MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Active member
Originally Posted by LMD84
aren't they the same colour... but golden has no sparkles so you won't be betteroff colour wise.

Well, Temptalia says that Golden is only good for NC/NW 10 - 15, so she seems to think it's lighter.

I think I will just have to hit the store again and see.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
So we should all complain to corporate like the MUA's told me for putting this collection out early. They said it was so wrong of them to do that! I wonder why they did???

OMG I just remembered what the MUA's told me about Nordstrom. A girl had called from Culpeper, VA which is an hour + from me so about 2 hours for her to Nordstrom. She called and asked them to hold it for her and said she was on her way to get it. She drove all that way and they sold it!!! I'd be soooo mad!!

Omgggggg nooooooo! That would make me SOOOO angry...I'd probably let out a string of profanities

Originally Posted by marajode

Marine Life...
I wish I had another so I could make this into a necklace and wear it every day. I haven't tried it on, just swatched the non overspray part. Dangit...I knew I shouldn't have looked at it.
I will get over it and muck up the overspray. I'm dying to see it on cheeks

Haha, now THERE'S an idea!

Originally Posted by fairylite100
I rarely post here but have been reading this thread with tons of interest over this collection (which I really love most of but yet cannot believe all the drama, lol). I have a friend who works at Nordies and from what he says, the counters got PLENTY of stock in everything (or at the very least, more than 2 of any item). He said that counter SA's are buying the ML's themselves AND setting them aside for friends. This is probably happening in the freestanding stores also. My MAC store still had some as of this morning (Scottsdale, AZ) but the SA there said that her manager ordered extras for the store because she knew about the hype over the product. So it may also be that some stores vastly under ordered for their client base/interest.

Anyway, I hope everyone gets or got what they wanted and if not, at least there is always another great collection around the bend.

Thats not fair at all! A lot of other places I know of (other than MAC) have a rule for employees - nothing is to be sold to them until 2 weeks after the launch because they take advantage of their staff discounts and ALSO buy up all the merchandise before customers. I don't think they let the MA's at MAC buy anything right away for SCF.....even the manager at Yorkdale Mall couldn't get her hand on one.

Originally Posted by Luiza_T

This makes me remember one time I got an update from FedEx saying they could not deliver because I wasn't home... But I was! I ran downstairs to see if anybody was there still, but only the delivery notice was there. In the way I saw my neighbor, and now he thinks I'm crazy.

Ugh, I hate Canada's postal services. FedEx, UPS and Canada Post are notorious for lying on their forms if they are running late. They won't even attempt to deliver it to you by knocking on the door or ringing your bell. My bf and I have had it happen numerous times. Our complaining to customer service never helps either.

Originally Posted by StarrySim
Who has managed to B2M for this collection? The mac store at the Eaton Centre wouldn't let me, but it was very fishy. The girl I asked said she had to check, then she asked another girl, who said it's totally fine. Then she went in the back, and came back and told me no. I asked why, when the other girl said it was fine, and she said her manager said no. I don't believe her.

So I headed over to The Bay, and after a few minutes on the phone with someone the girl let me get a l/s, but she said something weird, like she can do it now, but if I come back another time I may not be able to. I didn't really get it, but I left with Lazy Day.

I originally wanted to get Splashing, so I will probably the the Mac store again tomorrow with a different MA. When LoL was out, I asked and they said no, not for that collection because it's partnered, but usually LE packaging is ok.

Ugh, I hate how they are so inconsistent.

Thats messed. I went to MAC Pro and they let me do it all the time. I got Firecracker for free this way. The dude that works there (older, with a goatee) is soooo nice about it. He's my fave MA there. The only place I've had someone hesitate was STC during the launch for SCF, but she still let me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by obscuria
It looks like Marine Life has made it's way into some specktra sales already at inflated prices. Boo! People move quick.

And I wonder just how big a profit they are going for. I remember someone fishing to use others pro discount here a while ago...


Well-known member
I would be LIVID if I drove two hours for a product only to have it sold to someone else!!!!

In other news, I hear that this was definitely limited edition and TWO freestanding stores told me that they are not getting it back in stock. For products such as this, perhaps there should be a one per customer limit.

ALSO, I am *insert expletive* pissed because there are 119 of these up on evil bay at the moment.

