MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
i ordered on the 30th and still havent recieved my order =(
Me too, I called them last friday and they said it hadn't been shipped out yet because so many orders were being placed and it was a little crazy over there. But the lady on the phone said she would push it out by that day and then I finally got a tracking number! So I would suggest calling them, just in case.


Well-known member
Me too, I called them last friday and they said it hadn't been shipped out yet because so many orders were being placed and it was a little crazy over there. But the lady on the phone said she would push it out by that day and then I finally got a tracking number! So I would suggest calling them, just in case.
it supposedly shipped thurday but till now i dont even have a tracking number .
i just called and i was told by friday. i only ordered 2 items and would hate if there was a problem and didnt get them and probably it will be sold out on other sites by then. ugh fingers crossed


Well-known member
I got BB and DLG. I need some retail therapy this morning. My car malfunctioned on the way to work, went off the road, and flipped, but I somehow got out without a scratch on me. I'm just trying to keep calm with tea and makeup!
Oh my gosh, I hope you're okay! Stay safe


Well-known member
Omg I collect anything rose gold! Watches, lipglasses, eyeshadows, even Christmas decorations.
It's so pretty! There's a pair of earrings that I'm eyeing, but it'd mean no MAC hauls for a few months to afford them :)
Rose gold Christmas decorations sound lovely


Well-known member
I just placed an Archie's order on Nordstrom's. Hopefully, the order goes through. Last time I placed an order for the Making Pretty Couture collection, it got cancelled because they didn't have it in stock.


Well-known member
I got cart jacked for Betty Bright on macy's lol, so I got some shiseido stuff i needed, the two quads and cream soda blush.
burning up a gift card is a mighty fine thing, lol!

If there's a restock on mac for that and boyfriend stealer, I'll try again, or take the other gift card into a store and brave the madness. the other stuff i wanted is still up on mac, and can wait.


Well-known member
I got BB and DLG. I need some retail therapy this morning. My car malfunctioned on the way to work, went off the road, and flipped, but I somehow got out without a scratch on me. I'm just trying to keep calm with tea and makeup!
OMG so scary!!! Car accidents are insanely scary as it is, but for the car to flip over...I'd probably be shaking for days! Amazing and wonderful that you came out without a scratch. Tempted to ask what kind of car you have (had?) since it clearly did a good job protecting you!

Buy all the makeup you want today!!!!!


Well-known member
Wow ronnie red sold out fast in nordies and macys. I only ordered 1 ronnie red from mac and it comes today. If i love it imma have to haul my butt to the mall thurs morning and get 2 of dem ronnie reds lol


Well-known member
My main Archie order is out for delivery!! Of course the UPS guy never gets here until around 7 in the evening (sometimes as late as 8:30, never earlier than 6:30). But still...I know what I'll be doing tonight! Can't wait to get my hands on my BB, CS blush, and K&DT l/g. Boyfriend Stealer will be here with my second order, coming this Wednesday


Well-known member
I have RR on hold at my Macys that I'll be getting on Thursday if anyone wants it. I can probably have them hold BB too. I've already picked them up from my store so I don't need duplicated of them.