I have to thank you people on this board! After several commented that W&D was in their local MACs on Wednesday, i called mine. Yup, there, too. So i hurried down. There was a crowd... of MAC MUA having some sort of meeting.
Everything was in stock. I got:
• both big brushes, 125 and 126
Creme d'Nude lipstick (so i could have *something* with the pretty packaging)
Accentuate eye liner pencil (after testing
Delineated which was warmer)
I almost bought
Dirty Blonde Fluidline Brow Gelcreme, but then it dawned on me that i already have it from a previous release!
I swatched the Technakohls, but
Sudsy just didn't have the sparkle i've seen in photos, so i passed.
Those 4 things were my whole haul. I'm still thinking about the Brow Set - i didn't test them, so i have a reason to go back