MAC x Rocky Horror Picture Show Collection (Oct 2, 2014)


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Meant to get back to you sooner but life got in the way--haha! Saw in another post that you aren't that crazy for FnF! Perhaps it will grow on you! I really see the berry in it on my lips, go figure!
I skipped the blushes from Heirloom because they seem to cool toned for my complexion, plus my blush situation is out of control at the moment. I am set for life---probably two lifetimes! Haha! Never worry about too many lipsticks mind you.

Thanks for the tip about the Bare Minerals Moxie! Will definitely have to check it out!
I'm the same, doing a major catch up, so many posts to get back to and worrying I'll forget to reply to everyone!

I will try FnF again, I want it to be berry!

I ordered Modest Blush, it looks gorgeous- I have a feeling you might change your mind (if you haven't seen it in person).

There can never be too many lippies -well maybe their can be, but we can't worry about everything!

I think you will like the Bare Minerals, let me know if you get a chance to try them!


Well-known member
Wearing Bad Fairy today, it's really pretty but it took three coats for me to get it as opaque as I wanted it.


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O-M-G!!! E-Bay continues to be a C-R-A-Z-Y place:


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Hell no. Sin is perm and available in regular packaging. Oblivion is still avail if you call around to a few stores. There is no way I would pay $350 for the entire collection. No way!
SERIOUSLY. LMAO. I kinda want SJ now. I don't usually wear orangy lippies but it looks pretty.