MAC Wash And Dry Collection (May 14 / May 21, 2015)

Oceanic Lily

Well-known member

Sorry to go off topic but I have been having some serious problems with vertigo and my doctor seems stumped. Has anyone dealt with this before and how did you get a proper diagnosis?

Thanks so much for any help.

Hi there LyseD, I don't know if you're familiar with the MAYO CLINIC website- over the years I've found it to be an excellent primary (ie. at home) diagnostic tool for establishing a base line to: 1. further narrow down what might be troubling you and 2. afford you greater latitude in communicating with your physician.
My mom has been a long time sufferer of Ménière's disease - take a look and see if any of the intel offered rings any bells (no pun intended
As cited on Mayo

"The cause of Meniere's disease isn't well understood. It appears to be the result of the abnormal volume or composition of fluid in the inner ear.
The inner ear is a cluster of connected passages and cavities called a labyrinth. The outside of the inner ear is made of bone (bony labyrinth). Inside is a soft structure of membrane (membranous labyrinth) that's a slightly smaller, similarly shaped version of the bony labyrinth. The membranous labyrinth contains a fluid (endolymph) and is lined with hair-like sensors that respond to movement of the fluid.
In order for all of the sensors in the inner ear to function properly, the fluid needs to retain a certain volume, pressure and chemical composition. Factors that alter the properties of inner ear fluid may help cause Meniere's disease. Scientists have proposed a number of potential causes or triggers, including:

  • Improper fluid drainage, perhaps because of a blockage or anatomic abnormality
  • Abnormal immune response
  • Allergies
  • Viral infection
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Head trauma
  • Migraines
Because no single cause has been identified, it's likely that Meniere's disease is caused by a combination of factors."

Hope this helps even a little. The site is wonderful in not only profiling symptoms, causes, probable prognosis and suggested treatment(s) but it is a terrific portal of understanding when things happen when you least expect them and your trusted doctor is not on call.
Best of Luck-


Well-known member
Hi there LyseD, I don't know if you're familiar with the MAYO CLINIC website- over the years I've found it to be an excellent primary (ie. at home) diagnostic tool for establishing a base line to: 1. further narrow down what might be troubling you and 2. afford you greater latitude in communicating with your physician.
My mom has been a long time sufferer of Ménière's disease - take a look and see if any of the intel offered rings any bells (no pun intended
As cited on Mayo

"The cause of Meniere's disease isn't well understood. It appears to be the result of the abnormal volume or composition of fluid in the inner ear.
The inner ear is a cluster of connected passages and cavities called a labyrinth. The outside of the inner ear is made of bone (bony labyrinth). Inside is a soft structure of membrane (membranous labyrinth) that's a slightly smaller, similarly shaped version of the bony labyrinth. The membranous labyrinth contains a fluid (endolymph) and is lined with hair-like sensors that respond to movement of the fluid.
In order for all of the sensors in the inner ear to function properly, the fluid needs to retain a certain volume, pressure and chemical composition. Factors that alter the properties of inner ear fluid may help cause Meniere's disease. Scientists have proposed a number of potential causes or triggers, including:

  • Improper fluid drainage, perhaps because of a blockage or anatomic abnormality
  • Abnormal immune response
  • Allergies
  • Viral infection
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Head trauma
  • Migraines
Because no single cause has been identified, it's likely that Meniere's disease is caused by a combination of factors."

Hope this helps even a little. The cite is wonderful in not only profiling symptoms, causes, probable prognosis and suggested treatment(s) but it is a terrific portal of understanding when things happen when you least expect them and your trusted doctor is not on call.
Best of Luck-
Great website. Though I try not to frequent websites anymore because it cause anxiety and least for me!



Sorry to go off topic but I have been having some serious problems with vertigo and my doctor seems stumped. Has anyone dealt with this before and how did you get a proper diagnosis?

Thanks so much for any help.

First of all, get well soon!
I constantly dealt with vertigo for about a month some years ago. My doctor told me that the pressure in my internal ear was too high so my equilibrioception/sense of balance was disturbed. It must have been psychosomatically caused by stress. But the doctor didn't really do a lot of tests, she just had a look into my ears and asked my whether I was in stress. I must add, I'm very prone to psychosomatic symptoms like belly aches, fatigue and so forth.


@bluelitzer thank you! Although I did know that the triangle was visible on the US website, I never noticed it on the German one. But now I checked again and I was able to find it there, too! I must have been really blind, or maybe the use of the triangle is new on the site here.


Well-known member
I just want "Steam Heat." My job got stupidly strict about cell phones though so I'm not sure how to go about stalking if it releases after 9.


Well-known member
Hipness and Crisp Whites on nc40-42. Two layers of each. Please excuse the random rash on my arm!


Well-known member
I am glad this helps. As others have said, it's VERY pigmented and more of a satin finish than a frost! Definitely my favourite out of the two.


Well-known member
Glad to see active link shows pro discount will be available on some of the items!!! I'm still debating on that Freshen Up powder but I can finally at least get Morange in my life! also considering the face brush


Quote:Originally Posted by KaysWays

Glad to see active link shows pro discount will be available on some of the items!!! I'm still debating on that Freshen Up powder but I can finally at least get Morange in my life! also considering the face brush

Im kinda new so can you tell me what you mean by the active link? Im curious to see what will be pro discounted? Thanks


Well-known member
This may have been previously posted, but this swatch of Freshen Up makes me want it as a blush again...
The last few days before a launch is such a struggle with my self control...


Well-known member
Thank you everyone for your help. Seeing the doctor again this week, maybe I'll get lucky and find something out.


Well-known member
I had vertigo badly when I wore braces a few years ago. My jaw and bite were shifting and messing me all up! Benadryl helped as well as eating ginger or drinking ginger tea. Have you had any dental work done lately?

I keep seeing Hipness and now I want it as well as the matte bronzer plus a brush :)

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