MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
I'm with you Sass, I don't think Ronnie Red & me are meant to be. I never had so much trouble looking for a lipstick in my life.

It's my own fault.....I should've gotten it when I had the chance.
You saying that is making me think that I should grab the Veronica's Blush and Caramel Sundae quad...
AND HEY! I SO think that they will restock it. They were restocking TT and Strength SO SPORADICALLY.
I just think that you'll be stalking for sometime...
Best of luck! I hate missing out (says the girl whos TT mattenes are delayed at Nordies =( )


Well-known member
i can't get my hands on one ronnie red let alone a back up. my counters only got a few each which wreaks. i guess it wasn't meant to be. mac website says coming soon now and i just don't have the energy to stalk. today i got my archie's girls advert from mac in the mail today so I'm happy about that.

I only picked up prom princess and daddy's little girl.
So sorry to hear :( My MUA told me and my friend that Mac Red is the exact same color and the only thing different is the finish. I personally didn't like the way it looked on me, but my friend picked that one up when we went to the counter. She actually had a chance to get RR, but she didn't want anything LE. Hopefully you guys can try that.

Blissfully Yours, you look great! But do not tempt me with Flatter Me! My willpower is practically extinct!

CocoFiere, every lipstick looks good on you! I'm loving DLG

You know what would look great with your AG hauls? The Nars powder! I am sooo in love. Specktra is responsible for Nars employee bonuses this year lol


Well-known member
I'm with you Sass, I don't think Ronnie Red & me are meant to be. I never had so much trouble looking for a lipstick in my life.

It's my own fault.....I should've gotten it when I had the chance.
Hell, I even had trouble getting mine, which had been put on hold and then went mysteriously missing when I showed up to get everything. It got found somehow, but if it hadn't been, I would have been SoL, because it was all sold out the day of the launch.

I still think that if you have Absolute Power, Ronnie Red is not too drastically different, especially if you use a more pinkish red lip pencil underneath.


Well-known member
Thank you! I love RR too! I put it on and was all "OMG" about it and since I neglected to BU any of the lippies, I was a bit upset with myself. I think MAC should restock when I get paid and I'll get another one. Otherwise, I'll keep loving on my other fave matte red of the moment...Rimmel /Kate Moss "Kiss of Life" which is A....Mazing!
I love any kind of red! I felt the same way about Prom Princess but, FINALLY Nordies restocked it so, I was able to pick it up! So excited!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by liba

That is actually horrible to me - I don't think eye shadow minerals and chemicals should be anywhere near a baby's eyes, in and of themselves; not to mention the fact an infant is going to rub her eyes spontaneously and get it painfully in her eyes and dangerously in her mouth. Terribly irresponsible.

I'm almost certain she also had l/s, l/g and blush on - I only saw her in passing but I would have said something if she'd been one of my patients!


Well-known member
I have rosacea on my cheeks (from mid-eye to nose), chin, and nose. Most of the time i'm fine going out with just eye makeup, lipstick, and a dusting of light face powder (MAC MSF Natural, and now NARS Light Reflecting Setting Powder). But when i want to wear blush i have tone down the redness first.

I use MUFE HD Microperfecting Primer in #1 (green). The trick to using a green primer is practice, practice, practice (as they say), so you learn to use just the right amount - which isn't much. I've read people complaining on makeupalley about how they look, but i suspect many are using too much product and are impatient. I can now cancel the redness without turning green, ghostly, or muddy, and it only adds another minute or so to my makeup routine to put it on my face.

Also, i wear my blush on and a little below my cheek bones, not on the soft "apples" of my cheeks where there's already too much color.

If you're red only on your cheeks, once you get the hang of it it'll take even less time, since you have less to correct. Then you can wear whatever blush you like!
I'll have to check into the MUFE Primers..I've been kinda reluctant because I heard they break people out....I have sensitive skin as well and it can be finicky
But, I will give it a go and see what happens! Thank you for the advice lilinah!


