MAC X Cinderella Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
Really?? Naomi, you are going to skip this? Darn it. It looks kinda interesting. I'm leaning towards getting something only because Cinderella was my fav movie as a kid.
So far thats a yes. The shadow palette looks nice,but I know it'd just collect dust and that lippy is a no go also.


Well-known member
I am glad the packaging is simple and tasteful and not all kitsch-ed up.

So far what colors we've seen look pretty good, but i am eager to see the whole collection.


Well-known member
I am glad the packaging is simple and tasteful and not all kitsch-ed up. So far what colors we've seen look pretty good, but i am eager to see the whole collection.
I like it as well, I prefer simple packaging vs overly done up packaging any day.


Well-known member
I love my Sephora Cinderella mirror and my Ariel one, Jasmine was pretty too.


Well-known member
I have so many pages to catch up on for this thread.

Do we have any idea when this will be released? I know the movies is out March 13th. I'm wondering if I should take the morning off from work so I can get my stuff in person? I don't think this will be same craziness as the Aquatics collection though.

Dolly Snow

I have so many pages to catch up on for this thread.  Do we have any idea when this will be released? I know the movies is out March 13th. I'm wondering if I should take the morning off from work so I can get my stuff in person? I don't think this will be same craziness as the Aquatics collection though. 
No info as of yet on a date. But my guess is late feb/early March


Specktra Bestie
This should be the first pic of the MAC x Cinderella collection out March 2015

This was originally posted in the wrong forum. I just merged it with this thread. I believe this was her first post and didn't know this photo had already been posted. I apologize for any confusion.