MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
I don't know what to get.

@AutumnMoon Congrats!!! I know what you mean by the sister/brother thing. I've noticed it can sometimes be like the best friend that you'd never sleep with type of relationship even though you're married. .


Well-known member
I needed to hear that. I am so sorry to hear about your breakup Wolverina. My husband, whom I ADORE, left me after almost 10 years of marriage. We had (have) a great friendship, we love each other and are truly the best of friends. He spoils me and I know he would do anything for me and would give his life for me given an opportunity. Why he left? I don't know. He simply said one day, I am sorry but I love you too much to see you unhappy. I just "don't feel that way about you" .. WTF. It broke my heart, literally. My simple congenital and common heart condition became serious and I was emotionally devastated; I lost about 15 lbs. I mean I did look better but I sure felt like shit. Not even lipsticks could make me happy. I still feel sometimes like I don't want to let go.

It has been an awful 10 months but I am finally getting back on track and I am starting to see the light. Que sera, sera.... We must believe that everything is meant to be and if we are meant to be together, we will be. If not, it is because there is something better out there for us. There has to be.
I'm so sorry that happened to you Charlie!


Well-known member
It really is I was looking at her other photos and it seems like she wears this color a lot .. It's killing me I need to know


Well-known member
I don't know what to get.

@AutumnMoon Congrats!!! I know what you mean by the sister/brother thing. I've noticed it can sometimes be like the best friend that you'd never sleep with type of relationship even though you're married. .
We did love each other, but over the years we became closer as friends and the romance died. I finally told him that he should find someone more like him, more into his interests. He was happy about it and said that we were now even closer. I guess he thought I was going to sleep around and then come back. When that didn't happen it turned ugly. Now we don't speak. I spent 10 years with him. Now nothing. But Sweet William has made me so happy. I now know what true love is and I've never felt better.

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