I didn't know whether I would like it or not and someone mentioned on here that it was darker than she thought- which made me hesitant. Plus, when I got my email saying it was up on, it was already sold out.

I swear if this ends up at the CCO, I am not going to be happy.

So in conclusion, I can not find this within a 20 mi radius of my home. And will not pay out the nose for it.

As far as the collection, I think it is nice and beachy. Of the things I tried on my hand yesterday, I liked ML best.

"Sand and Sun" looks too much like "Free to Be" on me.

Wanted to try "Easy Lounger", but someone was using it for a MU demo. I like "Splashing" a lot, so I am hoping to B2M for it.

"Hipness" didn't show up on my fair melon/pink skin. It more or less blended in.

I liked the pigmentation of "Rosemary and Thyme", but as I read it is permanent, I can get that anytime- well only need it now if I want the special packaging.

Hubs said I could get the tote as a present, but I am waiting to see if I can get my hands on ML first. hehe.

I really wasn't going to get anything from this collection as I picked up a lot from Liberty of London and Pret a Papier, but hey- I can't resist.

Sorry for the long post (erm, rant)!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shontay07108
I'm going to one of the most awesome malls in NJ. I want to go to Sephora, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Victoria's Secret and of course I have to eat. Yes, food is my other love!

what mall? I'm right by the GS Plaza, I'm guessing you might be going to the Palisades though

Originally Posted by fairylite100
I rarely post here but have been reading this thread with tons of interest over this collection (which I really love most of but yet cannot believe all the drama, lol). I have a friend who works at Nordies and from what he says, the counters got PLENTY of stock in everything (or at the very least, more than 2 of any item). He said that counter SA's are buying the ML's themselves AND setting them aside for friends. This is probably happening in the freestanding stores also. My MAC store still had some as of this morning (Scottsdale, AZ) but the SA there said that her manager ordered extras for the store because she knew about the hype over the product. So it may also be that some stores vastly under ordered for their client base/interest.

Anyway, I hope everyone gets or got what they wanted and if not, at least there is always another great collection around the bend.

This I believe & it really makes me mad
Did I also ever mention that I had called on tues & again on wed to see if my pre-sale was ok & was told both times yes, all pre-sales & orders had been filled & come down whenever to pick up my stuff. They are lucky we only live 5 minutes from the mall & that my hubby went for me & I didn't have to pack up my kids just to be told my order wasn't filled cause I would have flipped out


Well-known member
Not able to get a backup of ML which is OK because I was this ... to not getting it at all. I hope everyone who hasn't gotten it yet finds it today. Good luck!

And I'm having trouble finding Thrills l/s. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


In other news, I hear that this was definitely limited edition and TWO freestanding stores told me that they are not getting it back in stock.

Thanks for that info. I was so hoping it would come back in stock since Nordstroms cancelled by order and my local counter is now sold out. I guess it wasn't meant for me to have it. I also refuse to play inflated ebay prices for this product.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
It was okay!

Your sig made me laugh.....and also made me feel dumb.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
aren't they the same colour... but golden has no sparkles so you won't be betteroff colour wise.

They are definitely not the same color. Golden is a lighter more orange-y color, whereas Refined Golden is a darker more brown color. I got Golden by accident yesterday and took it back ASAP. I feel like it would look very orange on me. I'm NW20 btw and Refined Golden applied with a light hand looks great.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
Your sig made me laugh.....and also made me feel dumb.

LOL I've been on a roll for the past two weeks explaining it to people I know


Well-known member
I've been at my daughter's school today, sneak-reading Specktra posts here and there

Well, in the middle of the night, I woke up and ordered Lazy Day, and two more Flurry of Fun.
Kind of a sleep-Mac ordering episode I guess. I will blame it on that. I wasn't conscious, and it was not my fault! Sounds good to me.

I have been obsessing on whether or not to order another Flurry of Fun. I have yet to find a lipstick that doesn't look gorgeous with it. I even think it's most awesome by itself. I can see myself slathering this on all the time.
I've only backed up one lipgloss in the past, so this is a biggie for me.

Annnd, I am realllly looking forward to seeing Lazy Day.

Today I am wearing the creme bronzer (beach) with Marine Life over it.
It is interesting. When I swatch the creme bronzer on my hand it is pretty sheer. However when applied with a brush to cheeks, beautiful. Subtle, but beautiful. I am NC 25 to 30 right now. I'm really happy with it. It is also just fun for me to use this formula. It feels awesome. I wish I had a foundation with this feel. I need to smack my hand as it finds its way to touching my face.
And Marine Life looks freakin gorgeous on. So far, the left half has no overspray. The right half still has it. So, I'm only half weird.
For today. HA!

