MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jpohrer
My Nordstrom restocked some of the items, so I got Temperature Rising, Life's A Breeze and Lazy Day. The artist did a beautiful look on my lips- Subculture to line, Temperature Rising to fill in the lips, Lazy Day, and Easy Lounger! Life's A Breeze looks great with all my cooler pink lipsticks!

I want Life's A Breeze, but we didn't get it here
and we also didn't get Sweet & Punchy and Sun Rush lustre drops. I'm so sad about Sweet & Punchy and Life's A Breeze.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pinkdollface
I want Life's A Breeze, but we didn't get it here
and we also didn't get Sweet & Punchy and Sun Rush lustre drops. I'm so sad about Sweet & Punchy and Life's A Breeze.

I've got all three of those I can CP for you at cost.


Well-known member
I did a look again today with Firecracker. Penny as a base, Lemon Chiffon on inner corners, Bold&Brazen on the middle, Shroom and Motif on inner lid and Expensive pink on outer lid. Firecracker in the crease with Motif blending it, Vanilla and Shroom to highlight.

I was so happy that I could do such a warm copper/bronzey/orangy look without looking supersick!!
It must be the fact that I'm pale blonde these days - when I had blueblack hair for a very long time I always thought I could never ever wear warm colours as mentioned (plus colours like olive green etc.) without looking very ill. If I even tried I always had to wash them off. Today I looked alive and healthy, this gives me so much more range with colours!
So I am still happy I caved and got Firecracker! Like Borat would say: Great success!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pinkdollface
I want Life's A Breeze, but we didn't get it here
and we also didn't get Sweet & Punchy and Sun Rush lustre drops. I'm so sad about Sweet & Punchy and Life's A Breeze.

so you got the collection but not all the items? or do you mean they were sold out?


Well-known member
I just bought Temperature Rising and Thrills today... well I bought them twice because I lost my MAC bag somewhere between Charlotte Russe and Sephora. I was going to cry I was so upset. I had to rebuy since it I searched for that lipliner everywhere.

Btw, Thrills is perfect for a bronzy summer look


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fiberluver
The mua also stated that there have not been any returns of ML or Float on By pencil at her store.

Not a one!


we had a couple FOBs returned. someone also just returned vanilla pigment!!! people are CRAZY!!!

Originally Posted by staceb1990
I'm still obsessed with Flurry of Fun, although I'm trying not to use it too often since I didn't get a back up. It looks so gorgeous over Viva Glam Cyndi.

my coworker wore that one day. very pretty indeed!


Well-known member
All of you international girls should go to a CCO! It is so fun to find discontinued stuff that you either want to backup or missed out on it. I'm going to hit up a CCO soon since I want to stock up on some pigments.


Well-known member
I wish I could, but to get to a CCO, I will need plane tickets that will probably cost even more than my actual purchases.


Well-known member
I bought two Marine Life -- I use one and I adore it... I recently changed my haircolor to a dark chocolate brown w. auburn and this blush makes me glow

I am saving the other one forever -- if I break the first or when it finally runs out.

I bought all three glosses too and Thrills ls and am wearing all three. I did not get any ES tho as I can dupe almost all of them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
we had a couple FOBs returned. someone also just returned vanilla pigment!!! people are CRAZY!!!

why didn't they like vanilla pigment? it's a staple to most people! i prefer pink opal but still love vanilla!


Well-known member
so agree!!! SG's Mac is much more ex as compared to US/UK & without any CCOs. Only a once a year Mac sale where everyone goes insane trying to get a tic

Originally Posted by dreamer246
I wish I could, but to get to a CCO, I will need plane tickets that will probably cost even more than my actual purchases.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by *JJ*
so you got the collection but not all the items? or do you mean they were sold out?

We got the collection, but not those three items, so strange


Well-known member
I got one item from this collection today - Marine Life

Nothing else looked appealing to me.
My sweet MUA held on to it for me, so I got the very last one!


Well-known member
Wow! - I bought Flurry of Fun when this collection came out but I actually didn't like it much because it was SO glittery and just drew too much attention to my lips.

BUT! After reading someone's comment on here, I tried it with Viva Glam Cyndi today and ohmygosh!! I am in LOVE with it! I love the combination so much that I'm really considering getting a backup because it might be my new favourite lip combination!

Amazing. Just goes to show that any product is workable - just gotta try different combinations! I'm so impressed


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
oh i see! well the weather forecast is sunny but cloudy for tommorow - what a great first day of summer

In Vancouver, BC it has been cloudy, windy and chilly for the past few days. I like it though...

Originally Posted by GlamQueen21
All of you international girls should go to a CCO! It is so fun to find discontinued stuff that you either want to backup or missed out on it. I'm going to hit up a CCO soon since I want to stock up on some pigments.

Some people don't have CCOs in their countries.
The nearest CCO for me is at least 3 hours away and I have to cross the US Border, which is always a hassle.


Well-known member
I am wearing Get away bronze blush and I LOVE IT!! I am NC25 for reference and it looks amazing! The color is so beautiful and gives a kinda bronzy glowy look like if you just came back from the beach. So glad I caved and bought it!

I also just got Sweet and Punchy and Firecraker from Marusia
Can't wait to try them out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
why didn't they like vanilla pigment? it's a staple to most people! i prefer pink opal but still love vanilla!

they must be on crack! we already sold out of it, along with rose, copper sparkle and one other one.

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