MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Is anybody hitting the stores this weekend to do swatches?
I'm planning to go to Macys to see if they have testers available (they usually don't have them until a week before but I'm going to ask anyway). If I get to swatch things, I'll definitely report back with descriptions though I won't be able to post pictures.

PS I just livechatted MAC and this is what they said:

Jenny: The Archie's Girls collection is scheduled to launch in stores on February 7th (this date is subject to change). Collections usually launch a few days early online, so please feel free to sign up for the Wait List for this collection on our homepage, if you would like to be notified of when this collection launches online.

Have they always called it a waitlist?


Well-known member
... they not only get destroyed, it's also lost money for the company, which in return, will be added to the calculated retails price. Sadly, the more people return, the more the price will skyrocket. In other words: if you return it, it effects everybody. You actually give a very good recommendation (and I follow the same principle): Only buy products were you are absolutely sure that they will work for you. If you are not sure, then pass. Don't buy it because it is LE or hyped. Trust your instincts. It saves not only your money, but also that of other customers. At the same time, however, I agree that MAC's business model makes it harder because of the LE frenziness. Still, I believe that everyone can purchase wisely if they follow the advice above.
I rarely buy MAC online because mailing an item back is a deterrent. BUT I have done it because some things just don't work. Most of those online purchases are MAC collections that are online only, so MAC sets themselves up really nicely for that one, and truth be told, companies buy insurance to replenish some loss from "damaged" product. I don't worry about returned product one bit. Prices are going to increase regardless. The return policy is one of the reasons why I buy mid range and high end makeup. If I want to keep a dud, I will shop at Target , CVS or Walgreens for everything.


I really don't mind returning Mac makeup. With all these small limited collections, they make it impossible to actually go the store and see if you like something before you buy it. If I have to go online the minute a new collection launches because it sells out so fast, I often have to buy things without even seeing good swatches first. I don't have this problem with any other company.


Well-known member
I guarantee that MAC has figured returns into their model and has likely decided that hype with a small increase in returns generates a larger profit for them than lower hype with less returns. Given that I buy bucketloads of product at full retail price, returning a couple of products a year doesn't come anywhere NEAR making me a cost to others. I'm pure profit to that company, and so is everyone else who buys virtual Pro quantities at full retail price. MAC would rather me buy more and return the odd product than err on the side of caution and buy way less.

I don't doubt that there are some who order way more than they intend/can afford to keep and then return heaps of it. Would someone like that impact the bottom line negatively? Yes, of course. But the mega-buyers here who return the odd lippie because they just can't make it work for them (after buying and keeping 30+ other products during the year) aren't hurting anyone. It would be nice to never get it wrong, but that's almost impossible and MACs business practices certainly don't help.

I've done this kind of marketing/product/distribution analysis professionally for more years than I care to admit to. ;) I stand by my opinion - if you didn't like the lippie you had to order online the second it appeared or risk not getting it at all then you should have no qualms about returning it. MAC knows very well that will happen sometimes and has chosen to accept that risk.

I'll go out on a limb and say that I'm all but certain (even without unit costs and modelling) that Pro customers who buy large quantities and then sell to retail customers at full price cost MAC WAY more in lost profits than a retail customer who does an occasional return. MAC sells to Pros at deeply discounted prices - those products are then sold at full retail price (if not more) to retail customers who were unable to get the products directly from MAC. The Pro member makes the 40% and MAC loses the difference.

MAC management could (and should, IMO) do a lot more to crack down on that kind of abuse. It's a way bigger fish to fry.

Let's see many people have I managed to piss off?
Regarding the products you have to order the second they pop up online in order to be sure to get them, the biggest problem with returning them is that it costs money to do so. So if I have to pay $5 or $6 in shipping (or however much...I forgot how much it was the one time I did send something back) to return it, I just don't feel like it's even worth the hassle for the few dollars I'll get back in my refund. And as a Pro member myself, I would like to say that nothing you said pissed me off in the least. Those dishonest Pro members ruin it for EVERYONE.


Active member
I'm in NYC also I go to mac in Columbus, I'm great friends with the assistant store manager, I texted and asked about the color story but idk y but she isn't allowed to give that info, she usually does. Idk? Why they are so secretive with the collection it's about to be released within a month.
[COLOR=9933CC]Which is your mac store nillafrost? I'm in the city(NYC), so I am curious. I probably will stay away from the stores tho. Not a fan of crowds. Please keep us posted.[/COLOR] [/quote


Well-known member
Is anybody hitting the stores this weekend to do swatches?
You know, I was at the mall yesterday and totally didn't even think to stop in MAC and see if they had the collection available for swatching!

Maybe I'll give them a call this weekend and see what they say. Might be worth another trip down there if they say yes...


Well-known member
You know, I was at the mall yesterday and totally didn't even think to stop in MAC and see if they had the collection available for swatching!

Maybe I'll give them a call this weekend and see what they say. Might be worth another trip down there if they say yes...
Sounds like a plan.


