MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)

Oceanic Lily

Well-known member
Yes, I talked about this earlier. KYY stains more than any other lipstick I have ever owned. It leaves a beautiful, even color behind on me, but I might as well not even think about trying to remove it because it is impossible.
But no allergic quality? I almost felt like my lips were starting to puff up a little, like something out of the Plushglass zone. Also, have you already experimented with primers and pencils underneath and if so, did it help?

When I tried everything out over the weekend, I was pretty swamped, so I didn't do my usual chit chat, but honestly, I sort of felt like maybe I shouldn't even mention these lipsticks and what was up with that formula, in the first place. I honestly am keeping my fingers crossed that people don't have the sort of bad reaction I did with them, because whatever's in that formula sure as heck makes them look great….it's just super harsh as all get out on the lips.

I really couldn't handle getting through all the posts in this thread in the past few days, so I'll just ask this here and leave it at that:

Dodgy Girl and KYY = gorgeous for many reasons, but oh my god, they left an unmanageable stain when I tested them out. For me, it was worse than a stain, and almost like an allergic reaction, that I couldn't tell if it was due to something in the lipsticks or just something related to my efforts to get that stain out with every product I had on hand. Anyone else with this issue?

I'm still going to get them both, because for me, they're MAC's best in breed of these colors (yet, lol), but I feel like I am going to have to majorly shield my lips with Prep & Prime, lip pencil and god knows what else, once I pick them up in-store. Dodgy Girl, in particular, also had rather poor staying quality, in that it changed color on me in about an hour, I think due to whatever the hell was going on with my lips underneath, and lost some of its beautiful, glowing vibrancy. I expect I will have to re-apply frequently when I wear it all day or all evening.

Thank you for you input liba! Always so freaking informative

You may very well be the QUEEN
of disarmingly, engagingly, thought provokingly INFORMATIVE -really need to know -inner MI6 sanctum-stuff reflection!!!!!

Honestly there's NO BAD DAY that a little "PUFF ADDER " lip action won't solve!! LOL! ( joyously staring at mirrored reflection of self
That being said, there is an undeniable stiffness/chalkiness to RIOT HOUSE upon first application. However armed as you mentioned with a veritable FLOTILLA of emollient/ cushioning/salve-like balms- there really are no other colors like these that perform so theatrically acceptable for urban street-wear!
UBER YIKES!! ME LIKEY!!!! Am hopelessly INFATUATED with RIOT HOUSE's lipstick color and performance!!

As Mac Guy reminded, it is Peach toned anything on the lips that is a stage/screen-well-worn-insider trick for irradiating/mitigating ALL kinds of mauvey/marooned/Sangria-wash-lipped gals!

Words have no meaning for just how ABSOLUTELY lovely a dreamsicle -peach-sherbert RIOT HOUSE is on tanned/golden/ Mediterranean/Latina/South Asian/ Pacific Rimmed complexions!!!!
Envision a sea of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis's THE HEIST extras- insanely jumping up in a euphoric display of everyone being able to pull of this color!!

So far I've worn it through TWO! table reads and a SHOCKINGLY
large bowl of Salmon Pasta primavera!!

Yes liba
- it is this side of drying- but I love how it is compensatingly/compellingly long wearing and seemingly stage lit
from within!
And if I should be so lucky to felled by swollen lips- I say - hallelujah to the MAC creator who forgot to blend in the requisite emolli-fiers!
Color me pleased- as I reach for the esteemed DG's to try!

Thanks to ALL a) for posting amazing reviews and stunning pix!
b) for the adulterated and UN-adulterated entertainment while we waited for our goodies to arrive!


Well-known member
I think Riot House is a nighttime color too. I'll probably wear mine for nights out mostly I'm not sure how much of a daytime color it can be yet (mine comes tomorrow)
Funny, but I think the opposite. It's a creamsicle shade like my other go to lipsticks for summer (reel sexy and sweet and sour--both of which I wear during the day with a simple cat eye). It is paler though, and I can see how it would be lovely with a smokey eye for a night out!


Well-known member
All of this makes sense, Liba. Admittedly, I like the look of it on other people. I'm putting up another video with some comparisons and I'm pretty sure I call Riot House total crap. LOL. I'm going to keep working with it and maybe I need to adjust my eyes and my perception of myself!
I just want to add to the chorus of ladies here that you do look very lovely in RH Mandy--perhaps it's just not a color you are used too! Hope that you can warm up to it a bit :)

Looking forward to your video doll


Well-known member
I just want to add to the chorus of ladies here that you do look very lovely in RH Mandy--perhaps it's just not a color you are used too! Hope that you can warm up to it a bit :)

Looking forward to your video doll
You're totally right. For me RH is a color I'm not used to but I'm not giving up on it yet. ;)


Well-known member
Shoot! It is dry and a bit chalky, but try playing with it some more---perhaps with a liner or some gloss? This one does have potential! Sorry you don't care for it :(
I like it much better with gloss but I was disappointed it didn't look how I was expecting. I finally understand the term "concealer lips". I mean I understood in theory but now I have a real life example. Ha!


Well-known member
Def no way I can keep up with these posts I'm loving swatches, ugh can't wait to order!! I'm getting impatient already.... :shock:


Well-known member
Top strip poker alone bottom with a little bit of gingerroot lip liner
Kelly yum yum top by itself bottom with embrace me lip liner
Kelly yum yum with magenta lip liner