MAC So Reel / Reel Sexy discussion


Well-known member
I tried WMS for the first time. It looked almost neon on me. Whoa! It is a really bright corally pink for me. My eyes are not used to such bright lips but somehow I like it. I'm curious to see how different glosses will work with this color.

Hmm, I have WMS and I've never paired it with anything... I usually wear it straight from the tube .... very bold lip indeed! What glosses do you have in mind? I think I may try topping WMS with Star Quality cremesheen glass ... I know for sure it will darken WMS though.

Sugar & Spice

Well-known member
Decided to take Reel Sexy l/s off my list and add Star Quality l/g. Reel Sexy is a bit too close to Ravishing on me and I try not to buy dupes/close dupes and I need a pink-red coral lippie. I usually don't pay attention to cremesheen glasses because they're often too sheer for my liking and you don't get much product but I'm glad I looked at the swatches/reviews or else I would have skipped a hidden gem.

Pink Popcorn is still a go.


Well-known member
your eyes look amazing..... your blending is fab!

FINALLY !! As promised I completed my overview of MAC's Magenta Blush ! I put an FOTD into it so you can see how the blush looks on my cheeks in addition to Dynamic Duo: 3 and Pink Popcorn! I hope you all enjoy it and happy shopping!!


Well-known member
WMS looked crazy bright with my tanned skin, but I love the stain it gave to my lips after awhile. Reel Sexy is so beautiful. It reminds me of the lipstick JLO wears in Maid In Manhattan with the peach dress.


Well-known member
Exactly. If I give it a few swipes it is just a slight pinky sheen. If I apply with a heavy hand, it is more opaque, but still quite more pink than lavender. YOU need to BU that baby! It looks AMAZING on you!!!



Well-known member
FINALLY !! As promised I completed my overview of MAC's Magenta Blush ! I put an FOTD into it so you can see how the blush looks on my cheeks in addition to Dynamic Duo: 3 and Pink Popcorn! I hope you all enjoy it and happy shopping!!
Wow stunning fotd! After seeing pink popcorn on you I think I will get it instead of heroine. I will pick up violetta with my next pro order as it would prob get more love than heroine. What lip liner would you recommend for pink popcorn and do you think it's similar to playtime?


Well-known member
i picked up heroine and am excited about that.

what i am not excited about is how much time i spent stalking the MAC website. if MAC keeps releasing their collections this way, i predict it will turn many people off. it is ridiculous to release collections prior to the release date. i just don't think it is fair. is the release date april 5th? or is it april 2nd? or is it god knows when? do i need to consult a psychic to figure out release date? haha

i know a lot of people enjoy the hunt but i have had it with hunting. don't send me an email MAC when you know damn well that all the lipsticks are sold out. what is the point?

it's crazy enough with all the collections coming out constantly, how's about making enough so that everyone can enjoy? if your lipsticks are selling out this quickly you obviously are not making enough.

what MAC is creating is an ebay sellers dream come true. let's release the collections on a random date, when your average person thinks the date is april 5th, then we'll buy them all and jack up the price. WTH?
For the nearly the past year that I have been a fan of MAC and on this forum, this has been happening quite frequently. I dont think it has turned any off because if so, none of the products would sell out so quickly right now.
Life isn't fair. if you really want the products, you will stalk the site. Most of us DO and thats why we get the products. We put the effort and time in to stalk the site because we really want the products. How is that unfair? We want it more. And if we were really unfair, we wouldnt post on the forum when the products appear on the site or other store sites.
"it's crazy enough with all the collections coming out constantly," Okay, why does MAC need to make more of something when there is so many other products it releases? MAC doesn't need to make more so that everyone can enjoy because it is constantly releasing new things. if you cant get something from one collection, you can get something from another collection at the same time. it doesnt need to make a bazzillion of one lipstick because all of the lipsticks it releases at the same time would equal just enough. And I think the word here is "LIMITED" which means " restricted to a specified number of copies". The lipsticks are NOT permanent. They are limited edition. Therefore there will be a certain amount of available and if you miss out, too bad. Thats how the world works.
There are certain things I'm sure most of the members here are guilty of: backing up products and hunting down limited edition items. Which is not bad. We back things up when we know we like it, will use it and will need another for when the first product runs out. We also go about hunting down items that we previously weren't able to get (like when there was a hunt for the iris apfel lippies or even Candy Yum Yum) this just means that we have a high desire to own that item.
So tell me how is the system unfair? The world isn't fair for starters. But unlike you who just complained about MAC, the rest of us waited and stalked the site to get exactly the items we wanted or otherwise are continuing to stalk the site in case of a restock or even hunting around for people who bought to many and buy it off them. We had a higher desire to own these products so I think its fair. Thats just how the world works.
And for your last point, MAC and other online stores do have rules where people arent allowed to buy more than a certain number of the same product. If in the future you want an item so badly, stalk the site like the rest of us. I started stalking the site more than a week before the release date and I live in Australia.


I'm from Singapore and US do get collection early and price is more affordable.
I regret not ordering Pink Popcorn when i place order for the other 3 l/s...
Well, decided to just wait for the collection to launch in May in my country..and hopefully can get at the store..

Does anyone have Coral Craze lipglass pencil? Can advise if it goes with WMS, Reel sexy and the other coral lipstick?



Pink Popcorn looks so amazing on you...
After seeing your FOTD I hope when i get my hands on it, it will be as beautiful...but i guess the chances are slim as im NW20/25...

FINALLY !! As promised I completed my overview of MAC's Magenta Blush ! I put an FOTD into it so you can see how the blush looks on my cheeks in addition to Dynamic Duo: 3 and Pink Popcorn! I hope you all enjoy it and happy shopping!!


