MAC - To The Beach Discussion


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Originally Posted by malvales
I got Marine Life!!!!!!

Not so easily though. I went to my MAC store right at 10 am when they're open and when I came in I saw the TTB display right away with a big empty spot in the middle. My heart shrank. It's definitely sold out and they don't even show the tester any longer (some customers can be suicidal i imagine).
I found out that they launched the collection 2 days earlier!!!!
The unclear launching date is so maddening.
I was lucky I got nice MA helping out and she made some phone calls to nearby MAC counters to see if they still have ML. It's sold out in Nordstrom but Macy's near my house still had it so she asked them to put 1 on hold for

So we should all complain to corporate like the MUA's told me for putting this collection out early. They said it was so wrong of them to do that! I wonder why they did???

OMG I just remembered what the MUA's told me about Nordstrom. A girl had called from Culpeper, VA which is an hour + from me so about 2 hours for her to Nordstrom. She called and asked them to hold it for her and said she was on her way to get it. She drove all that way and they sold it!!! I'd be soooo mad!!


Well-known member
Yep, I knew it...Nordstroms didn't fill my pre-sale for my Marine Life that I placed 2 weeks ago, thats why I ordered one from cover my ass) They told my hubby(who went to pick it up for me) that they only got 2 in & they had to fill the orders as they were received. They are going to try & find me 1 & have it shipped to me but there are 2 other people on the list before me. UGH... SAD


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
So we should all complain to corporate like the MUA's told me for putting this collection out early. They said it was so wrong of them to do that! I wonder why they did???

Imagine my surprise when I walked into the MAC freestanding store to see Marine Life sold out! Only to be told they released it early and it offically sold out this morning!


Well-known member
According to the local MAC pro staff, they got a call from corporate telling them to put the collection out early, because everything was gone online. It had been sitting in the stockroom for about a week prior AND at least two artists I talked to said they 'specifically' asked the store artists about the release date for the collection and were told it would be the 27th.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ingenue
According to the local MAC pro staff, they got a call from corporate telling them to put the collection out early, because everything was gone online. It had been sitting in the stockroom for about a week prior AND at least two artists I talked to said they 'specifically' asked the store artists about the release date for the collection and were told it would be the 27th.

I was at the Pro Store last week Friday I think it was and they had the items instock then. I remember them showing me the Cream bronzer in Weekend.


Well-known member

I got my black box of goodness from Mr Brown Shorts!!
In this order is Marine Life, Flurry of Fun, and Beach Bronze.
holey moley!
Flurry of Fun....

I am really surprised by this one. I tend to be disappointed in lipglasses, and although I have many many many, this is the first one that made me go WOAH... It not only has the cool teal, but an all over brightness that I've never seen before. It really rocks even by itself. I of course have tried it over some of my lippies. Right now for grins I am wearing it over Costa Chic.. Man. I'm sooooooooo happy with this one.

Marine Life...
I wish I had another so I could make this into a necklace and wear it every day. I haven't tried it on, just swatched the non overspray part. Dangit...I knew I shouldn't have looked at it.
I will get over it and muck up the overspray. I'm dying to see it on cheeks

Beach Bronze.
I was pleasantly surprised with the texture. Even though it's hot as hades here today (mid 90's) this was not melty. It feels like a dream. It is sheer on my (about) NC30 skin. But I knew that it was going to be. It will be fun to play with it.
I like that it's not reddish or orangey. It is shimmery. But not tacky.
as Goldilocks would say... just right!

I just got back after picking up my daughter(10).. She noticed the flurry of fun right away. When it's time for her to start getting into makeup (no time soon), she's going to be a makeup monster!

okay, back to playing in the makeup sandbox. I love summer makeup!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DILLIGAF
I was at the Pro Store last week Friday I think it was and they had the items instock then. I remember them showing me the Cream bronzer in Weekend.

Wow. That's a shame. I know a lot of people were thinking it would be there this morning. It would have been nice to get a heads know? As soon as I checked online and saw it was sold out Wednesday, I called my local pro store to ask if they'd put the collection out. When he said yes, I knew it was going to be a mess. The store opened at 10am. ML was gone by 11am.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sass
Another thing. I do not want to mess up my ML. LOL! Anybody else feeling like this?? I keep looking at it and want to just put my brush in, but I can't...I wonder how long this feeling is going to last.

Haha. I didn't think it would have that effect on me, but it totally did


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stv578
That's why I got back-up!

I wish I could get a back up. I'm going to tackle that issue tomorrow. I got word that a particular store has several left. I shall see! I'm very excited about the pigmentation. It's like a beauty powder that will actually show up on me. Sweet!