Well-known member
I completely agree! I'm working in paediatrics at the moment, and I saw a baby the other day wearing turquoise e/s
She was only about 6 months old!!! I got so freaked out!
Uh WOW. I can understand you know... an older girl (OLDER THAN 6months, geez) wanting to wear makeup (kind of like Talia on YT, I freaking love that girl), but a literal baby? No. I don't see how she could even decide for herself that that's a way to show artistic expression or beauty.

But whatever. Maybe the little wee one is sick and the mom always imagined playing with makeup on her lil daughter. Life is full of randomness.

Crazy story, lol.


Well-known member

w/o flash inside lighting.
Wearing Prom Princess w/ Flatter Me over it.

w/ flash on cheeks

Flatter Me PM over Prom Princess. Don't you just love the pearly sheen?! I loooove it!

Like I said yesterday, if you haven't got it, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Lol.

For reference I am Matchmaster 7.5 / Bobbi Brown Walnut 7.5/ MAC NC50 (as suggested by others)/ DiorSkin Nude Mocha 6.0
That blush looks great on you.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I'm almost certain she also had l/s, l/g and blush on - I only saw her in passing but I would have said something if she'd been one of my patients!
WTF? Why would anyone put makeup on a baby? I can't for the life of me figure what would prompt someone to do that. It must have looked obscene.
How does DLG compare to Show Orchid..? I'm kind of regretting not getting DLG and trying to find something as similar as possible. I looked at the swatches on Temptalia and they look quite alike..


Well-known member
Whew I finally caught up to this thread. I'm loving all the swatches and fotd pics. You ladies look wicked with those colors. Unfortunately I haven't gotten anything for lack of funds and I have a hubby who complains about my makeup habit =( so I guess I'll probably sit this one out. Such a cute collection and I wanted a few things but I guess I'll wait for it to come to the cco which is going to be a long time from now. I wanted to get Ronnie Red (but I have a couple of red MUFE lipsticks so idk) Daddy's little girl (really want this) and Prom Princess blush. I have a feeling that they're going to restock the lipsticks soon and I'm going to miss out again but I don't want the hubs to get mad. However, I've been kinda depressed
about a couple of things and that would've cheered me up a bit but i guess not


Well-known member

w/o flash inside lighting.
Wearing Prom Princess w/ Flatter Me over it.

w/ flash on cheeks

Flatter Me PM over Prom Princess. Don't you just love the pearly sheen?! I loooove it!

Like I said yesterday, if you haven't got it, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Lol.

For reference I am Matchmaster 7.5 / Bobbi Brown Walnut 7.5/ MAC NC50 (as suggested by others)/ DiorSkin Nude Mocha 6.0
Very, Very pretty!!! You're making me want to go get prom princess and Flatter Me now lol


Well-known member
I will not let you all talk me into getting Flatter Me!

@BlissfullyYours is that DLG on your lips?
@Michelle79 You haaaave to lol! It's sooo nice, and it doesn't look all ashy either! (I can't say the same for Veronicas Blush. I need to re-try that one again.) Plus it has nice color/pigmentation by itself, I just wanted to wear the blush.
And no it's not! It's Seductive Intent mattene. If you want to see the difference I can swatch it for you? I think someone said that are comparable/dupeable. But I'd keep both if they are! I'm not sure if I can secure a SI BU anymore.


You gals are AWESOME! And for those considering Flatter Me, at least try it! Even if you have Passionately Tempted from TT, it only getting more magenta with layering, whereas this blush on my skintone turned more pink.


Well-known member
It's my daughter's 11th birthday today and part of her gift was Mall Madness. She was just beside herself and probably applied it 3 or 4 times before she even left for school. I give her a month (max) before the tube is empty and she's already told me that she doesn't want to BTM it because of the packaging.

She's been lusting after MAC for at least a year, but I've always said no. She does have MAC makeup for performing, but I don't let her wear it other than on the ice. I got her Dreamy l/g a couple of weeks ago through BTM (after she asked why her big sis always gets my empties and I didn't have a particularly good reason) and she's made a dent in that already. I have KaDT for Valentine's day for her, so she's on her way.

All she's allowed to wear at this point is lipgloss, but I know another addict in the making when I see one!
So adorable and so fun to have made your daughter's birthday this way. Nice start to sharing your passion with her. So glad she had a great birthday!
Valentine's Day will blow her mind!