The beige shadow is really beautiful. I sure hadn't been expecting to buy it, but I did. It does have some larger sized sparkles in it, so that's something to be aware of, but the base is not that sort of frosty effect that shows up all your lid texture. Instead, it's rather velvety and smoothes over my lid crepe really well, so it's flattering and enhancing. It reminds me of Aurora pigment (one of my all time favorites), but with less warm, yellower undertone and more of a cool and soft pink undertone - it's still very much a beige neutral, not a pink. It's less frosty than Aurora (which is more sheen than frost anyways), but there is sheen to it, just very subtle. Could easily be worn on the brow bone without looking too flashy, but also nice and smooth enough for the whole lid. Very pretty and I usually do not buy these beige neutrals because I have plenty of Aurora and just use that since it's perfect. This one will get even more use, since hey - it's in a pan…makes life easier, plus even nicer texture. It's a winner, especially if you love Aurora, or wish Aurora was a little bit cooler-toned. There are large sparkles here and there, though, so don't over-apply or over blend or I could see them falling out. I did wear it all day the other day, but I also had a really glittery MES on too, so I can't be sure of how much or how little fallout there was. If it's equal to Guilty Morsel (which is another lustre finish shadow I adore), it won't be a big deal.