Originally Posted by InspiredBlue
It's good to go outside of one's comfort zone every now and then
I want to ask my MUA if she could do something on my eyes with Sand & Sun and Firecracker, when the collection arrives. Because I feel like I need to see myself wearing these before I can buy them. Red tones on the eyes are a little scary to me too.
I had the same feelings when I purchased Hot Hot Hot from Spring Color Forecast. I honestly love it, but it took a few tries to find a color combo that didn't make the red tones SO obvious on my already pink skin.
When I wear Hot Hot Hot, I wear it in the crease, with a lighter color on the lid, and then I wear either brown or plum eyeshadow in the outer corner. My favorites with HHH are Bronze, Dark Edge, Sketch or Deep Damson (PRO). For me, it makes HHH 100x more wearable. I can't wait to get Firecracker and Sun and Sand