MAC - To The Beach Discussion


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Originally Posted by winwin
Placed my orders for 2 marine lifes, firecracker, lazy day, thrills, splashing, hipness, and pink rebel.

I was so excited to see marine life, that I ordered that on it's own and forgot about everything else.

Now that dreaded waiting game.

I'm so excited for Marine Life, I paid $5 for 2nd shipping and I NEVER do that because MAC is only 1 day shipping by Ground for me anyway, but when you pay for overnight or 2nd day they process and ship the order much faster.

Their warehouse people are going to be tired tomorrow! LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by marusia
Marine Life Is Sold Out On!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What was that like 2 hours?????????????????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by marusia
Marine Life Is Sold Out On!!!

I had it in my basket and was all ready to check out when it came up that it was sold out i let out a little "noooo!" but it must have been louder than i thought because my bf came to see wtf was going on lol he just laughed and shook his head at me when i told him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by marusia
Marine Life Is Sold Out On!!!

Ouch! That was fast. So glad I got mine in. That's pretty sad since they didn't even officially announce the launch yet!


Well-known member
That...Really...Sucks! I'm glad I got my order in at the last minute. Holy crap, I think I got the last 4!


Well-known member
WOW... sold out already on So many people are doing CP's ... along with people doing it for eBay... wow.

Come on put up TTB!!


Well-known member
I was seriously going to try and buy like 20 just so I could resell them at the same price to y'all.


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Originally Posted by bell21
I had it in my basket and was all ready to check out when it came up that it was sold out i let out a little "noooo!" but it must have been louder than i thought because my bf came to see wtf was going on lol he just laughed and shook his head at me when i told him.

That's exactly what just happened to me!! This isn't right! Do you think they will restock??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheCollector
That's exactly what just happened to me!! This isn't right! Do you think they will restock??

I bet they will, they did with Undercurrent and Everhip, but they sold out again quickly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VanillaCupcake
Actually, we're supposed to be getting it tonight at midnight est!
I'm going to be checking the site just to make sure. So excited!

Can people in the U.S. order off the Canadian site??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LittleMaryJane
If you go when your store/counter opens, is it crazy on a launch day? I've never been to a store right after a new launch.

I went to Spring Color Forecast on launch day around noon and no one was really in the store. No one was looking at the products. While I swatched items, 1 woman came in and tried 2 glosses and asked my opinion and then checked out. So I think you are safe.
Originally Posted by only1angel
Ladies, MARINE LIFE is online- get it while u can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is great news! I ran downtown after work to get a backup and I thought about getting 1 for a CP but I ended up getting a few more items and was low on $. I was feeling a little guilty. I'm glad people can order now and not have to stay up all night.
Originally Posted by chickatthegym
I think everyone needs 2 Marine Life's though... one to use and one to just look at! (Just kidding... kinda

I was at MAC today and one of the MA's said that Firecracker was a repromote from like 2004?? Does she mean Firespot or one of the others from awhile back? I got my first MAC shadows in 2005 so I don't know much about before then but I was just curious...

The SA was talking about Firespot. I don't think it is a dupe. I passed on it but have since regretted it. I know it was a really bright orangey color. I think Firecracker is more pink.

I went to the Pro store yesterday but they were closed. I thought I had gone there on a Sunday before. I guess not. I walked down the street and went to the regular Mac store. No TTB collection there. I was annoyed though. I kept going back and forth about whether to get another ML and whether I should just order online. I didn't think I could stay up late. I was also thinking about how many coral peach blushes I have. I had it on yesterday and I thought, "Is Marine Life really that special?" I thought this as I looked in my dark bathroom mirror. Pretty but the end all? Then I went to the window. Wow! Not to toot my own horn but beautiful! I promptly left and made my way to the store. It turned out to be a waste but I was ready to go this afternoon.

I like to go to the Pro store sometimes because no one in there pays any attention to the new collections. Sometimes they don't even have them in a display, just on the counter. Well, I ended up getting shimmermoss and humid. I'm just loving the pop of bright color on my lids so I thought maybe shimmer moss might work. The SA asked if I wanted a pan. I was thinking of depotting stuff but honestly I don't have time right now and I was hoping to start with my neutrals or browns. I have about a billion (joking) beigey/gold shimmer colors. So I told him to just give my the regular ones. Well, that is what he did. He gave me the black pots. When I told him I wanted the green pots, he didn't know what I was talking about. He asked another SA and he looked puzzled too. He then looked at the To the Beach display and lifted up the the eyeshadows and said "Oh yeah, these are in the To the Beach collection." Huh? They didn't really know about the new collection.

The SA told me that they were out of Marine Life and a few other things on my list (they had given me a piece of paper to write what I wanted.) The SA then had another SA ring me up so I asked her what was out of stock just to make sure. She tells me she will check for Marine Life because she thinks she saw it. Well lo and behold she had it!

I also bought Float On By. It looked pretty. Opulash mascara and the 2 new darker Naked pigments -Naked Dark and Naked Deep Dark. Thanks Shontay! I was going to get Copperbeam pigment as they were out the last time I was there but I thought I should wait. They were out of Rubenesque and Indianwood paint pot.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by make_up_maven
I bet they will, they did with Undercurrent and Everhip, but they sold out again quickly.

Crap, does that mean checking the Mac site every hour to see if they restock lol?? How fast did they restock with those?


Well-known member
Thank god for making friends with a mac manager! I just called the MAC at Mall of America and she's going to put two marine lifes on hold for me
I'm totally leaving work early on the 27th to go get them. If anyone ends up not finding one I *should* have one for you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheCollector
Crap, does that mean checking the Mac site every hour to see if they restock lol?? How fast did they restock with those?

It was a couple of days - I remember I wanted to get back ups of them and i went to order and they were sold out - a few days later I was surprised that they were in stock again.

In the meantime, I had order them from Macy's.


Well-known member
I can't believe how fast ML sold out!!!
I'm so lucky I turned on my computer around six to see that TTB went up online! I would have been so mad if I missed out on it especially since I missed out on Ripe Peach.

For the rest of the collection, I'm waiting to see it in person on Thursday. And since my mall has a freestanding store and 3 counters, I think I can find all of the other products on launch day somewhere....I hope.

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