Well-known member
For the nearly the past year that I have been a fan of MAC and on this forum, this has been happening quite frequently. I dont think it has turned any off because if so, none of the products would sell out so quickly right now.
Life isn't fair. if you really want the products, you will stalk the site. Most of us DO and thats why we get the products. We put the effort and time in to stalk the site because we really want the products. How is that unfair? We want it more. And if we were really unfair, we wouldnt post on the forum when the products appear on the site or other store sites.
"it's crazy enough with all the collections coming out constantly," Okay, why does MAC need to make more of something when there is so many other products it releases? MAC doesn't need to make more so that everyone can enjoy because it is constantly releasing new things. if you cant get something from one collection, you can get something from another collection at the same time. it doesnt need to make a bazzillion of one lipstick because all of the lipsticks it releases at the same time would equal just enough. And I think the word here is "LIMITED" which means " restricted to a specified number of copies". The lipsticks are NOT permanent. They are limited edition. Therefore there will be a certain amount of available and if you miss out, too bad. Thats how the world works.
There are certain things I'm sure most of the members here are guilty of: backing up products and hunting down limited edition items. Which is not bad. We back things up when we know we like it, will use it and will need another for when the first product runs out. We also go about hunting down items that we previously weren't able to get (like when there was a hunt for the iris apfel lippies or even Candy Yum Yum) this just means that we have a high desire to own that item.
So tell me how is the system unfair? The world isn't fair for starters. But unlike you who just complained about MAC, the rest of us waited and stalked the site to get exactly the items we wanted or otherwise are continuing to stalk the site in case of a restock or even hunting around for people who bought to many and buy it off them. We had a higher desire to own these products so I think its fair. Thats just how the world works.
And for your last point, MAC and other online stores do have rules where people arent allowed to buy more than a certain number of the same product. If in the future you want an item so badly, stalk the site like the rest of us. I started stalking the site more than a week before the release date and I live in Australia.


Well-known member
I can honestly say that once upon a time, I didn't get it. I'd hear about new MAC collections, show up on "launch day" or the weekend after, and would go home disappointed/hating MAC b/c everything sold out so quickly. But then I realized that I DID care about getting the items I wanted when I wanted, without having to resort to reading hundreds of ebay feedback messages. So, I started to stalk the collections online, which is how I found Spektra in the first place. Is it crazy? Sure. Is it obsessive? Maybe. Could my time be better spent doing other things? Of course! But, in the end, it's worth it, at least for me. My makeup collection sits just a smidgen prettier with every new item I bring home. I've found this wonderful, helpful community. And I can buy everything I want before the chaos that is launch day. I'm back to enjoying MAC now that I'm willing to put in the work to get what I want. (I'm also learning that I don't need EVERY item...or at least trying to learn. haha. It's worth it once I am able to figure out what I actually need. I don't need to stalk every single collection, and that helps lessen the disappointment).

Now, if only I can apply this to other aspects of my life, and I'll be golden hehe.


Well-known member
Thank you for the review & swatches. You are gorgeous!!!! Pink Popcorn looks amazing on you. I wish it looked like that on me. I love purple lips. I am wearing PP today. It's showing up as a pretty pink on my lips. Not too bad, but it's definitely not lavender as it claims to be. Boo!
I am also wearing Peony Petal blush & I am loving it.

FINALLY !! As promised I completed my overview of MAC's Magenta Blush ! I put an FOTD into it so you can see how the blush looks on my cheeks in addition to Dynamic Duo: 3 and Pink Popcorn! I hope you all enjoy it and happy shopping!!


Well-known member
Thank you! And oh gosh lol what does Pink Popcorn look like on you? My roommate is NW20 with natural pink lips and Pink Popcorn barely showed up on her..... And oh yes, Crystal Soda is a great buy. I'm on my second one. NYX MS l/g is actually one of my favorite l/g. Plus they range from $3.99-$5.99 and you get tons of product so it's worth it.

I get mine on Monday from Nordstrom so I'm not sure what it will look like yet. I wish that my lips weren't as mauve because for light colors, it's hard to get more than a sheer wash. I may try and mute my lip color down with some concealor so I can get something closer to the real shade. I really might pick up some NYX glosses. I only have a couple, Smokey Eyes and Soap Opera I think, but I love them! Plus I don't feel as guilty if I can't finish them, because I'm only spending $5 or so.


Well-known member
I'm not very good at descriptions, so I hope this doesn't come out too strange. St. Germain was more pepto pink on me. More of a vibrant pink...almost like porn star pink (LOL ;-) ). PP is sheerer. Not as pink. You can layer it and mix it with other lipsticks. It's a more natural(ish) color on me at least. I do like it, but it's definitely not lavender.

How does PP compare to St. Germain???


Well-known member
Really like Heirloom and Resort are gorgeous and glide so well over my skin, will get those too when I have cash. Magenta is pretty and loud and pretty and kinda chalky and pretty lol. As pretty as it is, I'm not loving it enough to buy. I love how my store had last year's lightscapade on display lol! Star Quality is a must have for me as well. Decided not to bu PP only because it looked like another regular ole pink lipstick on me, with a liner of course that will change.


Well-known member
Really like Heirloom and Resort are gorgeous and glide so well over my skin, will get those too when I have cash. Magenta is pretty and loud and pretty and kinda chalky and pretty lol. As pretty as it is, I'm not loving it enough to buy. I love how my store had last year's lightscapade on display lol! Star Quality is a must have for me as well. Decided not to bu PP only because it looked like another regular ole pink lipstick on me, with a liner of course that will change.

Oh a purple liner is a good idea. I will see if I can find a good one to bring out the purple in it. Looking through my stash and realizing I have almost no "every day" shades helped me get Pink Popcorn. I mainly have bright/dramatic colors.