MAC - To The Beach Discussion


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Originally Posted by AllThingsGirly
Would I be silly for getting 2 Marine Life? One for usage and one for staring it? LOL.

by all means.. get another if you can!


Well-known member
My top picks from TTB are Flurry of Fun (backed this one up) and Marine Life. FOF looks amazing over any lipstick, and ML is the perfect "pick me up"-blush for days when I only have time to do mascara, blush and gloss.


Well-known member
I got two of ML, one to use and the other to stare at. Originally the second one was for my mom, but we're using only one of them because neither of us can bear to ruin the second one LOL.

I went back and got Thrills yesterday. I wanted Hipness too, but they were obviously sold out. I just can't stop with this collection LOL.


Well-known member
I still only have my two the time I get money for the rest of what I want, I just know they will be sold out all over the place!
It's already happening

FoF makes me feel a little better
I am grateful to have one but also wish I could back it up.


Well-known member
I'm really loving (next to Marine Life, of course) Hippness blush.

I never expected to purchase this but when the MAC mua tried it on me - true love!

I was just wondering if I should get a backup! But I decided not - I've already spent a pretty penny on MAC during the past month.

Like I said before, after Stereo Rose, no more MAC until January 2011 - unless more MSF's come out!

I'm also enjoying:

Lazy Day
Terperature Rising
Flurry of Fun
Easy Lounger



Well-known member
i'm definately still in love with this collection! my favorites remain thrills ls and fof lipglass, and i wear marine life, hipness, and the bronzing oil several days a week.
i went back to my counter today to finally get the 213 and 239 es brushes, and noticed they still had dressmaker dressmaker ls from pret a papier so i asked to get one of those. when she pulled open the LE drawer it was FULL full FULL of all the back to the beach bronzers: powder,cream,and get away bronze. so i think i'll proably be picking those up at my CCO somewhere around next january i'm guessing


Well-known member
Oh - I forgot -


When I popped by my local MAC store yesterday I was chatting with one of my favorite mua's.

Shen mentioned that the powers that be @ MAC were floored by the success of Marine Life.

They did not anticipate the success of the product or the volume of requests for it since other highlight powders in the past had not sold well. Thus - they were not prepared for the flood!

Too funny - how could anyone not fall in love with the beautiful seahorse with the gold overspray? Plus the colors are lovely to boot!

And universal! I think that was the key here - anyone from the lightest to the darkest can wear this powder.

I can't say that about a lot of the previous highlight powders.

The mua also stated that there have not been any returns of ML or Float on By pencil at her store.

Not a one!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fiberluver
Shen mentioned that the powers that be @ MAC were floored by the success of Marine Life.

Good! Let them be floored.

I think this past year, MAC has risen to a new level of popularity and for a good reason - they're daring to do new formulas and new colors that you just can't get anywhere else; not just eye shadows and lipsticks, but things like blush and colored face powders, which have taken a real backseat for years.

It's a good thing. I'm sure that there will be less scarcity coming up in collections like Venomous Villains, because MAC now knows there's a whole new army of fans ready to bust out their cash for something exciting and unique.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by liba
Good! Let them be floored.

I think this past year, MAC has risen to a new level of popularity and for a good reason - they're daring to do new formulas and new colors that you just can't get anywhere else; not just eye shadows and lipsticks, but things like blush and colored face powders, which have taken a real backseat for years.

It's a good thing. I'm sure that there will be less scarcity coming up in collections like Venomous Villains, because MAC now knows there's a whole new army of fans ready to bust out their cash for something exciting and unique.

While it is true that the demand for current collections may affect future production volumes, it will probably not be as soon as this fall.

I don't know how long ahead of time MAC HQ decides on how much to produce, but it have heard that the managers here (and presumably in other international markets) decide a whole year in advance how much product they want. E.g. based on how To the Beach did, they will make a prognosis of how much they want of next years summer collection.


Well-known member
I love reading the posts trying to analyze MAC business strategy!

I got Marine Life today and I love it. It's so nice to use a product that goes on with just one swipe of the brush. Makes things just a little easier.

1 UP Mushrooms

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Rinstar
I got two of ML, one to use and the other to stare at. Originally the second one was for my mom, but we're using only one of them because neither of us can bear to ruin the second one LOL.

For some reason this to me is very cute to picture in my head!

Originally Posted by TeresitaMC
I still only have my two the time I get money for the rest of what I want, I just know they will be sold out all over the place!
It's already happening

FoF makes me feel a little better
I am grateful to have one but also wish I could back it up.

I'm still in the process of fighting the battle to resist FOF but almost every post I see in this thread has "FOF" in it as if I just performed a search using "FOF" as keyword!

Anyone here who does not like buying lipglosses at all, don't own many glosses for reasons such as you find it a waste of money to spend $14 on it finding yourself falling head over heads with FOF? Calling for help from those with profile that fit in the above description!
I would love to know! I need help getting FOF out of my head like RIGHT NOW!

Originally Posted by Fiberluver
Oh - I forgot -


When I popped by my local MAC store yesterday I was chatting with one of my favorite mua's.

