MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
But I just used the overnight shipping code and all I ordered was a pencil sharpener and a lip pencil, so I don't think that's it.
Maybe it doesn't apply to the product that you're ordering.
The E-mail was in reference to Valentine's Day and featured lipsticks & nail polish. I just tried it, selected a lipstick and the pop-up said you qualify for overnight shipping. I then added an item from Archie's Girls and got the same message, w/o ever putting in the code. BUT.....when I removed the lipstick the code was invalid.


Well-known member
I got my pearlmattes, and have been using them for a few days. Loving Flatter Me as a blush. But dear lord, I am in love with Veronica's Blush. It's such a gorgeous natural highlight and all over face powder.
Imagine that--I was thinking about why I only got Flatter Me. So I was perusing the MAC web site and you'll never guess what happened--Veronica's Blush fell into my cart. Now I know exactly what CC and others are talking about. Oy gevalt, these things just happen sometimes. Then I read how much you and others LOVE it and thought----it's BASHERT----it's meant to be!!!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Icecaramellatte
When the MA tried the Pearlmatte on me it wasn't the end all. But when I looked in other light I really liked it. [SNIP]

That's the thing about so many makeup items. Blah in one light, the bomb in another. That's why if someone is not sure of an item, especially face items, but eye shadows, too, i keep recommending getting into a different type of light.

Also, often other people will see makeup on us differently than we see it on ourselves. We may thing we need to slather it on, but often a light coat is enough for other people to notice. That's why i say, get a second opinion - without first priming them to give you the same answer as you already think.


Well-known member
*sneak sneak* I had to stay offline cause of ya'll beautiful Specktra people!
But ya'll be making me tempted to buy it online! Despite overnight shipping.
What are the chance of things being sold out in stores if I go morning of?? Does it vary by location? Should I call?
You are just too cute/funny!!!!


Well-known member
Tomorrow's the day! Gonna head to Macys before class. I changed my mind on my list again, and will only get lippies. No blush for me.


Well-known member
Above the reply box there is a picture of a... picture lol. Click that and it will take you to a window that will allow you to insert the picture. :) HTH!

my little black box finally arrived today!!! :D

i know this sounds dumb, but can someone tell me how do you insert a picture? haha


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by elegant-one
[SNIP] Pearlmattes are very finely milled, some beautiful pearl base which helps soft focus the skin, some skin correcting color. Can be a light blush, but in general a light veil over the skin. Think of it as a beautiful silk stocking over the skin, you can still see the skin but now it has this slight very sheer soft covering. [SNIP]

That's great... silk stockings for your face


Well-known member
It looks like a cloud to me...
I remember the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Boy from Ghostbusters and he wasn't that bouncy
Awhile back, we deemed him ^ as a breaking wind "puff of air"

I think it was when MAC named something Lavender Wind or something like that. We couldn't stop giggling like a bunch of little girls.



Well-known member
I don't know if you guys care but Grey friday has been restocked lmao. I don't know what's up with all these 2-3 month later restocks lmao.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by gracie90
I was really excited about everything from this collection, but then my grandad was run over by a car yesterday evening. He's a vicar and was going home from a day spent visting all of his more elderly parishioners. I feel sick. He's been sent home from hospital, but has a ton of bruises, grazes and now stitches! The woman who did it just phoned up my grandma, said who she was, then hung up. Sorry to rant, but I'm so mad!

How awful! I'm so glad he's mostly OK.


Well-known member
What do you think about Cream Soda on WOC? I've been wondering about it since I don't really have many, if any, coral, peach blushes.
For reference, I'm NC 44 and I love it. If you think it's too light or you would prefer a blush with a deeper hue/tone, you might want to try MAC's Peaches, which is decidedly deeper toned IRL; Cream Soda on the left, Peaches on the right.

My apologies for the poor quality of the photo. From left to right are Early Morning (MB), Warmth of Coral, Amber Glow, So Sweet So Easy (Cream) and then Super Continental in front



Well-known member
My delivery is expected to be here today I only got dlg and bb but I can't wait, I went to the store right now and saw my ups guy grabbing lunch lol I wanted to tap him on the shoulder and say "mr ups guy u have a very important box in ur truck I need can u get it for me" for now I'll have to sit here and wait
That would border on "UPS GUY" harassment
I hope you got it & I hope you like DLG & BB.