Man slaps stanger's child.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieR429
no problem

I know Im not the only one who wants to slap a little shithead once in a while. Do I actually do it, no I have better sense than that. I hope when I have kids and Im not around and someone sees my kid get outta line they get them to knock that shit off. Being PC sucks and I wont do it.

I agree


Well-known member
well was brought up again, and my opinion hasnt changed so.... Im really not trying to ruffle feathers believe it or not, I swear. It just seems like my honesty sometimes rubs people the wrong way. Im not shy in the least bit in saying what I feel. I know a lot of people here get along because they think the same way and kinda all have the same opinion on things. I dont really fit in with that here. I dont think less of people for their opinions, although that courtesy really hasnt been afforded to me. Im a slut, rude, and now a douchebag. SUPER. You guys can think that of me, its fine because I know you really dont know me. But I think its time I find another forum to belong to...I dont fit it with you guys and Im sick and tired of defending myself to people on the god dammed internet. Its old now really.

I need to find a sailor mouthed, trashy, crass, douchebaggy, slut forum with people who share similar opinions and interests that I do. Im tired of defending myself when people over analyze my words and blow them out of proportion.

Im done. I dont think there is much else to say....we've already beaten a dead horse here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieR429
But I think its time I find another forum to belong to...I dont fit it with you guys and Im sick and tired of defending myself to people on the god dammed internet. Its old now really.

I need to find a sailor mouthed, trashy, crass, douchebaggy, slut forum with people who share similar opinions and interests that I do. Im tired of defending myself when people over analyze my words and blow them out of proportion.

Im done. I dont think there is much else to say....we've already beaten a dead horse here.


sorry, i just like posting GIFs.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieR429

I need to find a sailor mouthed, trashy, crass, douchebaggy, slut forum with people who share similar opinions and interests that I do. Im tired of defending myself when people over analyze my words and blow them out of proportion.


you don't care if Michael J. died (on a memorial thread, no less)
and most kids are annoying, deserved to be smacked around, yadda yadda...

But everyone is blowing your words out of proportion and over analyzing your words?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes

sorry, i just like posting GIFs.

Chocolategoddess, if I could give you more than 1 Thanks per post you would have like a million from me right now! Especially for all those amazing MJ GIFs!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieR429
well was brought up again, and my opinion hasnt changed so.... Im really not trying to ruffle feathers believe it or not, I swear. It just seems like my honesty sometimes rubs people the wrong way. Im not shy in the least bit in saying what I feel. I know a lot of people here get along because they think the same way and kinda all have the same opinion on things. I dont really fit in with that here. I dont think less of people for their opinions, although that courtesy really hasnt been afforded to me. Im a slut, rude, and now a douchebag. SUPER. You guys can think that of me, its fine because I know you really dont know me. But I think its time I find another forum to belong to...I dont fit it with you guys and Im sick and tired of defending myself to people on the god dammed internet. Its old now really.

I need to find a sailor mouthed, trashy, crass, douchebaggy, slut forum with people who share similar opinions and interests that I do. Im tired of defending myself when people over analyze my words and blow them out of proportion.

You can be honest while maintaining a certain level of tact and class.

And unless my reading skills are off, Tish said her ex-husband was a dbag, not you. I mentioned the use of profanity to make a point and you turned it into "sailor-mouthed". FWIW, I swear,too; I just don't use it to make a point since it gives the perception that you can't defend or make a point intelligently and need to resort to expletives to make it stand out.

I'm not really trying to judge you, but trying to offer some *honest* advice if you really want people to listen to your opinion.

For example, although I recognize MJ's influence on the music industry, I did not personally mourn his death, but I wouldn't see any point in posting that on a memorial thread. Because, whether you like it or not, it *honestly* does point out a certain lack of basic class to not respect someone else's mourning, whether you think it's warranted or not. You chose to give that impression of yourself; please don't blame others for calling you on it.

When people disagree with my posts, I take them with a grain of salt, but I do also consider whether they are making a valid point.

