MAC - Shop Shop Shop / Cook Cook Cook discussion


Well-known member
Exactly! When I looked last week, Pink Pigeon was going for $60 and I can't pay that for one lipstick. I'm so glad they restocked and that I got one in time!



Well-known member
I love you guys!!! Just snagged Pink pigeon and Party Parrot with second day shipping

fyi to anyone who is interested, mac just re-STOCKED IRIS APFEL lipsticks and the too chic beauty powder on the us mac website. get them while you can!!


Well-known member
I stalk THIS site more than the MAC site now! LOL Since everyone DOES really help each other out to get things we are looking for, recs, and reviews... Nice to share in such a great community of makeup lovers that are just such ROCKIN peeps! Thanks Specktras!


Well-known member
Hallelujah!!! Fastest checkout ever! I finally got Scarlet Ibis and a backup of Pink Pigeon!

Thank you all so much for your comments on me wearing Watch Me Simmer :) I did put a thin layer of Casual Air gloss on top! I will reply more in depth later today once I have time to sit at my compy. I'm on my break at work using my phone right now! Lol just had enough time to spend some paycheck on Iris lippies!! Now it's back to the grind....


Well-known member
lol, talk about a productive day at work today!! Specifically, a productive BREAK at work today!! <Victory dance>
Hallelujah!!! Fastest checkout ever! I finally got Scarlet Ibis and a backup of Pink Pigeon!

Thank you all so much for your comments on me wearing Watch Me Simmer :) I did put a thin layer of Casual Air gloss on top! I will reply more in depth later today once I have time to sit at my compy. I'm on my break at work using my phone right now! Lol just had enough time to spend some paycheck on Iris lippies!! Now it's back to the grind....


Well-known member
Did anyone else notice that the Kissable Lip Colors are listed as $15 on Nordstrom? That's $4 cheaper than the MAC site! I wonder if/when they'll catch it...

I placed an order on Nordy's for a BU of Naughty Saute and I gave in and purchased Innocence, Beware. Yay for an awesomely-timed Nordstrom Note!

I have to say I was apprehensive about Watch Me Simmer - I usually don't do bright flourescent orange type colors. But now I can see why it sold out so quickly!
I gave in since it's a coral and decided to splurge with my first MAC order.... Now I wish I had a BU! I got loads of compliments on it today - It definitely pulled more pink with my lips, even with the opaque coverage of its amplified finish. Excuse the "mug shot" lol, but I took a portrait in natural daylight while I was on my break at work (hence the polo shirt and hair pulled back)... I'm so glad it's going to be re-promoted with So Reel/So Sexy!

duckrodeo WMS looks perfect on you, simply amazing!!

Now that I've seen swatches on my list are:

Shop&Drop quad
Call me bubbles quad
Quick Sizzle
Watch me simmer
Added goodness
maybe a tendertone or a KLC (not sure about these yet)


Well-known member
OK so I feel better now that I'll have Party Parrot and Pink Pigeon in my collection. I'm also happy that Quick Sizzle now has "COMING SOON" under it too. Of course customer service couldn't tell me when it was going to be coming, but I'll stalk it out just so I won't have to support my lame Macy's MAC counter this time around. :)


Well-known member
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy! I'll be able to put more swatches up and post a proper review later today, but since I am wearing Dish It Up today (and the Colour Added quad), here's a pick for you :

The shade is really pretty. It's fairly close to Radicchio, from Spring Colour Forecast, but a little brighter and pinker.
You look lovely!

I can't decide whether to get this or not. I really like the colour but I do have Raddicio. It also looks like it might be a bit similar to Bust Out! from Surf Bay, which I also have... Is there anything else it's similar to? I'd quite like to be able to convince myself to skip it since I'm sure I want to BU Added Goodness and I think I'm going to be hauling a LOT from So Reel/Reel Sexy.


Well-known member
THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU whoever pointed out about the iris lippies. I am crying with tears of joy. Now I have to wait for my backorder from nordies regarding the cook shop lippies. I AM BACK SHOPPING WITH MAC.


Well-known member
My Nordies counter was taking preorders today. They rock. So now I have all the lippies except for QS which was the one I didn't want. I did see a WOC preorder it and I think it will be beautiful on her.

I was going to get Added Goodness fluidline but remembered what Shontay said about the new YSL liners. Went down to that counter and did a test drive of Cherry Black. Freaking amazing! I may never buy another Fluidline again.


Well-known member
Okay, next time I am not waiting for swatches. By the time I was able to access the collection, the Pepto Bismol color was sold out. Oh well, it probably would have looked like crap on me anyway. Anybody thinking they will restock?

Anyone can compare the purple fluidline to ash violet???

Are you talking about Added Goodness? I can never remember which one was said to be purple because in the pot it just looks brown. I just swatched them side by side and Ash Violet is more purple than Added Goodness but they look pretty close. As I only used a thin line of Added Goodness on my lid, I didn't even really notice the purple. It just looked brown on me. Now that I have swatched a thicker line on my hand, I do see the purple tone to it. I think Ash Violet was a lot more sheer than Added Goodness. If you are doing a think line on the eye, I don't think you'd notice the purple so much. It just looks like a very dark brown with a purplish tint to it.


Well-known member
Ty so much for the info,did they restock flamingo or just the others? I went on now,they were already sold out of party parrot .