MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
Maybe it doesn't apply to the product that you're ordering.
The E-mail was in reference to Valentine's Day and featured lipsticks & nail polish. I just tried it, selected a lipstick and the pop-up said you qualify for overnight shipping. I then added an item from Archie's Girls and got the same message, w/o ever putting in the code. BUT.....when I removed the lipstick the code was invalid.
Oh ok. That makes sense now. I have called MAC to place a phone order of the Veronica's Blush Pearlmatte and will be looking out for the confirmation e-mail of when it's shipped.


Well-known member
i got my last box from cps in the mail. and thanks to that i was able to score an archies girls pin.

and yes it had to go in my crazy bright orange jacket
as if i dont get enough Attention with it already.


Well-known member
wearing SM lg and CS blush today I love them! someone please tell me I don't need VB pm I got FM already and PP blush, DLG and BB ls and CC and PC nail polish. do I need more? no but I still want the SR quad both Betty pigments ( my mc actually commented on these when I watched Alluras video he said oh those are nice! so I gotta get them lol) and GND ls and I'm trying to find BS and RR and either the brush set or makeup bag . ughhh do kno whi h counter to hit up first tommorow!! mac nords or Macy's?!?
Naughtyp, You don't need VB PM. That's what I told myself-----Medgal, you don't need VB PM.
Self said, "but I want it", just before it fell into my cart


Well-known member
i got my last box from cps in the mail. and thanks to that i was able to score an archies girls pin.

and yes it had to go in my crazy bright orange jacket
as if i dont get enough Attention with it already.
Kimibos! Looking Good there. Enjoy your goodies!


Well-known member
My package containing the pearl mattes arrived today. Both of them are awesome!
Flatter Me feels natural on my skin, and when worn it looks like my face is refreshed; pretty sweet imo. Veronica's Blush gives a little bit of a pinkish glow for me, and it's so beautiful when worn. I didn't get a pin though, but I don't mind.

I can't wait to try out the lipsticks, lipglasses, and Cream Soda tomorrow. :D


Well-known member
I need to start getting home earlier. All of my good lighting is gone. I was finally able to get one picture that looked okay.

This is me wearing Prom Princess, Strawberry Malt, the new NARS light reflecting powder, Veronica's Blush, and the Glinda Palette.
Looking GREAT. Hope you're feeling as good as you look!!!!


Well-known member
My delivery is expected to be here today I only got dlg and bb but I can't wait, I went to the store right now and saw my ups guy grabbing lunch lol I wanted to tap him on the shoulder and say "mr ups guy u have a very important box in ur truck I need can u get it for me" for now I'll have to sit here and wait
This is hilarious! I so would have done that, poor guy tho he was at lunch, ahhh the things us makeup addicts do.


Well-known member
Mac must've ran out of vanilla sent for kiss and don't tell lipglass.:haha:
I didn't get K&DT, i got SS. But still, no vanilla :(
Erine1881, Elegant One or someone who knows what I look like, I want to pick one item from this collection, preferably a lipstick or a blush...which lipstick or blush would you recommend? wow, I hadn't posted in a MAC collection thread in forever....
Ronnie Red for sure! Then maybe DLG if you like those shades. For a blush - Prom Princess :heart: XOX
reds always look good on you,but I think the Veronica blush
:agree: Saadeh! You HAVE TO GET RR and PP. no doubt about it! :winkiss:
:amused: thanks! I'm sure that erine1881 & MAC-Guy could explain it much better than me. At least it can help a little ;)
I can't remember where i posted the difference in each finish of all the powders :dunno:


Well-known member
2 of my boxes got here today. I got mall madness, and strong woman (plus an empty palette for some depots). My hunny kept making fun of me because I was "so giddy", LOL. I'm hoping to get everything else by Friday.
That's funny right?
They get giddy over sports and tools. Enjoy your goodies!


Well-known member
I collect heart shaped things too! Every year, around this time, I get so excited because all the stores have their Valentine's Day things. I'm wearing pink heart earrings today
Yay for heart collectors! Everywhere you turned at the Archie's Girls Event last night you saw someone with heart shaped jewelry. I wore gold hoops with gold heart shaped charms. Today it's Onyx and gold dangling hearts



Well-known member

My package arrived before noon today. I haven't tried anything on yet, but i've looked 'em over to make sure they're all there...
I only ordered Boyfriend Stealer lipstick, and Mall Madness and Feelin' So Good lip glasses from Archie's Girls.
But i'm going to my local MAC tomorrow AM because, after seeing everyone's photos and reading your posts, i want to try on Cream Soda blush, just in case i... uh... need it...
I'm trying to be strong and not get Veronica's Blush Pearlmatte. It's perfect, but i'm holding out for the two in Baking Beauties in April.
I promised someone a picture of Mall Madness compared to Funtabulous which i'll do tomorrow after my MAC attack.


Well-known member
I love both lipsticks on you---pretty!!!

From yesterday; Basically everything Veronica! Spoiled Rich, Petrol Blue, Boyfriend Stealer w/ Mall Madness, Veronica's Blush and Prom Princess.

Then later I just had to try Ronnie Red, which I love! Well really I loved everything! :)



Active member
Tomorrow's the day! Gonna head to Macys before class. I changed my mind on my list again, and will only get lippies. No blush for me.
I'll be there bright and early as soon as the doors open. I wonder if there will be a crowd (probably). I just wish that Macy's sold the brush set. Getting it from the MAC store is not an option for me, asI'll be using some gift cards.


Well-known member
Did anyone see the hearts start to wear off on the brushes yet? I just want to know if I should maybe put some clear nail polish on them before I wash them and use them


Well-known member
Awww so cute! I see you're laying your brushes flat to dry, I used to do that too, but I bought the brush tree from benjabelle (?) and I am in love with it. Every time i wash my brushes I keep telling myself, WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT! lol
The brush tree is awesome, and a genius idea. I've never had issues with laying my brushes flat but the brush tree may certainly extend their quality & life span by helping to keep water out of the ferrules.