MAC Wash And Dry Collection (May 14 / May 21, 2015)


Well-known member
I sure hope this collection makes me happy when I get it. I had to put my kitty to sleep yesterday. She was fine one minute and the next she couldn't use her back legs. She was literally dragging herself across the floor with her front legs. Of course I took her to the hospital right away. They said it was probably a blood clot at the spot right before her back legs and that the prognosis was not good for that. IF I wanted to have them try to dissolve the clot it would run around 2k, and there was no guarantee that she'd get better. The vet really pushed to put her to sleep. They gave her lots of pain meds and us a room to go in to sit with her and decide. I hope that I made the right decision, I didn't want her to go through more pain and test, procedures, etc. since she was 18. If you're not an animal person it might seem silly but I adored her. I found her as a kitten and had her for 18 years. She was always there beside me, always looking for me if I left the room and didn't come back quickly, always so happy when I came home, always so affectionate. I can't imagine what I'll do without her. I hope the make-up makes me feel happy, if only a little. I'm afraid I'm going to get it and not even care.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I do hope your new stuff gives you a spot of happiness at this time of sadness.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
If you're not an animal person it might seem silly but I adored her. I found her as a kitten and had her for 18 years. She was always there beside me, always looking for me if I left the room and didn't come back quickly, always so happy when I came home, always so affectionate. I can't imagine what I'll do without her. I hope the make-up makes me feel happy, if only a little. I'm afraid I'm going to get it and not even care.
I'm so sory to hear that, I know you cared about her so much. I'm sure the decision you made was the right one.


Well-known member
I'm about to take a nap and wake up at 12PST and just wait from there. Last time I was on Macys was for BBW and it came out at ~ 4am EST.
I wish I could fall asleep right now! Of course I'm wide awake. But thanks for the tip. :) I have an alarm set for Midnight PST. Hopefully it doesn't take much longer to release after that.


Well-known member
Actually, Nordstrom isn't even loading for me right now-- but everything else is just fine. Is this happening to anyone else?


Well-known member
Ugggh, I actually thought it was midnight et for Nordies. Not sure why since they're not based out here. I've been forcing myself to stay up. Booo.


Well-known member
Ugggh, I actually thought it was midnight et for Nordies. Not sure why since they're not based out here. I've been forcing myself to stay up. Booo.
I hope they put it up soon. I have to get up early. Wished they could notify you when it goes live


Well-known member
Glad that you were able to get an appointment with someone new. Hopefully they will be able to identity the cause of your migraines and a solution. I didn't have any headaches after I was discharged. They did go in through the groin to place the coils and two additional times while I was there - they 'sprayed' medicine in the affected areas. I was in for 14 days and on Dilaudid most of that time. The dr warned me about possibly having headaches for up to six months afterwards. I got a prescription for pain killers but never needed them. Did they give you magnesium? I had it by IV and they recommended that I continue to take it. I take about 100 units every day. Good luck with your appointment. You survived the aneurysm, you can survive the migraines. Just got to get to the right doctor that has the right solution. Ask about a MRA vs a MRI. I had a MRA after my 60 day checkup- the neurologist preferred it to monitor the coils.
Sorry, I got a little lost in all these threads. Haha. It's been hard to keep up! I was also on dilauded most of the time I was there, it was only for about a week total though. They didn't tell me to take magnesium so now I'm really wondering about their credentials. I'm sure I can just get some from Rite Aid though, right? Is it weird that I'm actually excited to see the Dr? Haha


Well-known member
I'm in the middle of a move, so I haven't been present, but I'm so so sorry for your loss. We buried our 14 year old pug today. The whole family broke down together. We lost our pug and my sisters German shepherd both in the last two months, and then going out to our little graveyard just brought back memories of everyone we've lost. My two cats who died in an accidental fire, my border collie who died when I was out of the country for a month, my mom was crying for the little pug Lu Kai who she had as a teenager.... It never gets easier that they're gone, and the people who don't understand never will until they get the chance to open their hearts and experience all that love. My thoughts are with you, and we know exactly what you're going through having just lost little puggy yesterday. It was her time though, we rescued her from being euthanized six years ago, and she lived the happiest life... Okay, now I'm crying. Gotta go back to makeup.