MAC Punk Couture Collection (December 26, 2013)


Well-known member
I seem to have missed the big code debate in this thread (I know the code, but I mean I missed all the  :thdrama: )  but I just have to add one thing to that discussion...
Disclaimer: This is no way represents how I feel about the whole "who should know the code" debate.  This gif was just begging to be included in the discussion. Can't waste a perfect opportunity like that!  And now, back to your regularly scheduled makeup addiction... 
Wow this code thing is new. I had to take time off for awhile so am clueless. If anyone wants to enlighten me please do lol. I don't want any drama lol. I don't blame u for throwing in the gif chosenone.


Well-known member
@PradaCandy, thanks for posting the maybelline lipsticks and comparison swatches. I can't find them where I live but plan to hit up a Rite Aid when I visit family for the upcoming holiday.
Good luck hope u find them. I went to Walmart today and they had some of the lipsticks there but some crazy nut job opened lipsticks n tried them on and 2 of of them looked like someone too a bite out of them :*0. I was pissed I wanted to tru


Well-known member
From what I understand the code wasn't even supposed to be directly mentioned either so that failed. No one would have felt targeted if that had been done but people just kept mentioning it of course others who don't know are gonna ask and maybe feel excluded. All these post about the code kind of negate the effectiveness of it.


Well-known member
From what I understand the code wasn't even supposed to be directly mentioned either so that failed.
Some already knew that there was already some sort of code/buddy system going on because there were complaints of feeling left out or not being responded to when the system was used and people didn't know what the posts meant and the fact that it existed wasn't really a secret. It just wasn't used consistently.


Well-known member
Some already knew that there was already some sort of code/buddy system going on because there were complaints of feeling left out or not being responded to when the system was used and people didn't know what the posts meant and the fact that it existed wasn't really a secret. It just wasn't used consistently.
Granted but I don't think the issue would have been as large as what's happening in this thread now. I've seen threads where maybe one poster mentioned that they were confused the originator would have then sent a Pm and the thread moved on without a fuss. Also lurkers are now aware that it exist. For me it still would make more sense for this part of the site to be private and not viewable by lurkers.


Well-known member
Granted but I don't think the issue would have been as large as what's happening in this thread now. I've seen threads where maybe one poster mentioned that they were confused and the thread moved on. Also lurkers are now aware that it exist
:shrugs: I don't know...this whole thing spiraled out of control quickly. The code had been mentioned before this thread too but for whatever reason the stars were aligned just right for this one to become Armageddon lol. So either way, lurkers that are pros at lurking around here probably knew something existed because it's been mentioned as recently as the whole "let's PM everybody when a restock of the RiRi Fall items or Retro Matte items come back up" discussions. Not to be flippant about it or anything but...
Can't change what's already out there so all anyone can do is move on and call it a day. It would be nice if it could private I guess but I think there was an issue with the logistics behind trying to do that. I think a link for ideas surrounding that or any other suggestions has been posted? I haven't visited it but I think that's what it was supposed to be for (correct me if I'm wrong please).


Well-known member
From what I understand the code wasn't even supposed to be directly mentioned either so that failed. No one would have felt targeted if that had been done but people just kept mentioning it of course other who don't know are gonna ask and maybe feel excluded. All these post about the code kind of negate the effectiveness of it. I will EDIT this post later so please don't quote
There in lies the problem with the "you're in and you're out," "we like you and we don't like you," and the " you get the code and you can't." It's the us against them mentality. It is very childish and very high school and most of all cliquish. It's not fair. It reminds me of a group of folks sitting around a dinner table and everyone is speaking BUT some people are speaking French, some English and some whatever ( you get the point). You run into a situation where people who are supposed to be talking with each other are speaking over each other, about each other, and around each other. Is this how grown adults are supposed to behave and over $&@% makeup. The folks who broke the unspoken code or were unaware of it because they did not get it, let's forgive them and move on. One possible suggestion: When ladies join Spectra, they should receive an email outlining all of the dos and donts of what to say and what to post. An etiquette guide for Spectra. That way people won't have to receive nasty PMs and condescending post to what they write. It's simple: when folks know better, they do better. It's not fair to guess or learn by trial and error and be castigated for doing so. That's my two cents. Let's work together, not against each other. Let's help each other and not refer to people as w$&@. No one who "broke the rules" did so out of malice. In fact, an email or notice should go out to everyone today or tomorrow reminding folks that if you come across a store (online or retail) that has a restock of this or leftover stock of that to ALWAYS ask members to PM you for the details. It sounds simple but maybe the lesson in all of this is that it bears repeating because some may have forgotten. Maybe it can be a disclaimer on every page at the very top or on the right hand side. Okay. I'm going to get off of my soapbox.


Well-known member
Granted but I don't think the issue would have been as large as what's happening in this thread now. I've seen threads where maybe one poster mentioned that they were confused the originator would have then sent a Pm and the thread moved on without a fuss. Also lurkers are now aware that it exist. For me it still would make more sense for this part of the site to be private and not viewable by lurkers.[/quote] That's one of the best ideas I've heard on the topic.


Well-known member
My goodness what have I done... I'M SORRY EVERYONE! I genuinely regret posting what I did. Can we please just let it go? I didn't mean to cause hostility. Can't we all just be friends? :(


Well-known member
No Specktra member should have felt excluded re: the code, system, etc.. When I saw it mentioned in a thread, I pm'ed someone and was almost immediately pm'ed back with info. I have spread the word to other members who inquired about it. It wasn't exclusionary of members IMHO; it was created as a way to actually protect members who wanted to get a chance to purchase items before they were sucked up by resellers. Let's face it; the MAC "game" of releasing LE products has grown tremendously in the past year and certain people have seized upon that knowledge to make a lucrative business out of reselling on eBay. Anyone who was up stalking the Fall Riri Collection when it released on the department store sites knows what I am talking about; items were selling out in a matter of minutes. In my five years of collecting MAC, I have never seen anything like it. I was lucky to get anything from the collection. The system was an attempt at letting fellow Specktra members get these items before the lurkers/resellers did. Not a means to be cliquish, bullies etc.. Nobody will bite anyone's head off if they want to know what it is; that didn't happen to me when I inquired about it. I'm truly sorry to any members who felt or feel that way. But it was devised as a way to help all of us have a fair shot at getting the makeup we love and want. That's all, and again, imho, is not inherently a bad thing.