustache. sometimes he goes to work with a little glitter stuck in his 'stache. i don't think that's a good look for sailors. haha!

BUUUT tendertones on the other hand.. he loves that stuff cuz it smells good & isnt sticky!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xoleaxo
haha, my husband hates lipgloss, especially the sparkly ones cuz they get on his lips and mustache. sometimes he goes to work with a little glitter stuck in his 'stache. i don't think that's a good look for sailors. haha!

BUUUT tendertones on the other hand.. he loves that stuff cuz it smells good & isnt sticky!

haha!! yea i have to tell my fiance to clean his lips off unless he wants to go to work sparkly and pretty looking and then i get a glare. haha!!

i will try those out!! i need something more moisturizing but not a gloss so i'll check them out the next time i go to mac.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by patty0411
LOL this post is too funny and cute!

My boyfriend is the same, he kind of mocks me when I'm at MAC. He'll say something that makes NO SENSE like, "You know, I'm really oily around my O-zone area. Like when you highlight your lip, it makes your cheeks pop." Or I'll ask him if something looks nice and he says, "No, it's ugly. It'll look better on me." HAHAHAHAHAH! I'm like "Shut the F*** up! You're so stupid!" hahahaha

I love him! hahahaha

haha my boyfriend does that too..I just punch him and tell him I won't play Halo with him later if he doesn't stop ;] (I'm addicted..don't tell anybody). Or he'll pick up the really bright stuff and be like "Wtf do hookers shop here too?" I just sigh and walk away.. Whenever I ask how I look he looks me in the eyes and says "You look beautiful.". It's good enough for me! The only thing he doesn't like is when I wear lipgloss cause it gets all over him..He doesn't say anything about it but when we're done kissing he immediately rubs the hell out of his lips and then starts kissing me again.
It's adorable.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kcphoto
I just hit four years with mine, and spent an extra long time putting my own spin on a smoky green and gold look by Christine at ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. At dinner, out of nowhere, he told me I had "very sexypants makeups"! Whatta guy, eh? ;D

I love that he supports and encourages my love of makeup... maybe it's cos it gets me to leave him alone while he's playing his silly video games, haha ;D

LOL my bf calls me 'sexypants' all the time


Active member
Originally Posted by serendipityii
And then he knew how excited I was about the Fafi collection... I wanted to go to MAC but didn't wanna drive an hour+ to get there. He was like, "let's go babe... I'll take you to go see your Foofoo."

am tearing up laughing here in my office cube!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
Once in a while my man will come to the counter with me and he will look at the colors and comment sometimes.I think it's soooo cute!!When the chromeglasses came out he was like,I like this one,it's hot!Or sometimes he will sit on one of the stools.So funny!!

hahaha, that's so cute!


Well-known member
Thats hilarious! And you are totally right about staying away from the MAC counter around prom's a nightmare.
My husband is hilarious when it comes to me and my makeup. Thank the Lord he understands my obsession. He always makes fun of the names of the eye shadows. He's always like, "who comes up with this stuff?? That would be the best job ever." lThen he'll make up dirty, stupid, hilarious names for random products I'm using. Some of them are pretty good however. It's a game we play...we're dorks. And then my big dream was to make my own makeup brand where I'll design the packaging and the products and he'll name them. And he's always like, "that would be the crappiest brand...ever." lolol
But he doesn't really like sticky lip gloss. When I got my Tendertones, he was like, eeeeww. But then he smelled them and I think he would actually carry one in his pocket and wear it if he didn't have the risk of being made fun of.
He's a sweetheart though. I think he secretly likes the MAC store and gladly supports my crazy spending with it...because then he doesn't feel so bad for spending money on his car and

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