Today Mr Brown Shorts will leave me my box with Thrills, Funbathing, and Get Away Bronze...
I'm going to be checking from the school, because, in this heat, I don't want it sitting outside too long.
My UPS dude also leaves on door step, but I always can hear him coming a mile away (I've developed super sonic hearing for that truck). However since he is so nice (and did I mention kinda HOT?) I usually catch him as he leaves the box. And no, I'm no pervert, but can appreciate the view.

Another fun day in Mac land!!!
I'm really really enjoying this collection.

OH, and my daughter and I were at CVS yesterday. In the nailpolish aisle, she saw this one shade. She was all "ohh, it's just like the green in your Seahorse compact!" It's a Sally Hansen shade, Insta Dri. I have it on now


Well-known member
with luck, the oversaturation of MLs on ebay will mean most of them won't get bids... and then these people will be stuck with tons of them and be forced to sell them at less inflated prices.

if you look at completed listings, it seems like they've been selling for ~45. curiously, yesterday there were two MLs that ended at 99 cents with no bids.

also, while there are some LISTED at crazy prices, no one is bidding on any that have more than 3days 7hours left unless they're below cost or just above cost (like less than $30).

i have a feeling that the hype may wear off very soon, and that most of these sellers are going to not turn much of a profit at ALL. the situation still sucks, but that's a little consolation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by esme77
Well, Temptalia says that Golden is only good for NC/NW 10 - 15, so she seems to think it's lighter.

I think I will just have to hit the store again and see.

I agree with Temptalia. I tried both at the counter yesterday. Golden was definitely lighter than Refined Golden.
Or maybe Refined Golden has better color payoff? That's why it shows easily on the skin and appears to be darker?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by monter
with luck, the oversaturation of MLs on ebay will mean most of them won't get bids... and then these people will be stuck with tons of them and be forced to sell them at less inflated prices.

if you look at completed listings, it seems like they've been selling for ~45. curiously, yesterday there were two MLs that ended at 99 cents with no bids.

They probably had reserved prices in the listings. Which means that even if they "sold" for .99 cents, the sellers are not obligated to actually sell the item for that amount. I'd guess people reserved/posted Best Offers for ATLEAST $50.


Well-known member
Here is my experience:

Showed up a Belk yesterday at a few minutes after 10, and one of the really nice MA's that I know was there, and she was doing someone's makeup. She finished and I told her I was dying to get ML, and she said she'd already sold several, and had some on hold, and people were calling from everywhere trying to get it. I played a bit, and ended up getting Firecracker and Sweet & Punchy, along with 2 to use and one to look at!! Crazy, I know...

She was sure they would be sold out of ML before noon.

I'm going back today and having makeup done, and will get FoF and Lazy Day, and Thrills if they have any left. I might pick up the orange lipliner, not sure yet...and Float on By? Do I NEED another teal eye pencil???

I'm passing on the bronzers, I have enough Refined Golden to bronze a small village. I'm oily, so the cream bronzers aren't singing to me. I have Hipness from Fafi, but I'll have a look at Get Away Bronze.


Well-known member
I was y'all think that Firecracker would work on NC25, reddish brown hair? I am wondering if it would be to pinky on me?


Well-known member
I haven't visited eBay for a long long time. Honestly, I'm scared what I will find there. Last time I visited I saw so many Hello Kitty fakes. Crazy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by riotlove
ok soooo i'm beyond limited on money.

did anyone get the bag? i want it soooooo bad but i can't afford it right now. maybe next week but not this week and it sucks
i don't know if they'll hold it for me that long.

i'm b2ming for firecracker, sweet and punchy and flurry of fun.... depending on how the bag situation goes(if they'll hold it or not) i either wanna get temperature rising l/l and/or a cream bronzer or something else? votes!

I got the bag. Its out for delivery right now and the UPS guy usally comes around 3 so im excited. The thing is, if you can order online, it doesnt seem like the bag is going too fast there. I think it will be like the liberty of london scarf. Its cute, but overpriced so not many people will actually buy it so im sure you'll be able to get it still next week.

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