Originally Posted by banana1234
131 brush (how similar is it to the 188?)
Well, they are both duo fibre brushes and not particularly dense. The main difference is the shape. I love 131 for all cheek products (MSFs, blushes, bronzers, highlights), because it's just the right size, flat and slightly rounded at the end. By using just the very top part of 131 one can make an ultra light, 'narrow' and precise application - which is a bit tricky with 188 due to its shape. Prior to owning 131, I used 188 for the aforementioned purposes and it was nice, whereas 131 is great. Nowadays I use 188 mostly for foundation (to reach the 'tricky areas - around the nose etc.).
PinkBasset thank you for such a nice review
. I completely agree with what you said - the pink sheen in Firecracker is totally nice and unique and Sand&Sun is definitely not chalky and a true peach.
I hope European ladies are enjoying their goodies - I know I've been in the peach-coral zone for 5 days straight