Shen mentioned that the powers that be @ MAC were floored by the success of Marine Life.

They did not anticipate the success of the product or the volume of requests for it since other highlight powders in the past had not sold well. Thus - they were not prepared for the flood!

Too funny - how could anyone not fall in love with the beautiful seahorse with the gold overspray? Plus the colors are lovely to boot!

And universal! I think that was the key here - anyone from the lightest to the darkest can wear this powder.

I can't say that about a lot of the previous highlight powders.

The mua also stated that there have not been any returns of ML or Float on By pencil at her store.

Not a one!


I also think the seahorse design made it quite obvious that it'll be a hot item. But then again it's an overspray that would go away HOWEVER (and maybe this is the part they missed out on) - the overspray was easily made up for by the fact that the colours underneath are gorgeous all alone so consumers still took the plunge and buy it. Perhaps they had planned production for Marine Life based on the thought that in history products with overspray didn't sell well.

Originally Posted by InspiredBlue
While it is true that the demand for current collections may affect future production volumes, it will probably not be as soon as this fall.

I don't know how long ahead of time MAC HQ decides on how much to produce, but it have heard that the managers here (and presumably in other international markets) decide a whole year in advance how much product they want. E.g. based on how To the Beach did, they will make a prognosis of how much they want of next years summer collection.

Now that you bring this up I find it very intriguing to think what MAC uses to forecast the needed volume for productions. Only if we can get insight from one of the key people in HQ.

On a similar note....I'm not sure if anyone else notice this but it seems like they have changed up their selling strategy quite a bit for online sales. I've only been into MAC since Hello Kitty so I'm not sure what the trend was prior to that but I remember last year and up until say the Holiday collection they would almost always restock sell-out items on the Canadian site whereas they very rarely restock for the US site. But I noticed starting this year with Too Fabulous collection they have done the complete opposite - restocking on and not much on I've been observing this pattern and seeing if my observation is valid and for several collections now that seems to be what they're doing. In the past I can truly relax and rely on to restock on popular items but certainly not anymore.

Edit: I would add that I want to thank PinkBasset for making the post asking everyone what their favourites are for this collection. I enjoy reading everyone's input very much and I think it's a very fun way to revitalize a thread of a popular collection thread that has almost "died" if you will and it's a good way to conclude discussions in a thread. So thank you PinkBasset for stirring up the thread once again!

1 UP Mushrooms

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lisianthus
I love reading the posts trying to analyze MAC business strategy!

I got Marine Life today and I love it. It's so nice to use a product that goes on with just one swipe of the brush. Makes things just a little easier.

My exact thought!


Well-known member
I am allergic to Firecracker
I wore it yesterday, and this morning my eyes were nearly swollen shut. Boo.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
my favourite items from this collection are -

hipness blush
humid and shimmermoss shadow - again i already have these but love them



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Karen_B
I am allergic to Firecracker
I wore it yesterday, and this morning my eyes were nearly swollen shut. Boo.

Boo. Is there something you could do to make it wearable like a base? And are you allergic as well when you wear it in the crease?
Hope it works out, it always sucks when a beautiful product does not work


Well-known member
Originally Posted by 1 UP Mushrooms
Edit: I would add that I want to thank PinkBasset for making the post asking everyone what their favourites are for this collection. I enjoy reading everyone's input very much and I think it's a very fun way to revitalize a thread of a popular collection thread that has almost "died" if you will and it's a good way to conclude discussions in a thread. So thank you PinkBasset for stirring up the thread once again!

Oh you're so sweet!
I too enjoy reading what are people's favorites after collection has been out awhile. There is no huge hype anymore, and most have been using atleast some of the products they got, so now is the time to read what are the true gems!


Well-known member
My Top Picks:
Marine Life Highlighter
Scorcher NP

I'm debating getting Temperature Rising, and I have Splashing but I haven't tried it yet.


Well-known member
I'm still obsessed with Flurry of Fun, although I'm trying not to use it too often since I didn't get a back up. It looks so gorgeous over Viva Glam Cyndi.


Well-known member
I think I am the only one who's not crazy about FoF. I tried it on my lips by itself (during daytime), and it was sooo sparkly, more glittery than dazzleglasses. Granted, it's beautiful swatched, but it draws too much attention on the lips. Maybe it'll look better over a lipstick, but my guy friend said that it might be better for night time use.
The color is very unique and pretty though. I might get it if i can find it at CCO one day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
Boo. Is there something you could do to make it wearable like a base? And are you allergic as well when you wear it in the crease?
Hope it works out, it always sucks when a beautiful product does not work

I don't think there's anything I can do, unfortunately. Yesterday I wore it over Bare Study PP as well as another shadow, and my eyes are still red and dry at 10.30 p.m. All day today people kept asking me why my eyes were so red - one person actually asked me if I had been crying whilst watching the royal wedding that took place here today (crown princess marrying commoner, big song and dance)!

I am just very sensitive to red dye in some of MACs shadows. Previously the problem has mainly been reddish purples, like Fig.1 and Signed, sealed. But now Firecracker too.... It sucks

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