MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
Sweet:) I was knocked out and woke around 5 after seven and checked. I was
Yay!!! I woke up at 7 for work and it was magically there and not sold out! I got lucky!!
Yay so glad boo
Me too!
Hey babe I was wondering where you were in all this craziness.
My bff renewed her vows yesterday so it was a loooooong day. Plus i had 35 pages to catch up on just in this thread, and was only able to stick it out to 3am this morning :yawn:


Well-known member
You guys are making me want to order Cranberry. What's so special about it?
I don't have any LLs in this color & there is just something that told me not to pass it by. Perosnally, I'm going to try & pair it with some lighter lippies that are ready to be turned out if it doesn't work out for us.
Still lasted 30 min wow! Why am I tempted to get Riot House? Just not sure it will work on me. And when in doubt I skip.
You are too level headed for this crowd...proud of you. Just make sure that you really don't want it b/c as soon as it sells out I don't want you to have skipper's remorse.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by danisheree

Heaux? Lipstick?

Heaux Eyeshshadow! Sorry for the confusion, I forgot there was a heaux lipstick!


Well-known member
Omg cant believe DG sold out already!!
I got DG, KYY, Cranberry and threw in smoked purple && did overnight shipping I'm so excited to get this!


Well-known member
Had to close my MAC tab I was tempted to buy more! Imma wait for the in store release. I still have to buy my Lorde lippies

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