MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by marusia
I'm willing to bet my bank account several people were ordering after order after order after order. Watch, 3 days from now, ebay will be polluted with them.

ARgh, so frustrated that it's not up on the Canadian site yet... and I feel for you gals in the US who wanted Marine Life but couldn't get it
I hope very few people actually bid on all the over-priced Marine Life's that will undoubtedly pop up on Ebay... then hopefully all the jerks who bought them in bulk in order to make profit will be thwarted!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by marusia
Macy's is usually behind with posting stuff, I know that. I remember when I wanted Lancome's oscillation foundation, it took like 3 days to get up...we'll see about this. Nordstrom, I don't know. I can say though, that both sites were going s...l....o....w.....because everyone panicked and hopped over there!

thankfully to avoid this crazyness, I ordered from Bloomingdales online at the beginning of May! I was pleasantly surprised at how early they had the collection up!


Well-known member
How come the american website started selling Marine Life only, and not the entire collection?! I don't get it.

It's amazing how fast it sold out!

EDIT: Now I saw, there are more products available, not only Marine Life.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Luiza_T
How come the american website started selling Marine Life only, and not the entire collection?! I don't get it.

It's amazing how fast it sold out!

the entire collection is up and is available to be bought, I think all of us were just after Marine Life first!


Well-known member
Hum... now I wondered how long until it's up on the Pro site... Thankfully I'll be at work in an hour, for about 10 hours.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LittleMaryJane
If you go when your store/counter opens, is it crazy on a launch day? I've never been to a store right after a new launch.

Well when Art Supplies came out no one else was in the store but me and my friend. The MUA told me they'd be slow when they first open so I should be ok. It seems the weekend of a launch it's crowded. I've been to a few different ones after a few different launches and each time it was crowded.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by marusia
Oh no, it was more than just Marine Life, it was just the first thing to sell out...I'm guessing flurry of fun, float on by, and thrills are next..don't forget the lustre drops!

And the craziness begins!

that is NOT okay! People shouldn't have to pay $45+ for a product that's supposed to be $26.

The sellers have got some SUPER bad karma/juju comin' their way...


Well-known member
I would try a Macy's counter or one that doesn't get as much traffic if you are looking for Marine Life when it comes out in stores. I was in a Macy's in FL the day Spring Forecast came out and there wasn't another soul at the counter! Tons of everything! (I should have bought Ripe Peach then but passed much to my regret


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sinergy
loooooooooooooove the sweet and punchy look. just love love love it.

Me too. I didn't buy S&P but now I'm thinking about a second order..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Mine gets worried too, but that's only cause he'll hear me whine about it for days or weeks afterwards if I miss something I really want. I think he'd rather avoid the whining when at all possible.

yep, its all about the whining


Well-known member
I went into Nordstrom yesterday and they "presold" Marine Life to me. Does that mean I'm guaranteed to get it? The MA also told me the collection launches on the 28th, but don't they usually launch on Thursdays? I was planning on ordering at midnight so I'm scared I'm not going to get mine now!


Well-known member
Oh lord I hadn't read through any of the recent pages since I looked slightly over an hour ago before I posted and I see that you guys said Marine Life is sold out already! That's crazy!!!


Well-known member
Wait, what? I don't see the collection on the website at all. But if I search individual items by name, it comes up?
I missed out, and I'm doing a CP for someone! Well, at least they are coming to stores too!

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