I'm not shy, either, and I'm always honest, but it's the way that you choose to present your "honesty" that makes the difference between whether people respect it or not. Being honest and "not shy" aren't really positive qualities if you don't know how to use them. I can choose to be honest & helpful or I can choose to be honest & confrontational.

It's our choice which impression we want to make to others; your choice of presentation and words (not your opinion itself) are the primary causes of the confrontation you are feeling here IMHO.


Well-known member
The thing is there is a HUGE diffrence between being honest and stirring the pot.

A lot of it has to do with tactful wording (ie taking the consideration to write something that will not piss off 90% off people that will be viewing it). You don;t seem to care about having tact, therefor you come off as crass, rude and disrespectful.

You dont have to give a damn if MJ is dead. I really really dont either. But you also do not have to go into a memorial forum and say taht you don't care. Obviously everyone in there DOES. That's why they are posting. i mean, not to "beat a dead horse" here, but people all around the world looked up to this guy. I dont really know why... i didnt like him too much.. but eithey way, many were deeply effected. to go in and say you dont give a damn and act so blaze is really quite cold.

Im not going to go through this thread with a fine toothed comb, but i will say that often you come off as abrasive. I know that you are a cop, and maybe taht works in yoru line of work. Maybe you feel taht sometime syou need to talk to people that way. I have no fucking clue. to be honest. But really, it doesnt win you a lot of fans under most circumstances. Maybe you don't care "cause thats the real you" as youve said. But i think thats diffensive bs. It doesn't make you any less you to take the two extra minutes to rethink what your writing and wonder if youll be offended everyone.

sry if none of that made sense... im very tired, but i cant sleep.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by User35
well was brought up again, and my opinion hasnt changed so.... Im really not trying to ruffle feathers believe it or not, I swear. It just seems like my honesty sometimes rubs people the wrong way. Im not shy in the least bit in saying what I feel. I know a lot of people here get along because they think the same way and kinda all have the same opinion on things. I dont really fit in with that here. I dont think less of people for their opinions, although that courtesy really hasnt been afforded to me. Im a slut, rude, and now a douchebag. SUPER. You guys can think that of me, its fine because I know you really dont know me. But I think its time I find another forum to belong to...I dont fit it with you guys and Im sick and tired of defending myself to people on the god dammed internet. Its old now really.

I need to find a sailor mouthed, trashy, crass, douchebaggy, slut forum with people who share similar opinions and interests that I do. Im tired of defending myself when people over analyze my words and blow them out of proportion.

Im done. I dont think there is much else to say....we've already beaten a dead horse here.

So just how many screen names do you far NatalieR429 now User35
Thats a lot of work for someone who hates this forum...


Well-known member
i work in a chemist, and there was this woman with her kid in a pram, screaming its guts out, and this kid was grabbing stuff off the shelves, putting it in her mouth, putting (plastic) bags over her head (er.. she might suffocate?) and then the little girl picked up a packet of paracetamol in those blister packs, she started chomping on that. I ran over, took it out her hand (and mouth) there was drool all over it. I said to the kid (not that it would understand) ''you dont want that, that's dangerous, you might swallow one by accident'' the woman turns to me and screams ''DONT YOU TELL MY KID WHAT TO DO! HOW DARE YOU!!'' etc etc
you get the idea

i'm sorry but i think that was a good place to intervene. if that small child had swallowed one or two of those paracetamol cos its mother was so incompetent she wasnt bothered about its safety, her liver would be permentantly damaged, and she would probably need to go to hospital. What if she'd suffocated on the plastic bag she was putting over her head?!

that woman was a d*ck (excuse my language!)

I think that is the time to say something, but apparently according to the mother, it wasnt.


Well-known member
Please no more in-fighting posts - stick to the original subject matter please or move on to another thread. I don't want to have to lock the thread over some squabbling back and forth.


Well-known member
Strangers shouldn't lay hands on other peoples children. EVER. People shouldn't scold children that aren't theirs either.


Some parents need to learn how to be parents, and control their children, Because I don't enjoy having my toes stepped on or children ramming into me while I am trying to get my daily errands done.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Strangers shouldn't lay hands on other peoples children. EVER. People shouldn't scold children that aren't theirs either.


