Re: MAC Cosmetics Sonic Chic Discussion
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Oh Jen, WHY did you have to put it that way? Mini MSFs? I am so done. Crap.
Ohhhh...I can't help it! I curse at myself for it sometimes
From what I can discern from the pics, the thing that is really tempting me so far is the texture the appear to have. They look like the pigments are quite refined and smooth, similar to what MSFs were when they emerged, i.e. Pleasureflush and Stereo Rose. Not the chunky, disappointing glitter bombs that they have evolved into, i.e.Glissade and Northern Lights. It was that original texture that gave you the "MSF glow", whereas some of the chunkier ones gave you a less organic glow with bits of sparkle resting on your face.
Don't get me wrong, Gissade and Northern Lights are pretty, but they are a far cry, texture-wise, from Pleasureflush, Stereo Rose and the like. The chunkier MSFs are similar to UD's and LORAC's attempt at MSF type products. Not that there is anything wrong with those, it's just that it signals a diminished quality from MAC.
On the note of diminished quality, sadly, I think it is a trend for MAC. I think the rush to pump out collections and the financial toll of all their marketing is showing in their products across the board. Curious what I am talking about? Take a Veluxe Pearl, Frost, Lustre or Satin shadow from the time the formula was introduced, then compare it to one recently released. You do notice a difference. Much more "dusty". The pigments and overall texture have greatly diminished. Look at Studio Fix Fluid and it's poor colour stabilization. Look at Studio Mist.
Things like this will start to affect the way that pros see the product as well. They need and expect a certain level of performance from their products.
I know I went off on a ramble there, but I can't help it. I am a cosmetic purist. I notice the little things. I think erine1881 exemplified this notion when in one post she talked about how MAs see differences between frost, shimmer, sparkle, and glitter. To a lot that would be the same, but I think waaaay too much about the dymamics of my product!
That is why when I swatch items, I see things differently than a lot of people. Not that anyone else is missing anything, I'm just a swatching nut job that has been into MAC for about 15 years and I approach a swatch like Einstein. Do I need to? Probably not, but like I said, I can't help it, I'm a purist. If only I could take all of that cosmetic energy of mine and find the answer to world peace.