Well-known member
i love reading everyone's purchase experiences today for TTB

my TTB experience started with me soooo excited last night after reading up on everything on Spectra, i could barely sleep. so by the time i needed to wake up i was finally sleepy. i made a quick dash to work and had planned on only finishing up the staffs' schedules and be at my mac counter (in a Belk store) right at 10 am. EVERYWHERE i went it seemed someone was delaying my being able to get to the store, so i was feeling slightly panicky when i made it through Belk's door at 10:10am.

there were two women already there playing with TTB, and only one mua and i'd never seen her working there before. one of the women keep fingering ML and just chit chatting with the mua about non makeup stuff. the other lady seemed to already know what she wanted but was waiting patiently.
i had not had any coffee and i have (graciously) withheld from all this year's LE mac collections until today, so i rather rudely (yet still politely) announced loudly "i know what items i want and i'm ready to pay, and this lady is too and i think and she's ahead of me but God i hope she doesn't get the last marine life before i do!"

yay it worked! fingering lady moved it out the way with her chit chat. the lady before me actually had NOT thought about marine life, but when the mua pulled the coveted LE drawer open and announced she had TWO ML's left, she got one too

at the counter i thought sand and sun was really chalky and ick. i love the eyeliners, but i'm really happy with my milani eyepencils in the exact same colors of teal and green. cream bronzers, not compatible with my still oily at almost 40 face. powder bronzers/blushes: already have too many and don't need. lipglasses: i own too many but had to have flurry of fun (i wish it had the green packaging though, way to recycle neo si fi). i passed on all lipsticks but the one THRILLS (yay coral beachy me!).

so my counter haul was: ML,Thrills,131 brush (i wanted the 130 as well, but she had none, how weird-i would have thought the perm one would be stocked),flurry of fun lg, and what was SUPPOSED to be sweet and punchy es. when i got home about an hour ago i realized she put firecracker in my bag instead

and finally, not from ttb collection: viva glam cyndi (perfect!)

so once i got home, i was regretting not getting a few things more so i ordered off : shimmermoss,lazy day,130 brush, and even though i know better: sand and sun. i love the color, from reading here i hope i can scrape past the dry cover and get to the good color. i know how ocd/manic this sounds but i really wanted an even total of 4 of the green packaging es.

once i realized i have firecracker i went back and made another order online for what i was supposed to get at the counter: sweet and punchy. i'm not sad that i have firecracker, i think i'll like it too....and that brings me to the coveted 4 for my collection

all the above is why i MUST limit myself to only enjoying the summer collection!!!!!! time for cocktails! enjoy your hauls everyone


Well-known member
I want to know who got 12 ML's. Sheesh! I thought I was doing the most by getting a backup... but my goodness.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aeroerin
LOL this is happening to me right now! I have it in my hands and I want to "spend time with it" before the seahorse goes away. I feel really stupid (and my mom thinks I'm crazy, LOL) because I really thought I would be okay with getting rid of the seahorse right away.

I just have to name him! (and then remember him through all of the lovely promotional/haul pictures floating around on the internet)

LOL @ name him and remember him.


Well-known member
The counter I went to said they only got about 8 or 9 ML in. I was like wow. I thought they stock stock you know like 50 in stock. Boy I was wrong. eeek!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
Oh Betsey <3

I'll sell my two ML for that necklace. LOL!! j/k. I really do want the necklace though. It just looked so pretty with her makeup!

Oh yeah and Ashley was nice enough to give me her email addy and will let me know when stuff is coming out so that something like this morning/yesterday doesnt happen again!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenntoz
Yep, I knew it...Nordstroms didn't fill my pre-sale for my Marine Life that I placed 2 weeks ago, thats why I ordered one from cover my ass) They told my hubby(who went to pick it up for me) that they only got 2 in & they had to fill the orders as they were received. They are going to try & find me 1 & have it shipped to me but there are 2 other people on the list before me. UGH... SAD

They didn't fill mine either. In fact, I think there are more people who didn't get it filled than people who did. I love my counter regardless, but the supervisor is off on medical, so I can tell the difference from when she is there and when shes not.


Well-known member
hi all - just a quick post:

went at lunch to see this collection and luckily i had ML set aside for me because it was sold out. i ended up with ML, Thrills, and Funbathing.

passed on hipness because although it was super pretty, it was close to ML on my face. i think someone could tell the difference if they really looked but even the MUA said that they look the same.

tried on "In the Buff" and it was unique but not sure if it's flattering. i like it...i think? i didn't get it, i figure i'll wear it around on my fingernail and decide later since it doesn't look like anyone is rushing out to get this...

all e/s except for that light pinky one were so smooth and pigmented. loved firecracker and sweet/punchy. possibly will go back for those.

float on by was gorgeous! i would have bought it, but i don't have too much time for my eyes these days so i've been buying more lip and cheek stuff.

didn't have time to look at the glosses or any other products actually.

ML is so pretty though. love the color, love the design, love the packaging, it's so fun. the MUA accidentally put 2 in my hold bag and then i was too quick to say i only got 1.
i asked her later if i could get the other for a friend (hoping to give it to one of you guys on specktra that didn't get it) but she said "no! it's the last one and i'm taking it". sorry all!

hope that helps.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by aeroerin
I just have to name him! (and then remember him through all of the lovely promotional/haul pictures floating around on the internet)

Too cute!! I'm going to name mine too, but mine is going to be a girl

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