MAC Tres Cheek discussion


Well-known member
Agreed! I almostg always end up skipping the items that get hyped like that, just coz it peeves me, lol! There's no item of makeup I absolutely have to have given the size of my collection after all these years, so if an item annoys me, I don't need it :D I still want to get at least one blush's most likely gonna be Love Cloud.  
I agree. It sucks that you can't just casually go online, think and then purchase. I used to think the rush made things more fun, but I must be getting old because that's not the case for me anymore.


Well-known member
I think it's more because it seems to be becoming the norm, not that you're getting old. IT is getting old!


Well-known member
Tres Cheek is up on the Debenhams website! Free delivery too. I ordered IF and MM. Think they made a mistake, it's not up on MAC UK yet.


Well-known member
I ended up ordering MM from the Nordstroms' site. I got sucked in b/c it sold out so quickly. Now I am officially done with this collection.

I agree that the rush to buy is getting old. I prefer, however, site stalking to trying to buy stuff on release day. I have several MAC counters within 10 miles of me, but I dread going on release day b/c of the chaos. Plus I am usually working, so I can't get there until the late afternoon after all of the "hot" items have sold out.


Well-known member
I hate the rush to buy too! At least we got swatches this time. SSS/CCC was awful because I had to buy blindly. I ended up ebaying Naughty Saute because when it first launched, I thought it would be too pale. I'm done with this collection unless anything wows me in store on Friday. I'm excited I actually get to visit a MAC counter though! The closest is 45 minutes away, so I usually buy online.


Well-known member
I'm with all of you who hate the rush to buy also. I get so anxious now. If it's something I really want from a LE collection, I start stalking two weeks early. I can't help myself. I start feeling this overwhelming need to get my order in asap or else. I was never like this. I don't do it all the time, just for certain things, but... it's a friggin headache and sometimes I feel it's just so not worth it at the end.


Well-known member
I'm with all of you who hate the rush to buy also. I get so anxious now. If it's something I really want from a LE collection, I start stalking two weeks early. I can't help myself. I start feeling this overwhelming need to get my order in asap or else. I was never like this. I don't do it all the time, just for certain things, but... it's a friggin headache and sometimes I feel it's just so not worth it at the end.

I do too. I have a Page Monitor extension on Google Chrome that tells me when there are changes to MAC's site. Sometimes it's just coding that doesn't have to do with putting up new products, but I did get a notification of a change this way for SSS/CCC restock and for this collection.


Well-known member
Modern Mandarin looks exactly like Tarte's Tipsy on my skin; the only difference is the sheen in MM which, can come off a bit ashy/frosty looking on my dark skin (NC50)


Well-known member
Thank you shannybanny!!!! We're the same skin tone. I was doubting my purchase of Peony Petal, but I love how it swatches against your skin. I'm still unsure if I should have gotten LoveCloud over Peony Petal though. Oh well. At least I know it will look pretty nice on my skin. I would have definitely gotten Immortal Flower, but I purchased the Sephora + Pantone blush and it looks exactly like IM. So I'm glad I passed on it...even though it looks so beautiful.

Swatches on NW15 Skin:
Peony Petal
Immortal Flower

LOVE these!


Well-known member
I knew I should have checked MAC's site last night. Of course MM was long gone by the time looked this morning. So I ordered MM from Nordstrom and here's hoping I don't get a out of stock email or anything. It does appear to still be in stock though. I'm very excited to try it!


Well-known member
woohoo!! I checked my tracking status on the UPS site and my package is scheduled for EARLY delivery tomorrow!! well worth 5 bucks!


Well-known member
Go figure. T announces on Twitter that Nordstrom has the collection online, and ten minutes later MM and IF are sold out.


Well-known member
If I ask for a product to be held am I obligated to buy it? I do not want to hold MM then I check it in person and I'm like this does not work for me lol


Well-known member
I ordered MM and the 128. That's it....Didn't know what else would look good on me so I'll take my chances in store Thurs.