Well-known member
Idk but I'm getting negative vibes towards this collection (knocking on wood so I don't jinx it), but seriously what's up with the color story being so secretive? The collection is right around the corner! I'm not sure about all of you, but it takes me time to figure out what I need & will use. I hate shopping on impulse (which happens all the time collections launch online because im not given the chance to check things out at a store; everything's gone so quickly). I don't think MAC made enough of the products to equal out the hype surrounding this collection. Maybe they feel they messed up with the Marilyn Monroe collection, (releasing the color story early), and look how fast that went! People were pissed and I'm sure they got their fair share of complaints. It's going to be a damn battle to haul everything you want from this collection, luckily I'm down to 4 lipsticks. I'm not going to bother with anything else.... Over it


Well-known member

oh i have absolutely positively NOOOO prob returning a makeup product i know im not gonna use and i don care if they destroy it, feed it to aliens or use it to paint!!! but i do try my hardest to NOT return but if i give it 3 goes n it doesnt work...back to the store it goes cuz i spend too much moniez aka penn-yayz to let it sit n do nothing. now i will give some away if i like it but im not wearin it much but like i had that mac pressed powder (the translucent one) and i swear each n ery time i used it i just could NOT get with it soooo i took it back to swap for the loose one!! another reason why i shop at places with good return policies but honeychiiiiild aint no shame in MY game when returning shyt

CHOSENONE, u should think of having like a swap or sell em cuz what might not work for u works for someone else!!


Well-known member
I'm broad shouldered, V-necks make me look normal.
Years of weight training = V-neck tops galore

Even though I switched to low weights and high reps two years ago I still can't wear crew necks. It's not just how they look either - I feel suffocated when I wear them. Same goes for polo necks.


Well-known member
I'm in NYC also I go to mac in Columbus, I'm great friends with the assistant store manager, I texted and asked about the color story but idk y but she isn't allowed to give that info, she usually does. Idk? Why they are so secretive with the collection it's about to be released within a month.
[COLOR=9933CC]Which is your mac store nillafrost? I'm in the city(NYC), so I am curious. I probably will stay away from the stores tho. Not a fan of crowds. Please keep us posted.[/COLOR]
Wow. That sounds unusually secretive. I asked a couple of lady's this morning at the nordstrom counter and both haven't even gone to training yet. MAC, why are you keeping secrets? That's not nice.


Well-known member
One of the associates at the Macy's MAC counter signed me up today for this collection. I'll see if that one lipstick looks like MAC Force of Love and I'll probably pick up the brush set to have some little brushes in my purse.


Well-known member
I like that the brushes have cute little hearts on them. I need a travel size set for when I'm running late and I think these will be perfect.


Well-known member
... they not only get destroyed, it's also lost money for the company, which in return, will be added to the calculated retails price. Sadly, the more people return, the more the price will skyrocket. In other words: if you return it, it effects everybody.

You actually give a very good recommendation (and I follow the same principle): Only buy products were you are absolutely sure that they will work for you. If you are not sure, then pass. Don't buy it because it is LE or hyped. Trust your instincts. It saves not only your money, but also that of other customers.

At the same time, however, I agree that MAC's business model makes it harder because of the LE frenziness. Still, I believe that everyone can purchase wisely if they follow the advice above.
I bet this is already worked into the price somewhere. Mac knows it'll happen and probably after all of these years can guess how much will be returned. I highly doubt that all of the price increases are due to returns. I could see if next year returns were up 50% they might have to figure something out with the returns (like, was it mostly one product? was it a formula thing?).

I don't feel shame in returning ANYTHING. I don't think others should either. THen again, I don't buy a whole collection and then decide later what I really wanted. The product has to have a serious application flaw or be bad quality for me to return something. I returned a MES from HC due to excessive, major, glittery fall out. I've returned a foundation that I was supposedly matched to that just was NOT right (I did try to make it work for two weeks thinking they couldn't have been wrong... but stuff happens). And I returned an item that I did NOT ask for but was placed in my bag anyhow (and then sent hubs to pick it up after paying for it over the phone).

I think after a certain period people learn what works for them and generally stick with that but I don't think we should be afraid of trying new colors or new items. Just like stores factor in theft etc into prices I'm certain MAC factors in returns.


Well-known member
I am thinking I will be skipping this collection completely, unless swatches show me that I can't live without something. I love special packaging, but I am not a fan of this packaging at has a little too much going on for my taste. I was thinking I needed Boyfriend Stealer, but after the swatches, I am not really impressed. At least my wallet will be thanking me!


Well-known member
I am thinking I will be skipping this collection completely, unless swatches show me that I can't live without something. I love special packaging, but I am not a fan of this packaging at has a little too much going on for my taste. I was thinking I needed Boyfriend Stealer, but after the swatches, I am not really impressed. At least my wallet will be thanking me!
I am feeling the same, except I for the Pearlmattes. Then again, if swatches show they are quite similar to the Vera pearlmattes, I will skip those. Not sure about the pigments, they could be dupeable also. I like the packaging, but my collection is getting so large I want to focus on unique colors which I feel are lacking in this collection. And if I have to work too hard to get product b/c it sells out fast on line, I am going to just be over it.


Well-known member
I noticed with Après Chic that the official color story came out about a week before the release and then the bloggers had it a few days after that. That's probably what's going to happen here. So another week or 2? I'm just gonna check my counter this weekend; the girl said it might be in by then