MAC Wash And Dry Collection (May 14 / May 21, 2015)


Well-known member
I've been sick with a terrible cold and tripped and fell down the stairs in our house yesterday! Agh! But today I'm feeling way better and put my face on. Lol. Wearing freshen up on the cheeks and tumble dry on the lips. Quiet brunette through the brows. Simpsons trillion dollar look quad on eyes. I'm really loving tumble dry.
I fell down about 4 steps in my house 2 weeks ago and I'm still bruised I understand your pain!!


Well-known member
I sure hope this collection makes me happy when I get it. I had to put my kitty to sleep yesterday. She was fine one minute and the next she couldn't use her back legs. She was literally dragging herself across the floor with her front legs. Of course I took her to the hospital right away. They said it was probably a blood clot at the spot right before her back legs and that the prognosis was not good for that. IF I wanted to have them try to dissolve the clot it would run around 2k, and there was no guarantee that she'd get better. The vet really pushed to put her to sleep. They gave her lots of pain meds and us a room to go in to sit with her and decide. I hope that I made the right decision, I didn't want her to go through more pain and test, procedures, etc. since she was 18. If you're not an animal person it might seem silly but I adored her. I found her as a kitten and had her for 18 years. She was always there beside me, always looking for me if I left the room and didn't come back quickly, always so happy when I came home, always so affectionate. I can't imagine what I'll do without her. I hope the make-up makes me feel happy, if only a little. I'm afraid I'm going to get it and not even care.


Well-known member
If you're not an animal person it might seem silly but I adored her. I found her as a kitten and had her for 18 years. She was always there beside me, always looking for me if I left the room and didn't come back quickly, always so happy when I came home, always so affectionate. I can't imagine what I'll do without her. I hope the make-up makes me feel happy, if only a little. I'm afraid I'm going to get it and not even care.
We had to go through that 2 years ago with our dog. It was a super hard decision but we had the same prospect... if we did the surgical procedure, it wasn't a 100% surety that she would get better. It was best but it was heartbreaking!


Well-known member
I sure hope this collection makes me happy when I get it. I had to put my kitty to sleep yesterday. She was fine one minute and the next she couldn't use her back legs. She was literally dragging herself across the floor with her front legs. Of course I took her to the hospital right away. They said it was probably a blood clot at the spot right before her back legs and that the prognosis was not good for that. IF I wanted to have them try to dissolve the clot it would run around 2k, and there was no guarantee that she'd get better. The vet really pushed to put her to sleep. They gave her lots of pain meds and us a room to go in to sit with her and decide. I hope that I made the right decision, I didn't want her to go through more pain and test, procedures, etc. since she was 18. If you're not an animal person it might seem silly but I adored her. I found her as a kitten and had her for 18 years. She was always there beside me, always looking for me if I left the room and didn't come back quickly, always so happy when I came home, always so affectionate. I can't imagine what I'll do without her. I hope the make-up makes me feel happy, if only a little. I'm afraid I'm going to get it and not even care.
I'm so sorry for your loss! :( I hope your haul does cheer you up :heart:

Dolly Snow

I sure hope this collection makes me happy when I get it. I had to put my kitty to sleep yesterday. She was fine one minute and the next she couldn't use her back legs. She was literally dragging herself across the floor with her front legs. Of course I took her to the hospital right away. They said it was probably a blood clot at the spot right before her back legs and that the prognosis was not good for that. IF I wanted to have them try to dissolve the clot it would run around 2k, and there was no guarantee that she'd get better. The vet really pushed to put her to sleep. They gave her lots of pain meds and us a room to go in to sit with her and decide. I hope that I made the right decision, I didn't want her to go through more pain and test, procedures, etc. since she was 18. If you're not an animal person it might seem silly but I adored her. I found her as a kitten and had her for 18 years. She was always there beside me, always looking for me if I left the room and didn't come back quickly, always so happy when I came home, always so affectionate. I can't imagine what I'll do without her. I hope the make-up makes me feel happy, if only a little. I'm afraid I'm going to get it and not even care.
I'm so sorry for your loss :heart: may your haul cheer you up :hug:


Well-known member
If you're not an animal person it might seem silly but I adored her. I found her as a kitten and had her for 18 years. She was always there beside me, always looking for me if I left the room and didn't come back quickly, always so happy when I came home, always so affectionate. I can't imagine what I'll do without her. I hope the make-up makes me feel happy, if only a little. I'm afraid I'm going to get it and not even care.
I am so, so, incredibly sorry to hear that. I am totally a cat person, and I can empathize with your pain. Last year, we put my first cat we've ever had to sleep, she was 15. It is always a hard choice, and I still miss her, quite a lot. Contrary to what some people believe-- cats can be very affectionate. Your kitty was a perfect example of that! Reading how you described her made me smile. It's clear she brought you 18 years of joy and happiness. I do certainly hope you enjoy your picks from this collection, even if only slightly and for a moment. We are all here for you!


Well-known member
If you're not an animal person it might seem silly but I adored her. I found her as a kitten and had her for 18 years. She was always there beside me, always looking for me if I left the room and didn't come back quickly, always so happy when I came home, always so affectionate. I can't imagine what I'll do without her. I hope the make-up makes me feel happy, if only a little. I'm afraid I'm going to get it and not even care.
I'm so sorry :( My boyfriend's favorite cat was also put to sleep yesterday. She got hit by a car and was paralyzed. We were out on a date about an hour from home when his mom texted me. She thought my boyfriend was at work or at university for his classes, so she told me. When she found out we were out together she asked me to tell him since the only reason she didn't call him was so he didn't find out alone. I had to tell him and it just sucked. I loved her too; she was the first of his cats to really warm up to me and always gave kisses and liked to snuggle. He was pretty devastated. I hope your haul cheers you up a bit!


