MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
That's really unfortunate and frustrating. For "super limited" collections like these, I don't think employees should be allowed to hold back stock for friends/family, or maybe put a limit on it. While I understand that might not necessarily be fair to employees either-- just because they work there doesn't mean they can hoard the stock, in my personal opinion. I understand people have busy lives, and can't make it out to counters or order online (me, for example) but to have a connection who pulls stock before it even releases to others just seems wrong. Then again, I am pretty salty about this release, LOL! Especially when it sells out lightning fast online, and people wait in line before store hours to get it... to find out they're already "out" upon opening! However, I'm sure these ladies and gentlemen are just as avid fans of makeup and mac as we are... and MAC really causes all this cut throat behavior by making it such a hassle to obtain a damn lipstick. Sigh! MAC makes me so mad, and yet... keep pulling me in with their products sometimes. It's a struggle for real.
I agree. Well said. I have been complaining to Mac for over a year about teasing us with these LE collections and then sending 2 or 3 of each color to the stores. To make matters worse MAs are told they have to make one of those a tester. Really Mac????? If someone from Mac can explain the reasoning for this I'd like to hear it. I know Estee Lauder/Mac is doing extremely well. Just think how much better they could do if they produced enough MU to last more than 15 minutes on launch day.


Well-known member
Well I went to the 5th ave store, got there 5 min before the door opened. There was a line (yikes) but once everyone got in it was a free for all. I approached a sales associate right away and from my experiences there the girls at 5th avenue are far nicer than other mac counters/stores in manahattan. I had no trouble really, you just have to be assertive. Stuff flies fast but thats just how it goes and it really sucks :/
The phone deal sounds awful. Calling on such a busy day is bound to be harder than usual. I think assertion is really the key to getting what you want, and it works better in person. Any other way is sort of a gamble. I hope everyone ends up with what they want!
I felt bad because there was a pack of teenagers there for Cinderella and it was obviously their first rodeo. They just sorta stood there and were upset nobody helped them. I felt bad but thats how you miss out, you need to get up and approach someone.
Oh and I overheard SEVERAL people buying multiple lavender jade's. NOT COOL. I really hate that, I understand 2-3, maybe you're buying for a friend. But 6?!?!? No girl. Stop it with your greedy ass.
Jeeeez man. I remember someone commented on Temptalia a long time ago (2012-ish?)said she bought 9 whisper of gilt. T was like "oh wow, 9?!"

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
I definitely need a liner with LJ. I tried it on with Nightmoth. (No surprise there.) To me LJ is not/not BU-worthy. However, it will be a nice Spring and Summer shade.RiRi Boy is still my fav light purple lipstick.
Hey V. How was the LJ/Nightmoth combo? Did it look good?


Well-known member
I think I'll just stick with my dodgy girl and call it a day lol sorry lavender jade you're too much of a pain.
I have both. You are not missing out on much. LJ is a pretty color. If you have one lipstick I don't think you need the other. Trust me. Save yourself the headache. I have a friend you bought two. She said she was going to sell the other. Touch bases with me tonight and I will see if she found someone to sell it to yet. She lives in FL.


Well-known member
I agree. Well said. I have been complaining to Mac for over a year about teasing us with these LE collections and then sending 2 or 3 of each color to the stores. To make matters worse MAs are told they have to make one of those a tester. Really Mac????? If someone from Mac can explain the reasoning for this I'd like to hear it. I know Estee Lauder/Mac is doing extremely well. Just think how much better they could do if they produced enough MU to last more than 15 minutes on launch day.
Definitely!! But I also see their marketing strategy there and by God, it works. I peaked into the drawers and 5th ave looked very decently stocked. Maybe everything just flew out really fast, thats obviously bound to happen with all this hype. It really sucks and I've been disappointed before but honestly with experience you become totally hip to their strategy. I rarely miss out on items anymore, if I really want something theres a way to get it. Where theres a will, theres a way.


Well-known member
I agree. Well said. I have been complaining to Mac for over a year about teasing us with these LE collections and then sending 2 or 3 of each color to the stores. To make matters worse MAs are told they have to make one of those a tester. Really Mac????? If someone from Mac can explain the reasoning for this I'd like to hear it. I know Estee Lauder/Mac is doing extremely well. Just think how much better they could do if they produced enough MU to last more than 15 minutes on launch day.
YES! Yes, I agree about the tester thing. My first nightmare store release was with RHPS. I had 3 finals that day and couldn't make it out to a store to save my life. Not to mention, no MAC counter in damn Tallahassee ever gets any of the hyped LE collections. I usually rely online or have my sister back home pick stuff up for me. She went to the mall for me before it opened... was 3rd in line... And couldn't get me FrankNFurter. They told her they "only got three, and had to open one and use it for a tester." My poor sister! She felt so bad that she couldn't get it for me. That's why I went out of my way to get LJ for her than I usually would for a MAC lipstick.

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
Well I went to the 5th ave store, got there 5 min before the door opened. There was a line (yikes) but once everyone got in it was a free for all. I approached a sales associate right away and from my experiences there the girls at 5th avenue are far nicer than other mac counters/stores in manahattan. I had no trouble really, you just have to be assertive. Stuff flies fast but thats just how it goes and it really sucks :/  The phone deal sounds awful. Calling on such a busy day is bound to be harder than usual. I think assertion is really the key to getting what you want, and it works better in person. Any other way is sort of a gamble. I hope everyone ends up with what they want! I felt bad because there was a pack of teenagers there for Cinderella and it was obviously their first rodeo. They just sorta stood there and were upset nobody helped them. I felt bad but thats how you miss out, you need to get up and approach someone.  Oh and I overheard SEVERAL people buying multiple lavender jade's. NOT COOL. I really hate that, I understand 2-3, maybe you're buying for a friend. But 6?!?!? No girl. Stop it with your greedy ass. 
Oh, hell no... Piss taking ebay seller right there


Well-known member
Jeeeez man. I remember someone commented on Temptalia a long time ago (2012-ish?)said she bought 9 whisper of gilt. T was like "oh wow, 9?!"
I just hate that. That's pure greed, I would not feel good about myself if I made people miss out because I needed to hoard.


