i love reading everyone's purchase experiences today for TTB
my TTB experience started with me soooo excited last night after reading up on everything on Spectra, i could barely sleep. so by the time i needed to wake up i was finally sleepy. i made a quick dash to work and had planned on only finishing up the staffs' schedules and be at my mac counter (in a Belk store) right at 10 am. EVERYWHERE i went it seemed someone was delaying my being able to get to the store, so i was feeling slightly panicky when i made it through Belk's door at 10:10am.
there were two women already there playing with TTB, and only one mua and i'd never seen her working there before. one of the women keep fingering ML and just chit chatting with the mua about non makeup stuff. the other lady seemed to already know what she wanted but was waiting patiently.
i had not had any coffee and i have (graciously) withheld from all this year's LE mac collections until today, so i rather rudely (yet still politely) announced loudly "i know what items i want and i'm ready to pay, and this lady is too and i think and she's ahead of me but God i hope she doesn't get the last marine life before i do!"
yay it worked! fingering lady moved it out the way with her chit chat. the lady before me actually had NOT thought about marine life, but when the mua pulled the coveted LE drawer open and announced she had TWO ML's left, she got one too
at the counter i thought sand and sun was really chalky and ick. i love the eyeliners, but i'm really happy with my milani eyepencils in the exact same colors of teal and green. cream bronzers, not compatible with my still oily at almost 40 face. powder bronzers/blushes: already have too many and don't need. lipglasses: i own too many but had to have flurry of fun (i wish it had the green packaging though, way to recycle neo si fi). i passed on all lipsticks but the one THRILLS (yay coral beachy me!).
so my counter haul was: ML,Thrills,131 brush (i wanted the 130 as well, but she had none, how weird-i would have thought the perm one would be stocked),flurry of fun lg, and what was SUPPOSED to be sweet and punchy es. when i got home about an hour ago i realized she put firecracker in my bag instead
and finally, not from ttb collection: viva glam cyndi (perfect!)
so once i got home, i was regretting not getting a few things more so i ordered off mac.com : shimmermoss,lazy day,130 brush, and even though i know better: sand and sun. i love the color, from reading here i hope i can scrape past the dry cover and get to the good color. i know how ocd/manic this sounds but i really wanted an even total of 4 of the green packaging es.
once i realized i have firecracker i went back and made another order online for what i was supposed to get at the counter: sweet and punchy. i'm not sad that i have firecracker, i think i'll like it too....and that brings me to the coveted 4 for my collection
all the above is why i MUST limit myself to only enjoying the summer collection!!!!!! time for cocktails! enjoy your hauls everyone