Well-known member
I sure hope this collection makes me happy when I get it. I had to put my kitty to sleep yesterday. She was fine one minute and the next she couldn't use her back legs. She was literally dragging herself across the floor with her front legs. Of course I took her to the hospital right away. They said it was probably a blood clot at the spot right before her back legs and that the prognosis was not good for that. IF I wanted to have them try to dissolve the clot it would run around 2k, and there was no guarantee that she'd get better. The vet really pushed to put her to sleep. They gave her lots of pain meds and us a room to go in to sit with her and decide. I hope that I made the right decision, I didn't want her to go through more pain and test, procedures, etc. since she was 18. If you're not an animal person it might seem silly but I adored her. I found her as a kitten and had her for 18 years. She was always there beside me, always looking for me if I left the room and didn't come back quickly, always so happy when I came home, always so affectionate. I can't imagine what I'll do without her. I hope the make-up makes me feel happy, if only a little. I'm afraid I'm going to get it and not even care.
So so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.


Well-known member
I joke around about my crone-yness and elderly status all the time. Honestly, I think it's kind of hilarious that I'm at the age where a chunk of society will already consider me old. I'm glad I'm not my younger self for sure. I still like to look my best, though

Forbidden Sunrise is fabulous! I need a little lip liner with it, but I can rock it otherwise!

Not a ton of them, but probably more than I ought to have
. I was going to hold off on the Toledo reds because I knew I had others that would be close, but I took them in to compare and the Toledo ones were like my others, but on steroids better. Like Ronnie Red is a great red for me, but Victoriana, which is nearly the same, is just smoother and more vibrant. Barbecue was almost like Sail La Vie, but also richer and smoother and more glowing, so yeah I broke down and bought 'em!

I think I have about 20 reds, plus the ones from Marilyn, which are the main ones I regret buying, since none of them are that great for me. I didn't get any from Pedro Laurenco - none of those were good for me at all. I bought more than half the reds I own this past year - the newest crops of MAC reds have been next level for me - Mangrove, Strange Journey, Frank-N-Furter, Oblivion, Salon Rouge, Sparks of Romance, VGRiri, 5-Alarm,Tenor Voice, Victoriana and Barbecue…they're all way above average compared to all the reds I've seen for years. I think they were all particularly rich, glowing and complex. I have a feeling there was some new development in the pigment technology, as well as the formulas themselves, that make them so smooth and vibrant, plus they seemed modern, rather than retro in their colors, which I really appreciated.

Before this year, I really had a lot fewer: Scarlet Ibis, Runaway Red, Absolute Power, Sail La Vie, Ronnie Red, Stunner, All Fired Up, Dangerous, Prepare for Pleasure and the ones from Marilyn, which I don't like to include because I've sort of given up on them for now. Riri Woo wasn't for me, didn't get it.

My most used are definitely Runaway Red, Scarlet Ibis, Ronnie Red, Mangrove. The ones I think are the coolest and most unusual are Mangrove, Stunner, Strange Journey and Runaway Red. My most girlie reds are Ronnie Red, Victoriana, 5-Alarm and Stunner. My most glamorous reds are Salon Rouge, Prepare for Pleasure, Absolute Power and Runaway Red. (Can you see the theme with Runaway Red, haha?)The ones I could take or leave, even though I bought them are AFU, Dangerous, Sail La Vie and Sparks of Romance (which REALLY needed more glitter). I think I can go forward and skip most other reds, but if MAC did a Dazzle finish red or a red frost that's richer than VGRiri or Sparks of Romance,and very metallic, I'd be snapping them up for sure.

Here concludes my saga of red lippies!
LOL, thank you for the breakdown. I asked b/c I had so many reds, I'm about to explode. I was trying to go through and get rid of near dupes, but I can't do it. LOL
PLus we gravitate towards the same reds so I like to see what you have. Except I didn't like ROnnie Red, or Sail La Vie, I could've been b/c I wasn't ready for them yet.
I loved the Frank-n-furter reds/orange. Loved. I was surprised. I loved Victoriana, but I knew I had a dupe and passed. Now that you've said that, I might have to track it down.

Ana A

Well-known member
If you're not an animal person it might seem silly but I adored her. I found her as a kitten and had her for 18 years. She was always there beside me, always looking for me if I left the room and didn't come back quickly, always so happy when I came home, always so affectionate. I can't imagine what I'll do without her. I hope the make-up makes me feel happy, if only a little. I'm afraid I'm going to get it and not even care.
I'm truly sorry for your loss, Im an animal lover and own cats myself who are like members of the family. I've encountered people over the years who find it hard to comprehend that pets are truly like family to some of us. I have an 11 year old Persian myself and I worry every time she gets a cold, she is the queen of the house...I can't even get myself to imagine what i't'll be like when its time for her to go :'/. On the 'bright" side your little angel lived a long and happy life with you.


Well-known member
First of all, [@]elegant-one[/@] it's great to see you back! I was wondering where you went! So hopefully my final haul is Golden Rinse Tumble Dry Washeteria 125 brush I just ordered Fruit Cocktail to go with Tumble Dry and Prep and Prime Lip to get ready for the Mattes release. Haha. Hopefully I don't slip up like I did with MIB and go back for a lot more. Haha
Lol at getting ready! Yeah you will ;)


Well-known member
I haven't even gotten my Freshen Up in the mail yet and I'm already contemplating buying a backup when it goes up on Nordstrom or Bloomingdale's lol.


Well-known member
I haven't even gotten my Freshen Up in the mail yet and I'm already contemplating buying a backup when it goes up on Nordstrom or Bloomingdale's lol.
I feel you, I bought a backup of Summer Opal...

does anyone know what time it is going live on Nordies? I am on the east coast.