Some parents need to learn how to be parents, and control their children, Because I don't enjoy having my toes stepped on or children ramming into me while I am trying to get my daily errands done.

I completely agree.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by User35

yeah I dont care about Michael Jackson or the fact that he is dead

I get annoyed by kids

sometimes police kill people

and Im a slut ( remember the i miss my lover thread lol)...whats new ???

This is so silly now ladies, really. So please go ahead and discuss how Im crass, rude, insensitive, have a truckers mouth. I know these things and Im fine with it, but you know what Im real. I have my beliefs and they come from certain experiences as does everyone. I dont cover them up or try to fit the norm so I can get a thanks on my post.

its kinda cool to know people are keeping tabs on me and my opinions, I didnt know I was that memorable. HA!

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Girl, dont flatter yourself no one is keeping tabs on you.


Well-known member
This post disturbs me. As a parent, the idea of a stranger laying a hand on my child horrifies me. Most parents can atest to the pure frustration and helplessness they feel when their young children act out in public. Young toddlers are still developing their impulse control, simple fact. They simply don't have the skills to cope, communicate or express anger, sadness and their own frustration. I am sorry if it interupts your trip to Walmart.
When I see these parents struggle in public places, I have come to the conclusion that it is none of my business. (Except in circumstances of danger or bodily harm, I would certainly step in. No questions asked.). But I find, most situations involve a parent who is already stressed/angry/embarassed by her child's behavior and my stepping in with "helpful comments" will only pour more fuel on the fire. Just my opinion of someone who has a child and has been in both shoes. Even the most "civilized" children will throw a tantrum or two. Unfortunately you may witness this behavior.
For those people that don't care for children, I felt the same way at one time in my life and can sympathize. An unruly child can ruin your date night or may seem to run amok wherever you may go. It's not your imagination, there are children that are "more spirited" than others. Many of you have expressed how you handle the situation.
As for stepping in when the parent is not "parenting" unruly behavior and it is disturbing your enjoyment of an activity, game, whatever, I tend to proceed with caution. I have been know to say something to a child. We were at Sea World and 2 kids were spitting into a duck's mouth. I watched for a minute, did not see a parent around and asked them to stop. They stopped and left, no ugliness. But I would have spoken to the parent first had they been around. It is then up to them to remedy the situation. After all, they brought them into our shared World, we should expect their family to rear them. Chances are, anything we will have to say in a volatile situation will be, " water off a duck's back". So to speak!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by atwingirl
This post disturbs me. As a parent, the idea of a stranger laying a hand on my child horrifies me. Most parents can atest to the pure frustration and helplessness they feel when their young children act out in public. Young toddlers are still developing their impulse control, simple fact. They simply don't have the skills to cope, communicate or express anger, sadness and their own frustration. I am sorry if it interupts your trip to Walmart.
When I see these parents struggle in public places, I have come to the conclusion that it is none of my business. (Except in circumstances of danger or bodily harm, I would certainly step in. No questions asked.). But I find, most situations involve a parent who is already stressed/angry/embarassed by her child's behavior and my stepping in with "helpful comments" will only pour more fuel on the fire. Just my opinion of someone who has a child and has been in both shoes. Even the most "civilized" children will throw a tantrum or two. Unfortunately you may witness this behavior.
For those people that don't care for children, I felt the same way at one time in my life and can sympathize. An unruly child can ruin your date night or may seem to run amok wherever you may go. It's not your imagination, there are children that are "more spirited" than others. Many of you have expressed how you handle the situation.
As for stepping in when the parent is not "parenting" unruly behavior and it is disturbing your enjoyment of an activity, game, whatever, I tend to proceed with caution. I have been know to say something to a child. We were at Sea World and 2 kids were spitting into a duck's mouth. I watched for a minute, did not see a parent around and asked them to stop. They stopped and left, no ugliness. But I would have spoken to the parent first had they been around. It is then up to them to remedy the situation. After all, they brought them into our shared World, we should expect their family to rear them. Chances are, anything we will have to say in a volatile situation will be, " water off a duck's back". So to speak!

