MAC Tropical Taboo Collection (2013)


Well-known member
Me too....HC was a BIG haul

Same here! I want Adored, maybe Simmer and/or another msf. I'm just not feeling it.. with HC I bought so much! I do want Midnight Mambo but I just got FMP and in a few weeks I also have UTA and RRB and mineralize lipsticks are too expensive IMO so I hope those lippies will satisfy my purple lipstick craving for now.


Well-known member
I'm still excited for this collection, but I will only get 3-4 things like I always do. Probably Sweet Samba, Adored and Rio!


Well-known member
Interested? Definitely, Excited? Not so much. Plan to start stalking a Macy's backroom on Friday for first looks tho.

I splurged on a Marc Jacobs cosmetics case from Nordstrom's. com that should be arriving tomorrow
and I am interested in the Victoria Secret sale that begins this week

More than likely an additional 2-3 items from N&M online plus another random purchase
(or the other way around)

I plan to exercise self-control for TT however that may just mean trying to get only one of what I like

MES-may skip the lighter ones as well as the blue and green ones unless swatches says otherwise
Time to Tango and Caribbean MES of certain specifications are staying strong so far
MSF-not too sure yet if I really want any this time around
Blushes- minimum is 2 unless I b/u EE then it would be 3 with Simmer (even tho my gut feeling is telling me Simmer is a dupe for RoS)
Narcissus Cremesheen x 1 ( never got it before but have several Heroine lipglosses so cannot justify b/u)
Fever Isle Cremesheen-maybe
159 brush
My list does consist of quite a few ???
Swatches may eventually change the whole dynamics of everything tho cause I LOVE Mineralize collections!!!!


Well-known member
My list so far is: the 159 brush All 3 msfs midnight mambo mineralize lipstick(can't resist purple!) Herione lip pencil Ablaze lip pencil I thought I would want more from this collection but that's okay more $$$ spend on something else I guess


Well-known member
I will be getting Lust and the brush. I'm only getting Adored and simmer if there is no glitter in it. No l/s no gloss and no no no no no e/s.


Well-known member
Oh my goodness. I was just looking at this collection in your sig. I see a few things I'd like to have. Rio MSF for one.

And Heroine l/l is coming back? That's great.

Narcissus coming back too? Wow.
I am happy to see heroine l/l is coming back out since I missed it earlier this year


Well-known member
Maybe some people are not that excited for TT because it includes several repromotes

Even 2 MSFs are repromotes!Most of the lipsticks,all lip pencils,2 CSGs,the eye pencils and 2 of the brushes.
I think we have never seen so many repromotes in a mineralize collection before

Please correct if I am wrong!
I was thinking the same thing. So many repromotes. Also, so many products that look similar to recent releases. I'm thinking I may get Fever Isle CSG and that's it for lip products. A Narcissus backup is a maybe but probably not. Last year, I think I bought all the HC lip products.


Well-known member
Maybe some people are not that excited for TT because it includes several repromotes

Even 2 MSFs are repromotes!Most of the lipsticks,all lip pencils,2 CSGs,the eye pencils and 2 of the brushes.
I think we have never seen so many repromotes in a mineralize collection before

Please correct if I am wrong!

I was thinking the same thing. So many repromotes. Also, so many products that look similar to recent releases. I'm thinking I may get Fever Isle CSG and that's it for lip products. A Narcissus backup is a maybe but probably not. Last year, I think I bought all the HC lip products.
I wonder if Fever Isle will look like Star Quality? Even the swatch of Lust is reminiscent of past years MSF's.


Well-known member
Star Quality is described as "Bright orange coral" whereas Fever Isle is described as "Bright red coral".
So hopefully they are not too close!But you never know....

I wonder if Fever Isle will look like Star Quality? Even the swatch of Lust is reminiscent of past years MSF's.


Well-known member
I totally forgot that Heroine liner was coming back with this collection. Maybe I'll snag that as a sub for the MBs...


Well-known member
I need to start wearing my Star Quality more. I wore it the other day after about 4 months of forgetting I even have it.

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