MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by _tiffany
I went into Nordstrom yesterday and they "presold" Marine Life to me. Does that mean I'm guaranteed to get it? The MA also told me the collection launches on the 28th, but don't they usually launch on Thursdays? I was planning on ordering at midnight so I'm scared I'm not going to get mine now!

You should. I did the same thing last Christmas with Macy's for the Lancome and Estee Lauder traincases for my family.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by only1angel
Has this happened before????? You're not the only person that said this.......

I need 4 Marine Lifes (for me, mom, sis, and neighbor!)
I managed to preorder 2 of them (got the last 2!) and I just bought the other 2 on MAC's site! But now you guys are getting me worried
Should I get 2 more or do you think my preorder should be fine?

I don't know! It's myt first time pre-ordering from Nordies, and reading the other comments with people being nervous made me nervous, so I didn't want to chance it!


Well-known member
omg i was gone for 2 hours and it went 4 pages! holy crap!

well i'm gonna check on it but i'm gonna call the freestanding and see how many marine life's i can buy at 1 time and see if i can put them on hold. and then i'll have my bf call and do the same. and possible the same at mac pro.

so anyone who needs a cp i should be able to get it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bell21
the entire collection is up and is available to be bought, I think all of us were just after Marine Life first!

I know, I edited right away after writing that ... I was posting and looking at the website at the same time. hehe

I have my Marine Life already, so I'm not concerned...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pleomorphic
Wait, what? I don't see the collection on the website at all. But if I search individual items by name, it comes up?
I missed out, and I'm doing a CP for someone! Well, at least they are coming to stores too!

M·A·C Cosmetics | To the Beach |


Well-known member
Originally Posted by riotlove
omg i was gone for 2 hours and it went 4 pages! holy crap!

well i'm gonna check on it but i'm gonna call the freestanding and see how many marine life's i can buy at 1 time and see if i can put them on hold. and then i'll have my bf call and do the same. and possible the same at mac pro.

so anyone who needs a cp i should be able to get it!

Make sure you at least leave me one! I'm going to the freestanding store when it opens in the morning


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sinergy
loooooooooooooove the sweet and punchy look. just love love love it.

Me too! That facechart is the sole reason I can't pass on Float on By. If I get nothing else from the collection, I want what they used on that facechart!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by retrofox
Make sure you at least leave me one! I'm going to the freestanding store when it opens in the morning

ooooh! i always wanna find vegas girlies that love mac hah! i never can. glad to know!

ya i'm thinking of just running down there thursday morning when they open. just cuz i'm being lazy do you know what time they open?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bell21
They're on the to the beach page, hopefully this link works M·A·C Cosmetics | To the Beach | otherwise you can get to it through the site map

Oh thanks. They must have been working on the site when I tried the site map before. All I saw was the Beach bag when I clicked To the Beach Collection. I still have my fingers crossed for Marine Life for all the Speckta-ites.


Well-known member
Well I ordered a marine life and if all goes as plan, I will have two more on thursday with my preorder at Nordstroms. I was going to retrurn one of them, but if people arent able to get it, I will keep both and just sell one of them to whoever wants it.


Well-known member
If I get my second Marine Life on Thursday at Nordies, I will definitely do a CP for the other one for someone on here. Just pm me.


Well-known member
i think we should probably set up a list somewhere of ppl who need cps and ppl who can get them...

my issue is limited funds but my mom is letting me borrow as much as she has and then the bf might be able to let me borrow some too but we'll see.

i hate that it's stressful for some girls because of crappy ppl who buy it for ebay


Well-known member
Originally Posted by _tiffany
I went into Nordstrom yesterday and they "presold" Marine Life to me. Does that mean I'm guaranteed to get it? The MA also told me the collection launches on the 28th, but don't they usually launch on Thursdays? I was planning on ordering at midnight so I'm scared I'm not going to get mine now!

it depends on how many people are before you and how many that counter got. so technically it's not guaranteed. I preordered Shell Pearl from GMLOL from Nordies and thought i was safe....then they called me and told me that they sold out of SP and I wasn't able to get it....luckily i had a couple of days to find another store that carried it....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by riotlove
ooooh! i always wanna find vegas girlies that love mac hah! i never can. glad to know!

ya i'm thinking of just running down there thursday morning when they open. just cuz i'm being lazy do you know what time they open?

10am. I get off work at 9am so I'll just drive over there after work regardless of what time it opens! I want my To The Beach stuff


Well-known member
yes - my only issues is limited funds (since purchasing new home yay!!)

so someone please help and buy my stuff from the sale thread so i can go purchase some stuff at MAC!


Well-known member
I want to grab some popcorn and see how long it takes Marine Life to sell out. It'll be ridiculous. Good luck to all of you ladies who want it. I really hope you get it!

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