MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
I couldn't agree more. I just got divorced two years ago. It started out that we were going to find people who were more like us (we ended up as more like brother and sister' not in a weird way lol),. He even introduced me to my husband (just married today :eyelove:). Then he realized that I wasn't going to go back with him and it got ugly. I didn't pay enough attention at the start and he kept my blog/art shop name, my expensive printers, some clothing, so much stuff. Not to mention money. A small consolation is that he dresses his new girlfriend up like me. He buys clothes from people know at Anthro and makeup from mac. And she was the kind of girl who just wore lululemon
Congrats!! :)


Well-known member
I have never bought from Kate von D. How are her lippies? I may have to cave and get that lavender one, if it comes out as a true lavender.
I have a few of them I really like them but again the smell bugs me also kind of smells like crayons to me lmao!! I guess I'm just use to the sweet vanilla smell with Mac lippys


Well-known member
I have never bought from Kate von D. How are her lippies? I may have to cave and get that lavender one, if it comes out as a true lavender.

I have a few of them I really like them but again the smell bugs me also kind of smells like crayons to me lmao!! I guess I'm just use to the sweet vanilla smell with Mac lippys
Thank you. I will have to wait for it to come out at Sephora and then check it out in person. I love how MAC smells. I barely notice a scent. I like it better with a light to no scent. Why do they add scents to makeup? It doesn't make sense to me.

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
Thanks! I bet they'd both look great on you too. I have By Starlight as well and it's a lovely colour, but it's very dry.
I'm waiting for them to get back in stock, I really like the look of them. That's my winter look sorted
ooo speaking of lavendar lipsticks - there looks like a new kat von d one coming!   (beautezine)
It looks nice, but it's a case of would I wear it or give it to my my pal


Well-known member
I have a few of them I really like them but again the smell bugs me also kind of smells like crayons to me lmao!! I guess I'm just use to the sweet vanilla smell with Mac lippys
I love the smell of MAC lippies! I actually sit and smell them for a good minute or two before and after putting them on and I sigh every time as I take in that lovely vanilla cake scent.


Well-known member
I love the smell of MAC lippies! I actually sit and smell them for a good minute or two before and after putting them on and I sigh every time as I take in that lovely vanilla cake scent.
Yes, they smell so good. I'm usually not even that into vanilla scent, but they smell more special than that.


Well-known member
Thank you girls so much!!! @Wolverina I'll PM you.

On another note, I can't seem to be able to finish either my billing sheet nor this trial brief. I did, however, finished my Osbourne MAC list LOL



Well-known member
Most of my lipsticks I like the scents (my fav is the YSL Rouge Volupte scent it's mango I think) except for my Holika Holika lipsticks. I love the lipsticks but I can't bring myself to smell them, I can't describe the scent other than once when I was a kid my mom and I went to this little beauty shop place and it smelled like a candy factory but from like 1975. I know that makes no sense but I swear that's what the lipsticks smell like! Lol


Well-known member
I love that lip liner one of my favorites :peace:
If I had to live with one lip liner for the rest of my life it would be nightmoth! It's my favorite ever!
Yes!  I think that's about as close as I could get!  I haven't paid much attention to Lime Crime's stuff just because of all that drama from a while back, but maybe I should give them another look.
Girl go get you some Lime Crime and Melt.


Well-known member
I needed to hear that. I am so sorry to hear about your breakup Wolverina. My husband, whom I ADORE, left me after almost 10 years of marriage. We had (have) a great friendship, we love each other and are truly the best of friends. He spoils me and I know he would do anything for me and would give his life for me given an opportunity. Why he left? I don't know. He simply said one day, I am sorry but I love you too much to see you unhappy. I just "don't feel that way about you" .. WTF. It broke my heart, literally. My simple congenital and common heart condition became serious and I was emotionally devastated; I lost about 15 lbs. I mean I did look better but I sure felt like shit. Not even lipsticks could make me happy. I still feel sometimes like I don't want to let go.  It has been an awful 10 months but I am finally getting back on track and I am starting to see the light. Que sera, sera.... We must believe that everything is meant to be and if we are meant to be together, we will be. If not, it is because there is something better out there for us. There has to be.
Within the space of two years, my grandpa died, my husband left me, I was fired from my job of seven years, my parents cut me off from any financial help, I had already dropped out of college and my house burned down (with my pets inside). Since then I have fallen in love with the man of my dreams, realized in what ways i was to blame for what happened (and fixed them), rescued many more pets (although that's the ONE thing that will never be okay), gone back to school as premed (and been 4.0 GPA the three years I've been back), I shadow surgeons in a hospital, I volunteer as an interpreter in a clinic, I work as a research assistant in two labs, and I don't know anyone on earth that is closer to their parents than I am. Oh and I quit both drinking AND smoking. COMPLETELY. I'm sorry my ex had to be a part of my scraping rock bottom, but not only is my life better than ever, I feel like I can do ANYTHING. I mean, how strong can I be?! If you would have told me this would be my life even a YEAR after my husband walked out I would have just burst into tears. I was in the deepest pit of hell for soooooo long emotion-wise. But I built everything back up MYSELF. That gives you power that no one can take away. I went from being drunk in the emergency room because i cut myself on purpose to being the one all my friends call when they need help because I'm stable and rational. So I will NEVER give up on any of you ladies!!! No matter how bad it is you will not only survive, you will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes!!!!!

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