:anyone: Sorry to go off topic but I have been having some serious problems with vertigo and my doctor seems stumped. Has anyone dealt with this before and how did you get a proper diagnosis? Thanks so much for any help.

Last year I experienced severe dizziness and fainting for months... I had a battery of tests too... Ears were fine, blood tests fine, I even went for a heart ultrasound! Everything was normal. Then I saw an internal medicine specialist who ordered more tests, including a 48 hour (I think) urine sample (sorry if too TMI) to check my sodium levels. Turned out I had extremely low sodium levels. Once I started incorporating salt back into my diet, problem solved! At that time, I was following a pretty strict gluten free eating plan for other health reasons, and had unwittingly decreased my salt intake quite dramatically, never thinking that would be a bad thing... The typical North American diet consists of way too much salt we're always told. Anyway, perhaps you've already has this test but if not, be sure to ask for the urine test for sodium levels. My blood test had apparently revealed 'normal' sodium levels but I believe the Dr said that the urine test is more accurate. The down side is you have to carry around a jug for a day or two in which to deposit your, ahem, samples (I told people at work that it's almost like a Chanel purse!) and keep the jug refrigerated. Good luck, I hope you find answers!