Man slaps stanger's child.....


Well-known member
^^^I could not agree with you or Tish more on this point. Ignoring some of the whiny behavior and not feeding into it is crucial in teaching your child that every demand will not/should not be instantly gratified. There is a method to our madness! It does not make me a bad parent or an absent parent. However it does qualify me as a parent with a plan for raising my toddler with some consistent truths. He is always loved, whining will get you nowhere fast buddy and the world is not always fair. But these truths will not always be evident on my exasperated face ,especially to the every day stranger, the one day that I am at Target and my son decides to pull a fast one on me!


Well-known member
this just proves that tish is a good mum, she knows what to do with her kids to handle the situation (how much to ignore and when to address the problem), but sometimes, i feel so sorry for some mums, cos its like they haven't got a clue what to do. I feel sorry for the kid sometimes, when the mum is shouting and screaming at it, but you cant judge cos you only get to see like a snap shot of what's happened that day. The kid might have been acting out all day, and the mum has finally had enough, no one knows what is really happening, that's why i think its not our business to say much about kids or the way their parents handle them, cos we dont see the whole picture.

but i HATE it when i see a parent that just doesnt care. its like sometimes on the bus i see mothers out with their child in a pram, they're talking on the phone ignoring their child, swearing at their children, their child is acting up, but you think, what hope does this child have with a mother like that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banana1234
this just proves that tish is a good mum, she knows what to do with her kids to handle the situation (how much to ignore and when to address the problem), but sometimes, i feel so sorry for some mums, cos its like they haven't got a clue what to do. I feel sorry for the kid sometimes, when the mum is shouting and screaming at it, but you cant judge cos you only get to see like a snap shot of what's happened that day. The kid might have been acting out all day, and the mum has finally had enough, no one knows what is really happening, that's why i think its not our business to say much about kids or the way their parents handle them, cos we dont see the whole picture.

Exactly! Just the other day I was walking across a parking lot into a store & I was really scolding my daughter because she was just a nightmare all day & I didn't know how much more I could take. Well, I notice this lady out of the corner of my eye who was also walking into the same store & she is just staring at me the whole time giving me a dirty look like I am the worst Mother in the world. I ignored her, but I felt like telling her to mind her business & save her dirty looks for someone else because she doesn't know me, my child or the situation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
I have a 2 year old and that SoB would have pulled back a stump if he had hit my kid, no ifs, buts or ands

Girl, you KNOW they'd have need a clean up in the freezer aisle by the time I finished stabbing that mofo to death.

Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Strangers shouldn't lay hands on other peoples children. EVER. People shouldn't scold children that aren't theirs either.


Some parents need to learn how to be parents, and control their children, Because I don't enjoy having my toes stepped on or children ramming into me while I am trying to get my daily errands done.

While I agree with your post entirely, I don't know that the bolded part necessarily relates to THIS story, if you KWIM (and I don't know if you are directing it at this story or just adding it as an extra thought). I feel like a lot of people forget that a 2 year old is still a baby and 2 year olds cry. It doesn't necessarily reflect bad parenting when a 2 year old is crying inconsolably in Walmart or any other place. I feel like a lot of people immediately assume she must have been having some kind of bratty tantrum and the mom didn't care when the stories only say the poor girl was crying.

What I realllly don't get about this guy is why, if the kid's crying bothered him SO much, he followed them to another section of the store to beat a defenseless baby. What a douche.


Well-known member
Know what this thread reminds me of, a friend was telling me about one of her workmates who recently became the guardian of her 3 year old nephew who lost both his parents, she took him to Disney and he had a major break down and someone told her what a horrible parent she was, this is the behaviour most idiots would want to slap the child for, but the kid is unable to express his emotions with words, so he freaked.
Ignorant people and yes I'll stand by that because you have to be lacking all mental faculties to slap a toddler, who would think that hitting this child is the right thing to do deserve to be left to rot in jail, you are looking at a snap shot of his life a few minutes, wth gives you the right to touch that baby.

As a parent when I hear childless people talk about how strangers can put their hands on their not yet thought about kids I think "how ridiculous!" when you look at that frail innocent babe you will think "I'll protect you with my life!" and if anyone hits your child you'll go for blood, not shake their hand, and if you do let a random strange slap your child, you don't deserve to have a child!