Well-known member
Ladies beware their are a lot stores lying about their inventory on the bao bao wan collection. I called the fifth ave location at 8 am they told me that I can place my order at 10am when they opened. I called at 10am on the dot they told me that the lavender jade was sold out. I went ballistic and threaten to call the corporate office and magically a lavender jade popped up. A friend of mine went to the location and tried to purchase lavender jade and she was their before 10 and as soon as they opened the door and they were sold out. They are putting aside products for friends and family. Smh
I believe many of them save it for selling purposes. They hold and have friends buy it for them at the store since they are not allowed to buy it themselves. They make extra cash like that and he person buying it for them may get a free item out of the deal. A YouTuber some time ago implied that in one of their videos. Yo have to wonder how the HELL these sellers get sucha large stock of these hard to find lipsticks.


Well-known member
Well I went to the 5th ave store, got there 5 min before the door opened. There was a line (yikes) but once everyone got in it was a free for all. I approached a sales associate right away and from my experiences there the girls at 5th avenue are far nicer than other mac counters/stores in manahattan. I had no trouble really, you just have to be assertive. Stuff flies fast but thats just how it goes and it really sucks :/
The phone deal sounds awful. Calling on such a busy day is bound to be harder than usual. I think assertion is really the key to getting what you want, and it works better in person. Any other way is sort of a gamble. I hope everyone ends up with what they want!
I felt bad because there was a pack of teenagers there for Cinderella and it was obviously their first rodeo. They just sorta stood there and were upset nobody helped them. I felt bad but thats how you miss out, you need to get up and approach someone.
Oh and I overheard SEVERAL people buying multiple lavender jade's. NOT COOL. I really hate that, I understand 2-3, maybe you're buying for a friend. But 6?!?!? No girl. Stop it with your greedy ass.
Well, that explains how a store could run out so fast. Ridiculous. Can't they limit the number (sort of like they do online)?

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
Well, that explains how a store could run out so fast. Ridiculous. Can't they limit the number (sort of like they do online)
That would make a lot of sense, just have a 3 in store limit when buying. At least then, no one would be taking the piss. But there are ways that the in store limit won't work with people getting their friends to get 3 of the same product etc


Well-known member
They are closed today due to the storm. I will be filing a complaint tomorrow. Queens center mall is another location to beware of the told me that they sold out of lavender jade at 9:56 before the store opened. I told them I was going to contact corporate that is when they told me they received every lipstick but lavender jade.
Playing devils advocate here--maybe they are telling ppl over the phone that the most coveted item sold out because they don't want to take the time to place a phone order when the store is swarmed with ppl trying to get their hands on the same thing. In not saying that's the right thing to do, since a paying customer is a paying customer no matter if it's in person or not...I'm just saying they may be just lazy and want to get ppl off the phone as quickly as possible.


Well-known member
My pro store is 1 of each item when it's limited and especially on launch day. Just to try and let as many ppl get something but guess it depends on how much stock a store actually gets


Well-known member
Well I went to the 5th ave store, got there 5 min before the door opened. There was a line (yikes) but once everyone got in it was a free for all. I approached a sales associate right away and from my experiences there the girls at 5th avenue are far nicer than other mac counters/stores in manahattan. I had no trouble really, you just have to be assertive. Stuff flies fast but thats just how it goes and it really sucks :/
The phone deal sounds awful. Calling on such a busy day is bound to be harder than usual. I think assertion is really the key to getting what you want, and it works better in person. Any other way is sort of a gamble. I hope everyone ends up with what they want!
I felt bad because there was a pack of teenagers there for Cinderella and it was obviously their first rodeo. They just sorta stood there and were upset nobody helped them. I felt bad but thats how you miss out, you need to get up and approach someone.
Oh and I overheard SEVERAL people buying multiple lavender jade's. NOT COOL. I really hate that, I understand 2-3, maybe you're buying for a friend. But 6?!?!? No girl. Stop it with your greedy ass.
Sigh. Six! Girl, I read somewhere that-- depending on how hard you press-- someone could get somewhere around 350 swipes of lipstick. (In her experiment, she counted a swipe as both lips being covered. She got about 350 by using an accurate milligram scale, and would weigh the product after a "swipe" down to the 100th decimal point, did a bunch of trials, and averaged them together.) That being said... if you wore the lipstick every damn day, once in the morning and 1 re-application, it would take just shy of 3 years to use up 6 tubes! And that's using it every day... twice!! That's when I know someone doesn't need 6 of one product. Lol. Dang.


Well-known member
Definitely!! But I also see their marketing strategy there and by God, it works. I peaked into the drawers and 5th ave looked very decently stocked. Maybe everything just flew out really fast, thats obviously bound to happen with all this hype. It really sucks and I've been disappointed before but honestly with experience you become totally hip to their strategy. I rarely miss out on items anymore, if I really want something theres a way to get it. Where theres a will, theres a way. 
Agreed. Hi five, Katniss!