MAC X Cinderella Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
Minus the big letters, I like the packaging. It could of been worse.

I'm buying.


Well-known member
I think a simple glass slipper with maybe some glitter-esque trailing from it would have been a nice but still simple design rather than the wording, like Maleficent, again. The coloring is pretty, but the rest kind of boring again.
Minus the big letters, I like the packaging. It could of been worse. :eek: I'm buying.
It really could have been :yuck:
I really like Novocainedreams' vision of the packaging. That would have conveyed the theme of the collection in a beautiful way, instead of just having the name stamped on top of everything. I think MAC could have done a nicer job. It's not like they don't have deep enough pockets to really knock it out of the park. :( Have a lovely holiday everyone!


Well-known member
An Eye Gloss? :( Fairy Dust would have been better. One item less I guess. I did not have any requrements for the packaging. I just want my Mac round. Looks fine to me so far.


Well-known member
Not fond of the packaging, they could've done so much better. But I do like the insides so far! Merry christmas everyone!!