Make Up & Sex.


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um... he loves any dark eye shadow and his fav lipstick color is red for sure ... other than that on regular basis he likes me with no make up on.!


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Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
when i first saw the title, i thought you were going to ask if any of us used make up as toys during sex.

Like instead of pouring hot massage oil on a guy, you use hot lipglass.

Ever notice the phallus-like shape of a tube of MAC lipstick. Like a mini-dildo...

ha ha ha my bf refers to MAC l/s's as "butt-bullets", he's real mature right? Funny though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
Not a mine-dildo, but a mac lipstick always reminded me of o.b. tampon

omg so true like an ex-large o.b tampon lolololol


Well-known member
My fiance usually prefers no makeup, and usually we end up doing it at night after I've taken all of it off... but sometimes I will remove my skin makeup and leave my eyes done, because he thinks the morning slightly messed up makeup and tousled hair look is really hot.

I don't get it, but we do most of our business in the morning so I guess it works for him. lol


Well-known member
Interesting topic - but what about when you want to wear (need to wear?) makeup because you dont feel sexy/as hot without it? Especially in the beginning of a relationship when there is still lots of insecurity about being as attractive without makeup as you are during the daytime - well for me anyways lol.


Well-known member
I never thought of that but that because I'm a virgin :p, but when I make out with men that I've known and love. (which have been only 2, I know I've got trust issues with men. Long story.) They've said they like me with either the no-make-up look, or purple eyeshadow like Prestige's eyeshadow in Blossom or Urban Decay's Fishnet eyeshadow. With a thin black eyeliner, or a contrasting color of eyeliner.

But the two I've been in love with and made out with said they hate the lipgloss because it was either sticky or ruin my full lips. They've said stick with lip balm with a little flavor to it haha.

(Sorry if it didn't stay on topic but I wanted to state my opinion. So delete this if this is spam. This won't happen again.)


Well-known member
I used to date a much older guy who really liked really tacky (IMO) blocky blue shadow, thick black liner and garish red lips.. think cheap. REAL cheap.
He showed me this pic from Men only from about 1976 and outright asked "Can you copy that?"

He was also really into getting lipstick all over his knob...

They guy I am seeing atm, he has yet to express an opinion on make up, I don't think he is too fussed either way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
my man doesn't give a rats ass lol. i could be in some Hammer pants and he's still want it.

however, for the sake of the topic...he does love when i have on red lipstick, false lashes and some hooker heels. channels his inner pimp. and then i get the pipe of my life.

LMFAO! Ditto! hahahaha


Well-known member
My boyfriend absolutely HATES anything even remotely sticky on my lips. So I can't kiss him if I wear anything else than lip balm :p

As to the matter of proper makeup - ewww... You girls can stand going all wild and sweaty with makeup on?
Seriously if my boyfriend would not freak out I would

I am not saying he doesn't like some looks more than the others but I always remove my makeup before going to bed - I can't stand the thought of makeup all smeared up on me and on my pillows (and boyfriend)... There is no way my makeup would last through what we do


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
my man doesn't give a rats ass lol. i could be in some Hammer pants and he's still want it.

effing hilarious!


Well-known member
For one, my bf could care less about makeup...or clothes. I gave away all my sexy type clothes to my sister. (She's a cam model).

I'm starting to think he doesn't even care about sex anymore. Last night I was uh *assisting* him manually and he freakin' passed out on me. Talk about a blow to my ego!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by marusia
For one, my bf could care less about makeup...or clothes. I gave away all my sexy type clothes to my sister. (She's a cam model).

I'm starting to think he doesn't even care about sex anymore. Last night I was uh *assisting* him manually and he freakin' passed out on me. Talk about a blow to my ego!

This made me lol so hard!!

Don't let it hurt your ego
I've done it myself after being very tired from a long day... it was good, but almost so good that it was relaxing lol!

My fiance dozed off one time when we were messing around (weren't really doing much but getting there, you know, the propositions have been put out there... "you feeling it?" "Yeah" "yeah?" LOL), and I got a few ice cubes and promptly woke him up. Try that next time -- we ended up laughing for at least 15 minutes afterward (because the ice scared the crapola out of him)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
Thats a nice topic! My bf doesnt like ANY make-up for sex. He actually hates when I wear any lip product cause its always on him. And well, my make-up always gets so messy after sexytime

Though I would love to go all "porn-star-look" on him

I have the same problem with my boyfriend, He hates make up especially anything that concerns the lips.

He believes that if a women wants to have makeup than mascara is more tan enough...

So the only makeup he prefers on me is NO makeup


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes

Ever notice the phallus-like shape of a tube of MAC lipstick. Like a mini-dildo...

I ALWAYS think this when I see or use one of my MAC lipsticks!! I think it's funny. Nothing wrong with being sex-positive!


Well-known member
For me its big fluffy lashes. If I wanna seduce, all I would have to do is put on some falsies.

Also, the "mermaid look." This means blue or green eyeshadow with lots of glitter. Maybe he has a fish fetish or has some Disney fantasies I don't know about.

Shiney, shiney lips are a big turn on too.


Well-known member
My bf absolutely LOVES (and I mean loves) this look for sexy time:


I did this when I was just messing around trying to copy Lady gaga's make up in the telephone video but surprisingly it must've hit a nerve with him or something lol now he requests I do it haha. I use it for a treat :p

I don't see the appeal though...go figure :s


Well-known member
Mine would be perfectly happy if I never wore any make up at all
I know he prefers a more natural look and gets very amused (and occasionally irritated) if I'm wearing any kind of lip stuff. He knows that I feel sexy and into it if I'm wearing make up though. I've never applied something specifically for sex though - I'm kind of tempted now! Maybe I should pick up some pro long wears as a compromise?


Well-known member
My boyfriend could careless wether I have my makeup on or not when were doinking half the time we do it after were both out of the shower in the evenings so my hair isnt even done.

Now I worked in the adult industry as a cam girl and they always would send us out memos about put your makeup on and jewelry on men want to see that you take care of your self. I would have some that would ask me to do my makeup on cam for them in my lingerie and they would pay me for it. I think I wore more makeup working in my bedroom as a cam girl then wearing it just in the bedroom for my boyfriend.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by littlepickle
Maybe I should pick up some pro long wears as a compromise?

Hehe ! I picked up Pro Long Wear Durashell for this reason. Works well

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