MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Liya2007
Easy Lounger L/G is also sold out now!! I did not see that coming!

I've already made my order and got the things I really wanted. Didn't get Marine Life hope I don't regret it

I just was coming to comment about Easy Lounger being sold out. I was like WTF? that was the one product that no one really was talking about so I was shocked to see it be gone already lol


Well-known member
i guess because it seems like a safe color? those have the surprising sell outs sometimes, is anything else gone now, too?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
I think they're only here (other than one they also have in New York). Its actually north of Toronto in Markham....

And I emailed you

I've been to a bunch of MAC sales in Markham too...they're amazing, I got a bunch of Hello Kitty and Dame Enda stuff there


Well-known member
i'm still shocked about marine life! selling out so quick on the us site too... wow! and i have to say that it does anger me seeing them listed at such high prices on ebay - come on people - don't be greedy!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
4:20 EST here in Canada - nothing on the site yet.

I left and came back to 9 pages since 7pm haha! Took me awhile to read them all. Its INSAAAAANNNNNEEE that Marine Life sold out on the U.S site within a few hours! I feel like a jerk with 4 extras sitting in my make-up drawer lookin' all pretty and brand-spanking-new!

But then, like MsWestchesterNY said ...CHILLAX! Its in stores too. Just go as soon as one opens
There are 10 in my area (pro, counter and freestanding). People in the GTA are lucky....PLUS more if they have a car and can travel to the other counters outside of the GTA (like people did for Ripe Peach)!

I'll keep an eye out until ppl start waking up and logging on. I tried the "site map" thing too to no avail, along with searching for items by name...nada yet.

Hahaha being in the GTA rocks...I go to like 10 different counters and stores...if something is sold out I can find it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
LOL! Yes...they happen about 4 times a year. Estee Lauder (who owns MAC) holds a huge sale where you can get stuff up to 70% off. Its not all MAC - its also Estee Lauder, Bobby Brown, Clinique and some other brands. Anything from gift/box sets to traincases to cosmetics to fragrances, skincare and accessories (bags, brushes, applicators, etc).

There's one June 4th-6th. Fridays are always the best days to go. Everything good sells out within a few hours. Ex: lipsticks/lipglass are two for $10.

I go to one in the fall ..I didn't know there were 4 a year! How do you go about getting tickets? (my friend's father always give me the other one)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rutiene
I just wanted to say that you should call your Nordstrom to check if this is true. I called mine and they said they haven't heard of any counters releasing early.

This is direct from the MAC counter manager.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
You should've got me to CP the lustre drops for you from the MAC Warehouse sale! Its only $10 (leftover from Style Warriors)

Do they have lustre drops there still?


Well-known member
For those that have seen it, how would you say Get Away Bronze compares to Cheeky Bronze, or even the colors in Warm Blend?
I'm trying to tell from swatches, if it is orangey or not.

My finger has been hovering over the submit final order button. The first order was easy, but now I've gotten indecisive and have looked at my cart 689,345 times now.

I ordered ML, Beach Bronze, Flurry of Fun, Thrills, Lazy Day...

But Get Away Bronze is haunting me. I dreamed of it when I was actually asleep last night.
as is Funbathing.. etc.
Calgon, take me away....


Well-known member
I'm with everyone going W(hy)TF is Easy Lounger l/g the second thing to go?! Unless MAC made significantly fewer of them because they didn't expect it to sell well... I don't know.

But so far, only ML & Easy Lounger are sold out on the US site. :]


Well-known member
Even Marine Life is sold out on Nordstrom's website so quickly! I kinda regret not getting Easy Lounger l/g yesterday and I thought Flurry of Fun l/g would be the first lipglass to be sold out but I was wrong.


Well-known member
thanks, i was worried about the pencils to be honest, i know a lot were sold out for presales.
i thought flurry of fun would be the first lipglass to go


Well-known member
*deep sigh* I so wish I knew someone in Philly with a Pro card that was willing to pick up a few things for me. Trying to save $ but there are some thigns calling my name from this collection and it's hard to ignore them
Anyone fit the above description...pretty please


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamQueen21
Even Marine Life is sold out on Nordstrom's website so quickly! I kinda regret not getting Easy Lounger l/g yesterday and I thought Flurry of Fun l/g would be the first lipglass to be sold out but I was wrong.

we posted around the same time, i guess. i really thought flurry of fun would also be the first to be sold out! i guess because of all the positive feedback here.


Active member
Hi guys, just became a MAC addict this year and have been a lurker ever since
I figured sooner or later i'd have to say something
I just put in my order and ML is still available on the Canadian website. I'm pretty late compared to all those die hard addicts that stayed up til 5! I called it quits around 4. Hope all you ladies in the states get what you're looking for! Everyone is panicking and the collection isn't even in stores yet... oh MAC.

Originally Posted by Junkie
You should've got me to CP the lustre drops for you from the MAC Warehouse sale! Its only $10 (leftover from Style Warriors)

I was JUST going to ask about that! While I was in cruise control ordering online (lol) I thought about whether I could pick it up at the warehouse sale this June. I've never been to one but one of my girlfriends grabbed tickets for Saturday. I just don't want to go home lustre drop free
Do you think they'll be there this time? It sure beats paying $23 bottles for something I might not even use haha


Well-known member
I forgot to ask...

I know it has been compared to "O", but I have not seen Funbathing swatched next to "O". Are they really that much alike? It looks more berry than O does, but it's hard to tell not seeing them next to each other.


Well-known member
I placed my order on the Canadian website...

Life's A Breeze
Sweet & Punchy
Marine Life
Shimmermoss pro pan

I was in such a hurry to put in my order, I first charged it to the wrong credit card (mine, obviously - but I wanted to charge it to my VISA... not a big deal), and the secondly, forgot to ship it to my office instead of my home. Oops. Oh well... just excited I got my order in

Going to wait on Float On By


Well-known member
Originally Posted by RayannaBanana
Does anyone know what the offer code is? The Lash610 doesn't work for me.

Lash610 is still applying in my cart... no space between lash and 610. It also worked last night.

I wonder when a Beach-y code will work.

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