MAC Punk Couture Collection (December 26, 2013)


Well-known member
My Instigator arrived today broken (Yes, I ordered on Dec 26th and it just arrived today!).

I obviously sent it back. Such a shame! But honestly, it was probably too dark for me anyway! Loving PC though!


Well-known member
I didn't have any issues with my PC being patchy(used straight from the tube) like when I tried on Instigator. It may have been the carmex that helped. So I'm going to wear Instigator tonight with my carmex underneath to see if that helps.
Do you use carmex from the tub, tube, or stick? Lol


Well-known member
I was just talking to my sister about this. It HAS to be Carmex from the tub. The others don't quite cut it. lol
Lol, I stopped using carmex years ago but if it helps you put on this lipstick, I'll find a substitute based on the consistency of the one in the tub


Well-known member
I love PC. But would someone please let me know how to prevent the hideous patchiness?! Thanks in advance :)


Well-known member
I finally wore PC yesterday! And I'm in love! Glad I ordered a bu from Nordstrom
WOW!!!! Did you use a lipliner? If so which one? It looks like it was made for you!!


Well-known member
I love PC. But would someone please let me know how to prevent the hideous patchiness?! Thanks in advance :)
I think some people use mac prep and prime its so strange because all the lipsticks in this collection went on smooth I wonder if some people got different batch


Well-known member
I really like dark outsider over nude lips, it gives a subtle punk look . I ordered mine for kicks after seeing it over SK and tried it alone and really like it. It's hard to catch it on camera, did anyone else get dark outsider?


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Lip erase is a product MAC offers that erases any natural color your lips might have. Some people use it to get colors to show more boldly or true to how they look in the tube. P&P is Prep & Prime, which is a product you use before lipstick to help it go on more smoothly and last longer. It's particularly helpful when wearing matte lipsticks because it provides a kind of barrier between your lips and the lipstick so it doesn't dry them out as much. (That doesn't mean you shouldn't still exfoliate/condition your lips though!)

Ive never tried P&P, would you put balm on first and then let it sink in and then apply the P&P over it?

Quote: Originally Posted by erine1881

P&P provides some moisturizing properties to it, but you still want to moisturize before applying any lip products. However, when applying P&P, you can't have ANY lip product on your lips, so you need to remove any and all lip products before applying it. So make sure all moisturizer is removed first.

What erine said!! I usually put lip conditioner on before I start doing my makeup. That gives it time to give my lips some real hydration. Then when I'm ready to do my lips (I usually do them last), I blot off any excess conditioner/balm, put on the P&P lip, wait half a minute or so for it to get a little tacky, and then put my lipstick on.

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
PC with nick2 on top
This is pretty!
quote name="ladymeag" url="/t/185131/mac-punk-couture-collection-december-26-2013/8550#post_2542563"] I'm waiting to be enabled on lipglass in general and would love to see more lipglass over Hautecore. Reds and purples - something to convince me I need lipglass. :) 
My first full face pic! This angle showed the lippie best.... This is a light layer of Hautecore, Hellbound l/g (Magnetic Nudes) and TTT liner (Riri Fall). I had to go to the mall that day and I wasn't feeling brave enough to wear a black lip lol. I haven't tried any other glosses over Hautecore, but this lippie seems very versatile.
[/quote] Vry nice combo. It looks great on you!
I think there are some in the CB you look great no matter what the color lipstick is... I don't know whether to hate you or love you lol. it looks great on you. I can't wait to get mine.
Thanks Lou!!!! Hahahaha :D
Hi all! I'm a little late but here is a quick pic of me wearing instigator. I loveeeee this color! I had originally missed out but thanks to our lovely members on Specktra [@]butterflyeyes[/@] I was able to get it :hug: thanks hun! Btw, please excuse my lack of a full face. It's Monday and I had my annual gyno appointment today (oh joy right?). All went well except I am anemic and need to get on some iron pills. Anywho, off topic now. Lol
Instigator is beautiful on you!

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
Well, I ended up with all the lippies... Instigator is suppppppper dark on me, almost black. And the only way I like Punk Couture on me is with Stone lip pencil underneath (it gets really dark on me too). Studded Kiss is alright. I really want to get Brick because I think the two together will give me the look I'm looking for. And surprisingly Hautecore is the most impressive. It's such an opaque, creamy, matte black. And I have no idea how, but I almost feel like it's wearable too lol.
I really like Hautecore too!
Besides different liners, sometimes you don't even need to change liners and just need to change up your blush color instead. You may need to use a blush that has a little less obvious peach or pink and go for a very neutral nude color instead. If it has a bit of a greyed out, softened and "dirty" or shaded effect, it will create a more neutral backdrop for these very strong colors. Same thing with the eye makeup. Your standard nude shadow might be the wrong shade to combine with these. Personally, I can't wear any of my usual cream colors or a lot of my other nude colors with PC…they're not gold, but they wind up pulling more gold, because PC is so cool in comparison. I've opted for greyed out icy mauves, barely pink neutrals and purpley taupes with PC and when the whole look is on my face, it still looks like I'm wearing a neutral eye, because of the entire color balance.  You'll make it work!!! Warming these lipsticks up is 100% important. Remember, if you put a light enough layer on, they will still warm and set for a while and they definitely smooth out just like magic like that, without being absolutely microscope perfect when first applied. I find the colors become richer and more vibrant too, once they've had time to blend with my lips. LOVE. :heart: One person's perfect dupe is another's drastically different shade, especially with these newer formulas. That's one of the great things about Specktra - so many different people post photos, it's easier to see the whole range of possibilities from one lipstick. As makeup lovers, 'gotta admit that we all probably have multiples of colors all in the same general family. So non-makeup lover would think our whole collections were dupes, lol. :angel:
Liba, your always so helpful to others with your suggestions and information. :)
More pic spam! Instigator + Currant.
BuickMackane you look so awesome woman!

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
Happy New Year ladies!!! The only lippie I wore from this collection so far is instigator and I LOVEEEEE it!!! I didn't catch up on the thread yet but I seen some pics and everyone looks lovely in their items.
You look beautiful!
Got my Instigator last night and I love it. Please don't mind my slightly untamed brows and lack of makeup. lol
Rock on Naomi!!!!
Wearing hautecore and loving it.
Hautecore looks fabulous on you!
I got to play with the lippies! And I have to agree PC is pretty patchy... :-/ I've been thinking of purchasing prep+prime lip..-does it really work well on dry lips??
Super duper gorgeous!!!!


Well-known member

I finally wore PC today. I really like it. Application is difficult but you ladies have provided great tips I will try next time.


I love how PC looks so different on everyone. It's a bit of a chameleon.

Quote: Originally Posted by jackwhereisjill
Love it!!!!!!!! that is how instigator pulls on me and I did use a currant liner ... Im going to try PC again both colors are BEAUTIFUL on you

Quote: Originally Posted by Pretty Honeybee

BuickMackane you look so awesome woman!
Thank you so much!

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