Reading this post was like a breath of fresh air. You totally summed up how I feel. When my daughter acts up in public, I do become embarrassed & totally stressed out. I try my best to keep her on her best behavior, but she is 2 & it doesn't always happen. So when I am already dealing with an unruly child & a stranger tries to get involved in the situation, it really does add more fuel to the fire & stresses me out even more. So thank you atwingirl for understanding the situation & letting a parent be a parent.

I also agree that when a parent isn't around or just isn't paying attention & a child is behaving badly or doing something that could harm themselves or someone else that something needs to be said to them. I work inside of a mall, so I see all kinds of situations. Trust me, when I see kids running around the store or up & down the escalators I have no problem asking them to stop. Or when a parent is too busy shopping & their 2 year old makes a b-line for the escalator. I will let their parents know because I have seen grown people as well as children get hurt on them. Now if I am shopping somewhere & the kid in line behind me is throwing a fit & their parents are trying to deal with them or if I see some lady slap her kid's butt for bad behavior. That is none of my business what so ever.

For the people who say they can't stand kids etc. I will never understand that, because you were a kid at some point & everyone who you know & love was a kid at some point. I know kids can get on your nerves, but when you go out into a public place you can't control your environment & you are going to witness & hear some things that you might not like. But, you have to remember that you are in a public place. Now I'm not talking about in a movie or anything like that because anyone who keeps a screaming child in a theater is just plain rude & thoughtless. But, places like the mall, grocery stores, post office etc.


Well-known member
Kids just for the most part get bored.....they hate shopping...they hate being confined in strollers, carts etc....But as a parent if you have a small child unfortunately 9 out of 10 times you have to take them with you....There are not many of us with nanny's that we can leave the kids with while we run errands....So kids have to endure the tag along and parents have to endure the fussiness...Do we like it No...but they do get older and it does get a lot better because they learn there are consequences for bad behavior. When they are little the more you give into the behavior and the more you tell them stop the more they act's kind of ignore the fussiness for awhile and it normally stops...if you give into it everytime they know this is a way of getting what they want...Kids are very smart little beings..I have lightly smacked my sons hand in the store for touching things before when he was little and you would have thought I hit him with a brick the way he is so crazy but they know what to do to get the attention they desire


Well-known member
I don't understand what you think gives you the right to HIT another person's child, not even just TALK to them but actually touch them?

I know I would never do that to someone else's kid, I might have a word with the parent and say control your child a bit but I wouldn't be rude about it and the kid would have be doing something PRETTY bad and un childlike for me to complain in the first place.


Well-known member
^^ I agree with you. Like who the hell are you? All kids act up(especially mine). I don't even scold/spank my nieces and nephews. Its not my job. I tell me sisters to 'check' their kids. If I am not their parent, I mind my own business. If a kid is hitting my kids, then would tell them to chill out. but I would never lay a hand on another kid.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
Kids just for the most part get bored.....they hate shopping...they hate being confined in strollers, carts etc....But as a parent if you have a small child unfortunately 9 out of 10 times you have to take them with you....There are not many of us with nanny's that we can leave the kids with while we run errands....So kids have to endure the tag along and parents have to endure the fussiness...Do we like it No...but they do get older and it does get a lot better because they learn there are consequences for bad behavior. When they are little the more you give into the behavior and the more you tell them stop the more they act's kind of ignore the fussiness for awhile and it normally stops...if you give into it everytime they know this is a way of getting what they want...Kids are very smart little beings..I have lightly smacked my sons hand in the store for touching things before when he was little and you would have thought I hit him with a brick the way he is so crazy but they know what to do to get the attention they desire

This is so true Tish. Unfortunately for me I don't have any family that is local. My Husband has a few local relatives but they all work themselves & are usually busy when they aren't working. So I have no choice but to take my daughter pretty much everywhere with me. Trust me, I would love to leave her home when I do my shopping & other errands. It would be soooo much easier!

Another good point you brought up is sometimes we have to ignore their whining or tantrum because we have to enforce that bad behavior isn't going to get attention. That's another reason strangers need to leave other people's kids alone, because if I am ignoring her bad behavior & then some stranger tries talking to her about it. They are giving her attention & contradicting what I am trying to teach.

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