MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


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Did Nordies do a ghost restock? I can find the lipsticks' entry but it's saying no longer in stock.


Well-known member
Union Square and 5th Ave can stick it where the sun don't shine. Don't tell me people theres alot in stock and then all somehow be sold out literally within 2 minutes of the store opening
One time Macy's downtown BK, for RiRi's Winter collection, they said they got 2 or 3 Pleasure Bombs. Like seriously? How does a box come from MAC with 3 lipsticks in it?! They think we're stupid.


Well-known member
I managed to get 3 lippies (guess which ones) and the blue polish from Macys online. I can't imagine going into the stores. That was difficult as it was.


Well-known member
One time Macy's downtown BK, for RiRi's Winter collection, they said they got 2 or 3 Pleasure Bombs. Like seriously? How does a box come from MAC with 3 lipsticks in it?! They think we're stupid.
with RiRi it was definitely crazy like that! A lot of stores around the country were only receiving like 4 of each color. I remember being in DC at the time and going to a MAC in dulles and I was 2nd in line and got the last of one of the 2 nudes.


Well-known member
One time Macy's downtown BK, for RiRi's Winter collection, they said they got 2 or 3 Pleasure Bombs. Like seriously? How does a box come from MAC with 3 lipsticks in it?! They think we're stupid.
smh, I didn't even bother getting anything from RiRi Winter after the whole waitroom bs from the launch before that. I turned me off from MAC for a little bit and even now with this LJ nonsense I'm getting turned off again. It's like MAC loves to pull stunts like this on purpose. Don't make everyone thirsty for your product and then have only like 2 in stock. That's how you piss off even the most loyal customer.


Well-known member
Ladies beware their are a lot stores lying about their inventory on the bao bao wan collection. I called the fifth ave location at 8 am they told me that I can place my order at 10am when they opened. I called at 10am on the dot they told me that the lavender jade was sold out. I went ballistic and threaten to call the corporate office and magically a lavender jade popped up. A friend of mine went to the location and tried to purchase lavender jade and she was their before 10 and as soon as they opened the door and they were sold out. They are putting aside products for friends and family. Smh
Sounds like my old MAC store when the Marilyn Monroe collection was released.


Well-known member
with RiRi it was definitely crazy like that! A lot of stores around the country were only receiving like 4 of each color. I remember being in DC at the time and going to a MAC in dulles and I was 2nd in line and got the last of one of the 2 nudes.
Yup. I live where Riri is from and we hardly got any stock. Everything was SO in 5 mins as soon as the store opened. That didn't stop the artists from setting aside stock for frequent customers. I don't blame them for doing it because those are the customers that come back even when there is no LE collection. I blame MAC. They need to make more damn products. They don't satisfy the demand and I think they do it on purpose because they know they'll make all their money back the same day of the launch. It's unfair too for persons who are in the MAC pro program because even though they have the discount, they have to wait two weeks to use it. Really, MAC? Which LE collection these days lasts two weeks. *smdh*


Well-known member
Ladies beware their are a lot stores lying about their inventory on the bao bao wan collection. I called the fifth ave location at 8 am they told me that I can place my order at 10am when they opened. I called at 10am on the dot they told me that the lavender jade was sold out. I went ballistic and threaten to call the corporate office and magically a lavender jade popped up. A friend of mine went to the location and tried to purchase lavender jade and she was their before 10 and as soon as they opened the door and they were sold out. They are putting aside products for friends and family. Smh
That's really unfortunate and frustrating. For "super limited" collections like these, I don't think employees should be allowed to hold back stock for friends/family, or maybe put a limit on it. While I understand that might not necessarily be fair to employees either-- just because they work there doesn't mean they can hoard the stock, in my personal opinion. I understand people have busy lives, and can't make it out to counters or order online (me, for example) but to have a connection who pulls stock before it even releases to others just seems wrong. Then again, I am pretty salty about this release, LOL! Especially when it sells out lightning fast online, and people wait in line before store hours to get it... to find out they're already "out" upon opening! However, I'm sure these ladies and gentlemen are just as avid fans of makeup and mac as we are... and MAC really causes all this cut throat behavior by making it such a hassle to obtain a damn lipstick. Sigh! MAC makes me so mad, and yet... keep pulling me in with their products sometimes. It's a struggle for real.


