MAC - Semi Precious Discussion


Well-known member
Bloody hell, I've just noticed, she stole the text from my Guerlain Fall 2011 collection post!
I don't mind people using my photos and collection info if they link back to me, but I do mind them stealing my posts!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Bloody hell, I've just noticed, she stole the text from my Guerlain Fall 2011 collection post!
I don't mind people using my photos and collection info if they link back to me, but I do mind them stealing my posts!
OMG, she really did! Unbelievable
OK, now I'm really done with that site.


Well-known member
I cant believe All Glam did that again! And the fact that she puts HER watermark on it takes the cake. What a
I sure hope to see more swatches so I can narrow my list down, cause money is really tight right now

I used to buy Chanel here and there when I hardly ever bought makeup, but now that I'm buying stuff regularly, it's back to MAC all the way. However, that nail polish that looks like a beetle shell is going to come home with me - it's gorrrrrgeous.
Also ot: I'm a Bill Compton fan all the way, but that dude who plays Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones blows all of the TB guys away
LMAO its funny that you say that! He plays a guy in one of my fiance's shows he watches (Stargate Atlantis) And the only way I watch them is when he's in it lol yes he is very yummy


Well-known member
people are going to have to start putting water marks all over their pictures, so if they are lifted, there is no way to just crop it out.

as far as copy, I found this site with a javascript that can be added to sites:

there is also copyscape as well:

the joys of this digital age. sheesh.

I just noticed that Mineral Mode e/s looks almost exactly like Prance from Peacocky...or is it just me?
i must take a look at that. didn't grab prance when it was out.


Well-known member
If it had been here in Denmark it would have been possible to look up the website and see a name and adress of who was behind it, and then it would be very easy to make a claim against her, when your text or photo has been used. Copyright laws are very strict. I have no doubt that the laws are at least just as strict in the US.

The problem is to find out who is behind the website. Is there any way of finding that out in the US?


Well-known member
probably if you contacted whatever company hosts the site, but there is no info in the page's source code at all.


Well-known member
probably if you contacted whatever company hosts the site, but there is no info in the page's source code at all.

Well the internet always knows :-D

I think I have found it, and I have contacted the host company or what the spy services online says is the host. I hope they will do something! It's a serious violation of copyrights, that would never be tolerated on a webhost here in DK I think. I don't know how the US is about that?


Well-known member
depends on the host. sometimes they are on top of things, and sometimes they are half assed about copyrights.


Well-known member
Uh, yeah I wanted to mention that too^^ I thought about leaving a comment, but that obviously is not changing anything. Maybe we should post a link to that site on the blog the pics are from, telling her that people steal her pics.
I had to do it -- I hope the girl who took the pictures says something to Allglam... this has to stop.


Well-known member
I had to do it -- I hope the girl who took the pictures says something to Allglam... this has to stop.
i hope she does too. i have left a comment once again telling her how wrong it is and that she is a shitty person to do such a thing. of course it won't be approved but maybe she will feel some guilt at some point!


Well-known member
Yuki, the girl who the pictures belong to, responded to a couple of comments someone else and I left on her blog about allglam. She said she left a message and hopes that she'll take them down. We'll see if that happens.


Well-known member
Can't believe she stole someones pics - again! And she had the nerve to watermark them - like what the flip :mad: