MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
This needs to launch NOW
Would be nice...I hope this launches, I was up anyways from the med, but I was hyper focused on getting my damn Roxo & a few others & now I'm focused on this. Lots o pretty things I don't want to be bitching & moaning how I missed out & then stalk again next week. There were days when MAC wouldn't even put up coming soon, what is this all about lately? & did everyone get their Pedro lipglasses squared away? I guess MAC didn't get the work out to the department stores b/c they are up, well at least on Macy's...I dunno know about Nordies I thought I was going to shut down but I'm so freaking wired that it doesn't matter. I hate insomnia & the pills are not helping. Sorry for the tmi.
I need this to launch now! Have to take my boyfriends dog to the vet this morning
I hope everything's okay...
I'm getting so sleepy! Thank God this collection is being released during the summer when i don't have classes and can stalk all day and night. I'm still depressed about the last riri being released during finals week since I wasn't able to get any of the lipsticks :(
You are probably better off if it was the ones with the waiting rooms & all that BS. It was crazy. I was online the entire day with the Barbados Drops release & it kept kicking me out, when I mean all day, I mean all day. & I'd like to think that summer is better but you have a lot of foot traffic with the kiddos & I know my niece's bestie was starting on MAC at the age of 10...& then my nice started chit chatting with me about the Naked palette. If I kick, those kids are going to score on a lifetime of major MAC & other collections, as I've already told my hubs to give it all to them. Unless he wants They say you never really know someone... @MandyVanDerHook loved your review of the PL & love of a man that can sport some guyliner, of which we have done that on occasion...for concert & then trying to get the tide to turn for my alum college football team's season to turn around. We won't be doing the football theme again, it didn't work.
so Spanky what are u getting??? and still hoping for u to eat!
Well, my little beautiful bacon...Me hopes to have both blushes, although I think I have pretty close dupes of Sharon's but I don't think I can walk away, they are both so pretty, Cranberry LL don't have anything like this & KYY LS, can't figure out about the Kelly MSF...How about you?
I know that's right. I had a dream last night that I missed out on the lippies i wanted lol.
That's just an out & out nightmare girl...


Well-known member
I think this will be my last makeup purchase till like October when the Simpsons Collection releases. I will be on a makeup no buy. Unless! They relaunch Whisper of Gilt or Viva Glam Cyndi or or or...ha!


Well-known member
oh dear oh dar oh ear
Lmaooooo. What?
I've really been enjoying posting Lion King Circle of Life pics.. keeps me entertained at least. Because it's the same cycles of questions every day for every collection. Ashes to ashes and then the next day.. the phoenix rises and asks "When does this launch?" And so on.. ad infinitum.
Don't forget Rerun!
mine too hey, didn't some astronaut lady who wanted to off her hubby cause he was cheating on her do a vigil on him wearing depends?
She drove cross country to catch his cheating ass wearing Depends and kill him. Nobody has time for that. I'm too pretty for prison.
That's right... I remember that. I think at that point I was just like screw it, I'll shop at Nordstroms. I usually do because if you use the debit card which is linked to your bank account (so not a credit card) you get beauty points and then eventually $20 off your order. But lately I've been going for MAC because I just cannot wait to get my hands on these goodies. 
Word??? I thought it had to be Nordstrom debit? Damn I wish I knew this when I was dealing with Pedro.
NOPE. No sock needed. We need Ozzy pics lol. I have never thought of him as hot though.  My 2 biggest man crushes are John Elway and Al Gore. I am so bizarre. :hot:
Lmaooooo! Girl, I guess. Al Gore is smart, and intelligence is sexy. Elway, though? I'm trying to think if I have an off-kilter crush. If I do think of one, I'll holla.
WTF? Lmaooooooo
My one and only girl crush will forever be Idina Menzel


Well-known member
Just placed my order! FINALLY! Lol good thing I checked one last time I wasn't guna wake up until 9! Got Dodgy Girl, Riot House and Cheeky Bugger. I never checked out so fast in my life!