Well-known member
That's really unfortunate and frustrating. For "super limited" collections like these, I don't think employees should be allowed to hold back stock for friends/family, or maybe put a limit on it. While I understand that might not necessarily be fair to employees either-- just because they work there doesn't mean they can hoard the stock, in my personal opinion. I understand people have busy lives, and can't make it out to counters or order online (me, for example) but to have a connection who pulls stock before it even releases to others just seems wrong. Then again, I am pretty salty about this release, LOL! Especially when it sells out lightning fast online, and people wait in line before store hours to get it... to find out they're already "out" upon opening! However, I'm sure these ladies and gentlemen are just as avid fans of makeup and mac as we are... and MAC really causes all this cut throat behavior by making it such a hassle to obtain a damn lipstick. Sigh! MAC makes me so mad, and yet... keep pulling me in with their products sometimes. It's a struggle for real. 
Well said!


Well-known member
Just lived chatted with Nordies; I asked if they can give me a listing of which stores have LJ in stock.

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You have been connected to a Beauty Stylist. Kiran D has seen your question and will be with you shortly.

Kiran D: Hi Karol, everyone is asking about this collection. Unfortunately the east coast stores are already sold out and once the west coast stores open they will be sold out for any phone orders. I'm so sorry.
Karol: aww that's upetting :( well thank you for your time. i appreciate it
Kiran D: No problem, have a great day.

i'm so over MAC. i don't get how the ENTIRE east coast is already sold out, smh.


Well-known member
with RiRi it was definitely crazy like that! A lot of stores around the country were only receiving like 4 of each color. I remember being in DC at the time and going to a MAC in dulles and I was 2nd in line and got the last of one of the 2 nudes.
I got Nude thankfully, but only one. Something I regret to this day. It's my fav. The closest dupe I've found is the Sepia one from the Matte Collection. But that Christmas Collection?! I got no lippies, got the Love, Rihanna bronzer which was a waste after the nice bronzed "R" rubbed off.


Haha. I wonder if I met your husband in line. He said he was trying to get Lavender Jade for his wife. The Macy's down the block didn't get anything either. Welcome and hope to see you around! 
Thank you for the warm welcome ladies! I'm sure it was my husband, lol. Bless his heart for trying.


Well-known member
It is Crazy out there and I knew I wouldn't have time to go into manhattan to get the lipstick and pick up my kids so I called MAC Soho for BK and FS. They did a send sale and I was able to grab the last of each lipstick. I am so happy I didn't have to go thru that mess.


Well-known member
smh, I didn't even bother getting anything from RiRi Winter after the whole waitroom bs from the launch before that. I turned me off from MAC for a little bit and even now with this LJ nonsense I'm getting turned off again. It's like MAC loves to pull stunts like this on purpose. Don't make everyone thirsty for your product and then have only like 2 in stock. That's how you piss off even the most loyal customer.
No lie, first time I lined up for something like that. In the cold. I damned near got hypothermia. Shoooot.


Well-known member
Well I went to the 5th ave store, got there 5 min before the door opened. There was a line (yikes) but once everyone got in it was a free for all. I approached a sales associate right away and from my experiences there the girls at 5th avenue are far nicer than other mac counters/stores in manahattan. I had no trouble really, you just have to be assertive. Stuff flies fast but thats just how it goes and it really sucks :/
The phone deal sounds awful. Calling on such a busy day is bound to be harder than usual. I think assertion is really the key to getting what you want, and it works better in person. Any other way is sort of a gamble. I hope everyone ends up with what they want!
I felt bad because there was a pack of teenagers there for Cinderella and it was obviously their first rodeo. They just sorta stood there and were upset nobody helped them. I felt bad but thats how you miss out, you need to get up and approach someone.
Oh and I overheard SEVERAL people buying multiple lavender jade's. NOT COOL. I really hate that, I understand 2-3, maybe you're buying for a friend. But 6?!?!? No girl. Stop it with your greedy ass.