MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


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Here's Summer Opal
and three of the lipsticks. All credit to Karly!

L to R: Burmese Kiss, Romantic Breakdown, and Forbidden Sunset

Burmese Kiss
I need it now!!! Def getting a back up this shade looks like a pinker Party Parrot.

Thank you for posting :)

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
I don't know why, but I'm starting to see myself skip this collection. I know it's great news for the low buy enthusiats and for my bank card, I'm starting to fall out of love with LJ


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I'll get Lavender Jade because PURPLE! and probably be disappointed again as i was with the re-formulation of Lavender Whip and all the other lipsticks that promised to be lavender and were just blue-toned pale pink... (Nicki, Kelly...)

I'll test Romantic Breakdown, altho at this point i think i have enough sheer nudes that suit me.

I've been avoiding those Veluxe Pearl palettes, but this one is calling me. Gold... 5 shades of gold! (i wear gold eyeshadow a fair bit)

And i though the Beauty Powder would be a total skip for me, based on photos i saw this summer, but the new pictures are seducing me...

So, two to four items


Well-known member
Going to give in to Summer Opal, it's too gorg to pass up! So my list is... Summer Opal Lavender Jade The green polish Maybe: the blue polish So excited for this collection! :yeah:


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Quote:Originally Posted by Dolly Snow

Credit to BubblyMichelle on IG

The VF palette looks stunning. I am still gonna resist this one though...


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I'm pretty sure this will be my first (and only) VPF palette purchase. Ever since we got the colour story it's sounded right up my street, and all the pics and now swatches we've seen since only confirm that. That will probably be my only item from this collection. BK is a maybe, everything else definite skip.