MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
so worried about this! atleast with pedro I got both glosses anyway. I didnt think I needed another gold one so thats why I didnt get it!
It worked out for me, my daughter did not like how opaque those were and she wanted the gold one here instead. SHE LOVES lipglass so it is all good.


Well-known member
Ok... so I stalked til after 3am. Got up at 6am. Nothing. Figuring it would then be 9am, I set my alarm for 8am. And so I successfully STILL managed to miss DG! Oh well. Another chapter in my MAC book. HeeHee


Well-known member
I got kyyx2, cheeky bugger and jolly good msf and overnighted. I hope they don't send me peaches & cream by mistake >.> i'm bummed i missed dodgy girl


Well-known member
stahp specktreetteeeessss! took me half hour to catch up on everything written from the 40 minutes i was in the subway underground!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. got DG, took cranberry out of my cart last min cause to be honest i think i have a dupe from benefit... and a close dupe from bobby brown.. and i still barely ever use liner lately.. so ill check this out in stores if maybe.. paid my $5 bucks second day!!!! i was so proud of myself lmao. i felt lik i was giving back to charity or something for actually paying shipping! thank you @mac_guy for the last min advise! it was right on time!!!!


Well-known member
They havent officially launched it yet (in the sense under the New collection) and the lipsticks are already sold out. Though I was convinced it was going to launch only on 5th, I am glad I stuck around with Specktra and ordered my goodies on time!


Well-known member
I got kyyx2, cheeky bugger and jolly good msf and overnighted. I hope they don't send me peaches & cream by mistake >.> i'm bummed i missed dodgy girl
I did too... and I DID stalk... I'll never be good at this. Thank gawd I'm on Low Buy, so I see it as a sign. I MUST have too many lippies... LOL


Well-known member
I wonder if this collection is still coming to stores on the 12th. I thought that his was going to be pro only and on the 3rd. Now that, that theory is out the window. Their are somethings I want to see in person plus just in case anything happens to my order.


Well-known member
That's so crazy. 2 celeb collections in the same week!? AND moody blooms shortly...we're not made of money mac! I know I'm not lol
I'm done until fall! Lol feels weird bc usually I love the Mineralize summer collection each year but I know they're not doing that this year. Not interested in Moody Blooms or Simpsons. I'm waiting to see what's after those!

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