Besides different liners, sometimes you don't even need to change liners and just need to change up your blush color instead. You may need to use a blush that has a little less obvious peach or pink and go for a very neutral nude color instead. If it has a bit of a greyed out, softened and "dirty" or shaded effect, it will create a more neutral backdrop for these very strong colors. Same thing with the eye makeup. Your standard nude shadow might be the wrong shade to combine with these. Personally, I can't wear any of my usual cream colors or a lot of my other nude colors with PC…they're not gold, but they wind up pulling more gold, because PC is so cool in comparison. I've opted for greyed out icy mauves, barely pink neutrals and purpley taupes with PC and when the whole look is on my face, it still looks like I'm wearing a neutral eye, because of the entire color balance. You'll make it work!!! Warming these lipsticks up is 100% important. Remember, if you put a light enough layer on, they will still warm and set for a while and they definitely smooth out just like magic like that, without being absolutely microscope perfect when first applied. I find the colors become richer and more vibrant too, once they've had time to blend with my lips. LOVE.

One person's perfect dupe is another's drastically different shade, especially with these newer formulas. That's one of the great things about Specktra - so many different people post photos, it's easier to see the whole range of possibilities from one lipstick. As makeup lovers, 'gotta admit that we all probably have multiples of colors all in the same general family. So non-makeup lover would think our whole collections were dupes, lol.